ADVANTAGE:SOLIDARITY- Request Clan Aid without Prestation.
DISADVANTAGE:RAGE - Gain negative Mental Trait: Violent
CELERITYThe Discipline of Speed
Alacrity - If you are aware of a threat, you may pre-empt the action before it occurs
Cost: 1 Blood Trait
Contested by: Celerity
Age Traits: Burn one to counter
a surprise attack.
Swiftness - Move with astonishing swiftness. Travel time is cut to 1/2. May initiate second attack where the opponent can only defend.
Cost: 1 Blood Trait
Contested by: Celerity
Age Traits: Use as Attribute
Rapidity - Mind Numbing Speed. Travel time is cut to 1/4. May initiate two additional attacks where the opponent can only defend.
Cost: 1 Blood Trait
Contested by: Celerity
Age Traits: Use as Attribute
Fleetness -Your speed defies logic. Travel time is cut to 1/8. Initiate three additional attacks where the opponent can only defend.
Cost: 1 Blood Trait
Contested by: Celerity
Age Traits: Use as Attribute. / POTENCE
The Discipline of Strength
Prowess - Recover all Physical Traits related to Brute Strength.
Cost: 1 Blood Trait
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: Burn to recover a
Physical Trait NOT related
to Brute Strength
Might - If you lose a challenge concerning brute strength, you may call for an immediate retest. You do not need to re-bid.
Cost: N/A
Contested by: Potence
Age Traits: N/A
Vigor - You are superhuman. Gain the use of the BOMB in Rock-Paper-Scissors, which beats both Rock and Paper in any challenge dealing with brute strength. You must announce that you can do this before the contest begins.
Cost: N/A
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: N/A
Puissance - More powerful than a locomotive, able to bend steel in your bare hands. You inflict an additional wound and win all ties
Cost: N/A
Contested by: Puissance
Age Traits: N/A / PRESENCE
The Discipline of Charisma
Dread Gaze - Project fear and terror into a victim. For the next hour, he must actively avoid you. An extra trait must be bid if the victim is forced into a challenge against you.
Cost: N/A
Contested by: Social Challenge
Age Traits: Burn to double the duration or force the victim to relent ONCE in any challenge concerning you or your interests.
Entrancement - Project attraction and charisma into a victim. For the next hour, he will support you, unless you act aggressively.
Cost: N/A
Contested by: Social Challenge
Age Traits: Burn to double the duration or force the victim to relent ONCE in any challenge concerning you or your interests.
Summon - You may summon someone known to you from within a forty mile radius. Bid as many social traits as you wish. Each Social Trait bid allows a retest in case the subject wins the Social Challenge or resists the call.
Cost: All Social Traits bid
Contested by: Social Challenge
Age Traits: Burn to double the range, or use as Attributes. When used as Attributes, these Age Traits are not lost.
Majesty - No one within ten paces of you may take offensive actions against you. Willpower may not negate this. This power is always on.
Cost: N/A
Contested by: Social Challenge, once per night only.
Age Traits: Burn to double the range, or use as Attributes.
ADVANTAGE:SOLIDARITY- Request Clan Aid without Prestation.
DISADVANTAGE:RAGE - Gain negative Mental Trait: Violent
CELERITYThe Discipline of Speed
Riding the Dragon’s Tail - Move so fast that you are practically invisible. Travel time is cut to 1/16. May initiate four attacks where the opponent can only defend.
Cost: 1 Blood Trait
Contested by: Celerity
Age Traits: Use as Attribute
Spirit Wind -Your speed makes you practically intangible. Travel time is cut to 1/32. Initiate five additional attacks where the opponent can only defend.
Cost: 1 Blood Trait
Contested by: Celerity
Age Traits: Use as Attribute. / POTENCE
The Discipline of Strength
Flexing the Dragon’s Might - Inflict two additional wound levels and win all ties.
Cost: N/A
Contested by: Puissance or higher
Age Traits: N/A
Titan’s Touch - Inflict three additional wound levels and win all ties
Cost: N/A
Contested by: Puissance or higher
Age Traits: N/A / PRESENCE
The Discipline of Charisma
Tender the Heart’s Desire - The ultimate expression of Dread Gaze and Entrancement, this discipline can cause a person to worship you as if Blood Bonded, fly into Rage at anyone around her, or lapse into a Frenzy. Only one condition may be invoked at a time, and the effects last for approximately one hour.
Cost: 1 Social Trait
Contested by: Social Challenge
Age Traits: Use as Attributes
Still the Beating Heart - This discipline removes emotions. You may either remove all emotions in one person for a night, or permanently severe the ties between two people.
Cost: 1 Social Trait per person
Contested by: Social Challenge
Age Traits: Use as Attribute.
Heart of the City - At this level, you can affect the emotions of an entire city (a 40 mile radius). Only one emotion may be affected at one time, but no radical changes may be performed. Subtle changes from one emotion to another can be performed over time.
Cost: 1 permanent Social Trait
Contested by: Social Challenge
Age Traits: Burn to double the range
Dreams of the City - With this discipline, you can influence the dreams of a city (a 40 mile radius) , inserting symbols, feeling, themes, or even nightmares.
Cost: 1 permanent Social Trait
Contested by: Social Challenge
Age Traits: Burn to double the range
ADVANTAGE:NOMADIC- Presentation not required in cities
DISADVANTAGE:BESTIAL - When a Gangrel Frenzies, she gains animalistic features & the Negative Social Trait: Bestial or Repugnant.
ANIMALISMThe Discipline of Nature
Feral Speech - You can communicate with animals, asking questions and requesting favors from them.
Cost: N/A
Contested by: Social Challenge
Age Traits: Burn to automatically win Social Challenge.
The Beckoning - Summon local animals to your aid. As a side effect, this can be used to summon a Kindred’s Beast, forcing the target into a frenzy.
Cost: 1 Blood Traits per animal (or pack if small sized), 1-5 Traits for activating a frenzy (the fewer the Beast Traits, the harder it is to invoke frenzy: If the target has 1 Beast Trait, it costs 5 Blood. 5 Beast Traits cost 1 Blood)
Contested by: For animals, Social Challenge vs Narrator. For Kindred, treat as a normal Frenzy.
Age Traits: Burn to double the number of animals.
Song of Serenity - Stop a frenzy or, if the victim is not in frenzy, force the negative traits Submissive x2 and zero Willpower Traits for the evening..
Cost: N/A
Contested by: Social Challenge
Age Traits: Use as Attributes
Ride the Wild Mind - You can possess an animal by staring into its eyes. The user’s original body becomes inert.
Cost: N/A
Contested by: Mental Challenge
Age Traits: N/A
Embrace the Beast - Allow the Beast to gain full control and for the user to enter a barely controllable frenzy. Gain the traits: ferocious x2, brawny, robust, relentless, quick,bestial x5, Tactless x2 You also regenerate 1 Level per round as long as you are touching the ground.
Cost: 1 Mental Trait
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: Use as Attribute. / FORTITUDE
The Discipline of Endurance
Endurance - Ignore the side effects of Wounds (except Torpor or Death). This discipline is always on.
Cost: N/A
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: Burn to regain all Physical Traits dealing with endurance or toughness
Mettle - Gain an extra wound level of “Healthy” to reflect your unnatural constitution.
Cost: N/A
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: N/A
Resilience - At this point, you become very difficult to kill. Once per wound, you may spend an appropriate Physical Trait and win a Simple Test to change an aggravated wound to a normal one.
Cost: 1 “endurance style” Physical Trait
Contested by: Simple Test vs. Narrator
Age Traits: Use as Attribute
Aegis - With this Discipline, the ability to survive attains monumental levels. If exposed to a lethal situation, the use of this power will allow the player to remain unharmed for five minutes, with the lethal damage being ignored. Of course, if you are still in that situation when the five minutes run out . . .
Cost: 3 permanent “endurance style” Physical Traits or one Willpower Trait.
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: N/A / PROTEAN
The Discipline of Change
Wolf Claws - Grow long, sharp talons. This causes aggravated damage.
Cost: N/A
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: N/A
Earth Meld - You can meld into untainted soil. If in combat, you must relent the challenge and will sink in next turn. You can not move while in the Earth.
Cost: 1 Blood Trait to meld in
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: Burn to feed under the Earth (on earthworms, insects, etc.) or to move 10 feet for every Willpower Trait you burn.
Shadow of the Beast - You may transform into an animal (usually a bat or a wolf) This Discipline only alters your body, not your clothes or equipment.
BAT: Quick x3, see in darkness. Can use flight. Usually only ranged attacks can affect you. Any exposure to light causes 1 normal wound level.
WOLF: Gain Ferocious, Tenacious, Cunning, you can communicate with wolves.
Cost: 1 Blood Trait (takes 10 seconds to Transform) or 3 Blood Traits (Instantaneous)
Contested by: N\A
Age Traits: N/A
Form of Mist - As a cloud of mist, you are intangible and immune to non-aggravated damage. Movement is slowed and other Disciplines or physical abilities may not be used while in this state.
Cost: 1 Blood Trait (and 10 minutes)
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: Burn to use a non-physical Discipline or Aegis.
ADVANTAGE:NOMADIC- Presentation not required in cities
DISADVANTAGE:BESTIAL - When a Gangrel Frenzies, she gains animalistic features & the Negative Social Trait: Bestial or Repugnant.
ANIMALISMThe Discipline of Nature
Casting out the Beast - With this power, the Beastial side of the Vampire may be transferred to another person. The Vampire can then safely wait until the victim rides out the Frenzy. The Vampire then must reclaim his Beast. If the victim escapes before the Kindred can reclaim it, the Kindred will slowly become lethargic and slip into torpor. Only the death of the victim (thus releasing the Beast) and the blood of someone three generations or lower will revive the vampire.
Cost: 1 Willpower Trait & the Vampire must be close to Frenzying.
Contested by: Social Challenge
Age Traits: Use as Attributes
Flesh Bond -You may physically merge your form with an animal or pack of animals, either carrying the animals inside you (instant ghouls) or being “carried” by one of them (with the resulting immunity to sunlight)
Cost: 1 Blood Trait
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: N/A
Army of Beasts - All animals within a city block is summoned to the user’s aid. In addition, the user’s senses merge with all of the animals, controlling them as easily as if they were her own body
Cost: 1 Mental trait
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: Burn to double the range / FORTITUDE
The Discipline of Endurance
Mythic Aegis - Essentially a more powerful form of the Aegis, this increases the “safety zone to fifteen minutes, with the lethal damage being ignored.
Cost: 3 permanent “endurance style” Physical Traits or one Willpower Trait.
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: Can be used in place of the Physical Traits.
Freeing the Fleshy Bonds - With this truly mythical power, it is rumored that the Kindred can survive the actual incineration of the flesh. Using this Discipline, the Kindred can recreate their physical form if no more than as many days as they have Willpower has passed. Of course, any Kindred using this power would wake up ravenously hungry . . .
Cost: All Willpower Traits, permanently.
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: Burn to extend the “time limit.” A Simple Test must be performed to see if this worked. / PROTEAN
The Discipline of Change
Flesh of Marble - With skin now as hard as a rock, it is impossible to stake or cut the character. The body, however loses none of its flexibility. The character gains four extra wound levels of “Healthy”
Cost: N/A
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: N/A
Homunculus - This creates a three inch duplicate of the user, identical to her except without Disciplines. Though the homunculus is amenable to her Master’s plans, they usually reflect a warped piece of her Master’s mind, and thus things can easily go astray..
Cost: 1 Blood Trait per hour
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: Burn to determine what warped personality the homunculus entails.
Movement of the Slowed Form - Though incredibly slow, with this power, the character can move even if staked, paralyzed, or in torpor..
Cost: 1 permanent Mental Trait
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: Use as Attribute
Dual Form - With this legendary discipline, the user splits themselves in half. Up to half of all the Methuselah’s traits and powers can be put in this duplicate.
Cost: ½ of the character’s blood pool AND whatever Disciplines, Traits, or Abilities the user puts into the duplicate.
Contested by: N/A
ADVANTAGE:MASTERS OF THEIR ENVIROMENT- The Nosferatu have sole access to everywhere in the city through their sewers.
DISADVANTAGE:HORRIFIC - Nosferatu may not initiate a Social Challenge when their true face is visible (unless to threaten).
ANIMALISMThe Discipline of Nature
Feral Speech - You can communicate with animals, asking questions and requesting favors from them.
Cost: N/A
Contested by: Social Challenge
Age Traits: Burn to automatically win Social Challenge.
The Beckoning - Summon local animals to your aid. As a side effect, this can be used to summon a Kindred’s Beast, forcing the target into a frenzy.
Cost: 1 Blood Traits per animal (or pack if small sized), 1-5 Traits for activating a frenzy (the fewer the Beast Traits, the harder it is to invoke frenzy: If the target has 1 Beast Trait, it costs 5 Blood. 5 Beast Traits cost 1 Blood)
Contested by: For animals, Social Challenge vs Narrator. For Kindred, treat as a normal Frenzy.
Age Traits: Burn to double the number of animals.
Song of Serenity - Stop a frenzy or, if the victim is not in frenzy, force the negative traits Submissive x2 and zero Willpower Traits for the evening..
Cost: N/A
Contested by: Social Challenge
Age Traits: Use as Attributes
Ride the Wild Mind - You can possess an animal by staring into its eyes.The user’s original body becomes inert.
Cost: N/A
Contested by: Mental Challenge
Age Traits: N/A
Embrace the Beast - Allow the Beast to gain full control and for the user to enter a barely controllable frenzy. Gain the traits: ferocious x2, brawny, robust, relentless, quick,bestial x5, Tactless x2 You also regenerate 1 Level per round as long as you are touching the ground.
Cost: 1 Mental Trait
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: Use as Attribute. / OBFUSCATE
The Discipline of Disguise
Unseen Presence - No one notices you, even in a crowd. This is not true Invisibility, and cannot be used if someone knows you are there.
Cost: N/A
Contested by: Heightened Senses, some Merits, followed by a Mental Challenge
Age Traits: Burn a Trait & win a Mental Challenge to disappear in front of someone.
Mask of 1000 Faces - You can change your appearance at will. As with Unseen Presence, this is a mental feat, and not a physical change. You have one “instinctive” disguise. The others must be bought.
Cost: 1 Mental Trait for alternate disguises.
Contested by: Heightened Senses, some Merits, followed by a Mental Challenge
Age Traits: Burn a Trait & win a Mental Challenge to change in front of someone. They will then assume this is your true face.
Cloak the Gathering - Now your Unseen Presence can affect groups.
Cost: 1 Mental Trait per person cloaked
Contested by: Heightened Senses,some Merits, followed by a Mental Challenge If they find one member in the group, that person appears. If they find the user,everyone appears.
Age Traits: Burn & win a Mental Challenge to try and disappear in front of someone.
Soul Mask - This Discipline is the Mask of 1000 Faces for the Soul. Each “Mask” is set at sunset unless you choose to change them later (at additional cost)
Cost: 1 Mental Trait per piece of information altered.
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: Use as Attribute / POTENCE
The Discipline of Strength
Prowess - Recover all Physical Traits related to Brute Strength.
Cost: 1 Blood Trait
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: Burn to recover a
Physical Trait NOT related
to Brute Strength
Might - If you lose a challenge concerning brute strength, you may call for an immediate retest. You do not need to re-bid.
Cost: N/A
Contested by: Potence
Age Traits: N/A
Vigor - You are superhuman. Gain the use of the BOMB in Rock-Paper-Scissors, which beats both Rock and Paper in any challenge dealing with brute strength. You must announce that you can do this before the contest begins.
Cost: N/A
Contested by: N/A
Age Traits: N/A
Puissance - More powerful than a locomotive, able to bend steel in your bare hands. You inflict an additional wound and win all ties
Cost: N/A
Contested by: Puissance
Age Traits: N/A