Mrs. Mcpherson English 1/English 1 Honors Room F108
Classroom Rules and Expectations
Class Expectations:
1.Follow all school rules.
a. These rules are outlined in the student handbook and should be reviewed.
2.Be respectful of yourself, your classmates, and teacher(s).
a. Do not speak when others are speaking.
b. If something does not belong to you, do not touch it or take it.
c. Keep your hand to yourself. Do not touch your neighbors inappropriately.
d. No sleeping in class! You will not be told what you missed.
3.Be prepared for class each day. This includes bringing your binder with all handouts and pencil/pen.
4.Be responsible for all missed work.
a. If you miss school for any reason, whether it be sickness, family emergency, or a school
related activity (band, sports, ROTC, clubs, etc.), it is YOUR responsibility to find out what wasmissed. I will keep a folder with all missed work. It's up to you to ask for it!
  1. You have 5 days to make up any missing assignments/test.
  2. If you turn in an assignment late – the highest grade you will receive is 60% minus any corrections. UNLESS YOU HAVE RECEIVED PRIOR APPROVAL FROM ME.
5. Arrive on time.
a. You must be IN YOUR DESK when the tardy bell rings. I DO NOT CARE how other
teachers account for tardies. In my class, I expect you to be prompt. To me, that means you are
in your seat, working on what I have on the board, and QUIET when the tardy bell rings.
6. Be willing to learn.
a. Try your best and open your mind to what could be a subject in which you find enjoyment.
7. Last but not LEAST, No cell phones will be used in my class unless I give you PERMISSION. If you have a true emergency talk to me in private. Students are allowed to use cell phones in between classes and during their lunch. Please take advantage of this privilege!!
a. First offense for cell phone use during class… parent contact and a warning!
b. Second offense…parent contact and Administrative write up!
A Few More Things......
Do not groom in my class; it's not a bathroom. If I see you combing, brushing, picking, etc. your hair in my class, I will ask you to stop one time. If you refuse, you will be referred to the office for disobeying the teacher. So, just don't do it.
Every student must be seated and quiet before the bell rings. Remember, the bell does not dismiss you, I do.
Trim Pencils before class starts – Only one person at a time is allowed at the pencil sharpener.
Please do your part to keep the classroom clean. If the area around your desk is messy, please tidy it. Until the area is clean, no one will be dismissed.
Cheating will not be tolerated. The first time I catch you cheating, you paper will be immediately discarded and you will receive a zero for that assignment. The second time you are caught, you will be referred to the office.
It is your responsibility to use the 7 minutes between classes for bathroom breaks. Unless you have a doctor’s noteDO NOT ASK!!
Finally, all rules and procedures may be altered as needed at the discretion of the teacher.
Materials Needed:
2” -3 ring binder
1 set of dividers (6)
1 pack of 3x5 index cards
Pencils, Pens (black or blue only), Highlighters
1 box of tissues
Loose leaf paper
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this course, please feel free to contact me at Lumberton Senior High School 910-671-6050
Student Name______
Student Signature ______
Parent Name:______
Parent Signature:______