Senior Vocabulary 8.1

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

advent assiduous condescend crescendo exigency

Context passage:

School had been underway for months. Things had become routine when the advent of a new student shook things up. He arrived ready to stare down any challenge, carry himself with arrogance, and condescend toward those who might mistreat him. In short, he seemed like a real jerk. Everyone seemed to try to avoid Samuel until the day of the fateful exigency. It happened during lunch when the homecoming queen, Tamara began choking on a breadstick. Her friends looked on in shock as she gasped for breath. Samuel, however, leapt into action and promptly saved her with an expertly administered Heimlich maneuver. Since then, a crescendo of positive attention has made Samuel one of the best liked kids at school. It turns out he was nervous in his new environment and as befit his assiduous nature, he overcompensated.


Use the context clues in the passage above to complete the sentences below with the correct word.

1. Andrew led the band from a soft sound into a loud .

2. A truly powerful person doesn’t need to toward others. In fact a person’s power should come from the fact that all are treated equitably.

3. Her attitude and consistent effort made her a great candidate for the scholarship.

4. In preparation for any , schools have lock down, fire and tornado drills.

5. The of the New Year is full of earnest resolutions.

Matching: Match each word with the best definition.

_____ 1. advent a. to act superior toward others; to act as if you’re better than others

_____ 2. assiduous b. grow in volume or intensity

_____ 3. condescend c. emergency

_____ 4. crescendo d. hardworking; constant in effort

_____ 5. exigency e. an arrival; the coming of someone/something

Senior Vocabulary 8.2

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

hyperbole recrimination vacuous ponderous malaise

Context passage:

Haven’t we heard enough about Brittney Spears? The newspapers continue to generate stories based on hyperbole and hearsay. They tap into any hint of rivalry and generate anger by creating situations of blame with headlines like, “Recrimination: Brittney fights back.” These stories are so ridiculous that rather than allowing ponderous thought on the issue of celebrity, readers are left with vacuous news items. It’s no wonder that the general public is in a state of malaise. With so much useless information bombarding us, we’re bound to feel ill.


Use the context clues in the passage above to complete the sentences below with the correct word.

1. He stared off in space in a state of stupor.

2. The idea that Sir Gawain was fluorescent green is a good example of .

3. Individuals forced to live in refugee camps often receive basic food and medical, but they often complain of general .

4. You may have blamed me for losing the directions, but it’s justified to blame you for being too stupid to stop and ask for directions.

5. The long lecture left us feeling rather than inspired.


Match each word with the best definition.

_____ 1. hyperbole a. mindless

_____ 2. recrimination b. exaggeration

_____ 3. vacuous c. discomfort or dissatisfaction

_____ 4. ponderous d. to blame in response to blame

_____ 5. malaise e. tiresome and weighty

Senior Vocabulary 8.3

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

prudent anomaly innocuous propagate milieu

Context passage:

I’m not sure what it is about brothers. They appear innocuous enough with their wide laughs and brotherly support, but they are surprisingly crafty and troublesome. Brothers have the ability to transform any nice, normal milieu into a war zone, or gruesome scene within seconds. While it would seem an anomaly to find animals in most situations, a brother can produce frogs, mice, worms, and even slugs almost on demand. A brother’s ability to propagate mischief must be inherent because certainly no one offers instruction in such strange behavior. Therefore, it falls to sisters to be the prudent ones who must watch over such crazy actions.


Use the context clues in the passage above to complete the sentences below with the correct word.

1. The cereal is produced identically each time, but batch 47 experienced an and as a result the cereal was cooked longer than usual.

2. The typical for a ghost story is a cemetery.

3. Kudzu seemed like a nice plant when it was first introduced, but it has proven to be quite a menace.

4. It is to be applying to colleges now as the deadlines are often in November.

5. The new hybrid apple trees are smaller, but they more apples.


Match each word with the best definition.

_____ 1. prudent a. multiply, spread

_____ 2. anomaly b. setting

_____ 3. innocuous c. wise, cautious

_____ 4. propagate d. harmless, innocent

_____ 5. milieu e. abnormality

Senior Vocabulary 8.4

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

incumbent arbiter alleviate condone paltry

Context passage:

Elections are tricky business. There is usually a home court advantage offered to any incumbents running, but if public support is down, it can also be a liability. Voters are therefore put in the important position of being the arbiters of who should govern. If voters put shady characters into office, it says that the people condone their shady actions. But if voters deny victory to candidates over paltry issues, it says that the people are focusing on irrelevant details. The only true way to alleviate the difficult job of voters is if voters are really in tune with what they believe and if they research the best candidate to represent their own beliefs. After all, Democracy is supposed to be about the will of the people, not the spin of issues or seniority.


Use the context clues in the passage above to complete the sentences below with the correct word.

1. She was given a numbing cortisone shot to help the pain.

2. Though she was in the musical on Broadway, her part was so that we never did see her on stage.

3. When you witness something wrong and don’t say or do anything about it, it’s as if you are it.

4. The of the case declared a mistrial as the evidence had been altered.

5. It is upon political candidates to fulfill their campaign promises.


Match each word with the best definition.

_____ 1. incumbent a. a judge

_____ 2. arbiter b. approve, excuse

_____ 3. alleviate c. moral requirement (adj.) / candidate running for own office (n.)

_____ 4. condone d. make easier

_____ 5. paltry e. insignificant