
Book Talk Review

-Title of the Book:______________________________________________


-List and describe two main characters from the book (Name and one COMPLETE sentence describing WHY they are important to the story/ what they do that affects the PROBLEM!)



-Describe the setting(time and place) in the book. (2 COMPLETE sentences)

-In a paragraph describe the plot/conflict from the book.(What is the big problem the main character(s) has to solve?) Write at LEAST 5 sentences- tell the problem/conflict, and list at least TWO important events in the book.

-Describe the solution to the conflict in this story. If it was NOT solved, describe what happened at the end. Why wasn’t the problem solved? (at least two complete sentences.)

-Name one thing from the book that you would change or would have made different.

-Compare and contrast this book to another book or movie/TV show you have read or seen in the past. (Two ways it was similar, Two ways it was different!)

Rate the book on a scale of one to five. (One being the WORST book you have ever read, five being the BEST thing you have ever read.) In TWO complete sentences, explain why you gave the book such a rating.