Oncologic Surgery and Breast Reconstruction
16-19 Sept. 2015 Krakow,
in partnership with ESS and ESSO
Honorary Patronage – Rector of the Jagiellonian University,
prof.Wojciech Nowak
16th Sept.2015 (Wednesday)
University Breast Center in Krakow, Outpatient Clinic for Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment.
40 KopernikaSt., 31-501 Krakow
Breast Cancer Workshop: Invasive diagnostics of breast diseases (mammotomebiopsy)
- 20attendants
17th –18th Sept.2015 (Thursday – Friday)
IstChair of General, Oncological and Gastrointestinal Surgery, Jagiellonian University Medical College
40 Kopernika St., 31-501 Krakow
Breast Cancer Workshop: Breast oncoplastic and reconstructive surgery.
- 15attendants
19th Sept. 2015 (Saturday)
Conference Center Faculty of Medicine Jagiellonian University Medical College
16 Św. Łazarza St., 31-530 Krakow
Scientific Conference
„Living with Breast Cancer and Experiencing Womanhood –Modern challenges in the treatment of women with breast cancer”
80 attendants
Session I :Saturday, 09.00-10.30
Preserving fertility in young women with breast cancer.
- The impact of systemic therapy on fertility in young women.
dr Joanna Streb (University BreastCancer Center – Krakow, Poland)
- The use of currently available techniques for fertility preservation in cancer patients.
dr Wojciech Kolawa („Macierzyństwo” Center – Kraków, Poland)
- Integrated program for fertility preservationin cancer patients – FertiPROTEKT.
prof. Dominik Denschlag (Department of Gynecology and Fertlity, Bad Homburg, Germany)
- Pregnant woman with breast cancer – patient of special care for oncologist, obstetrician, and neonatologist.
drSileny Han (University of Louven, Belgium)
Session II : Saturday, 11.00-13.30
Current methods of treatment for breast cancer.
- The evolution of breast reconstruction methods – 18-year experience in private practice.
drGrzegorzTurowski (Breast cancer Treatment Center in Chicago – Chicago, USA)
- Microsurgery in breastreconstruction.
dr Jerzy Jankau (Clinic of Plastic Surgery, Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland)
- Lipofilling in breastreconstruction. The use of loco-regional skin flaps in breast conserving surgery.
drAdriejiZhygulin (Department of Oncologic Surgery, Lissod Hospital – Kijev, Ukraine).
- The use of biologic and synthetic mesh in breast reconstruction.
dr hab. med. AgnieszkaKołacińska (Medical University of Lodz, Poland)
- Categories of oncoplastic breast operations.
dr Marek Budner (Breast Cancer Treatment Center – Bad Saarow, Germany).
- Breast symmetrization after breast conserving and reconstructive operations.
dr Tomasz Graja (Breast Unit, Leicester, UK)
- Breast radiation techniques after breast reconstructive surgery.
drKrzysztof Małecki (University BreastCancer Center – Krakow, Poland)
Open debate on the role of the integrated breast cancer treatment centers in the world.