Enlightened by our Catholic Faith,Enriched through Education,Empowered with the Light of Christ.
Advent Service Project
We are collecting travel size toiletries for the homeless. We will have stockings at school to fill up to take to the homeless shelter. We are looking for deodorants, hand sanitizers, shampoos, conditioners, soaps, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc.Thanks you for your help!!
The colder weather is upon us. This is a friendly reminder that all students need to have a jacket, hats, and mittens at school. We will go outside everyday unless it is below zero. There have been a lot of cold hands this week, so please make sure your child has these items. When it begins to snow, all students are expected to have boots and snowpants, also.Thank you!
It is that time of year that we are seeing an increase in illnesses. We want to send a friendly reminder that students need to be fever free (99.5 or below) for at least 24 hours without medication. Students who are vomiting or have diarrhea also need to stay home for 24 hours after their last episode. Thank you for keeping us all healthy!
Scrip News
Grand Central Station can now be used at all Shell Stations in Wisconsin and Michigan. This is a great percentage at 10%, so 5% comes back to your tuition.
Fish Fry Gift Certificates
It won't be long and it will be time for the World Famous Fish Fries!! If you are wondering what to get that hard to buy for person, a fish fry gift certificate would be a great option. We have them in the school office and they are being soldbefore and after weekend Masses.
Labels For Education
The Labels for Education is coming to an official close at the end of this 2017 year. Please turn in any labels you have byThursday, December 21. They need to have the official Labels for Education logo on it, along with the UPC code. They stopped printing labels with that logo over 1 year ago, so new ones will not qualify. If you have any questions, please contact Celia McKee r 460-6430.
Choir Alumni
In your folder today is information from Mrs. Klemp inviting any former choir members back to sing at the Christmas program.
8th - Mass8:15am(Holy Day)
15th - Mass8:15am
20th - Mass8:15am
21st - Christmas Concert9:30am and 6pm
22nd -January 1st- No School - Christmas Break!!
Mrs. Cowart