EMSE 5421 Course Outline FALL 2009


Union, New Jersey

FALL 2009

Advanced Theory and Practice of Teaching

English as a Second Language

Course Number:EMSE 5421

Semester Hours:Three

Prerequisites:EMSE 5420 and English 5105

Limitations on Enrollment:20

Required:For students seeking ESL certification and/or a master’s degree in bilingual education.

Catalog Description

Principles underlying language teaching methodologies, as well as testing and curriculum

design in the English as a Second Language classroom.

N. B. In order to insure full class participation, any student with a disability condition

requiring special accommodations (e.g., tape recorder, special adaptive equipment, special

note taking or test procedures) is strongly encouraged to contact the professor at the

beginning of the course. For the student’s convenience, both the professor’s office hours

and telephone number will be listed on the syllabus.


Union, New Jersey

Advanced Theory and Practice of Teaching English as a Second Language

I. Course Objectives

Students will achieve growth toward becoming informed, dynamic professionals based on the

School of Education NCATE Spectrum Model as evidenced by demonstration of proficiency in Knowledge (k), Skills (s), and Dispositions (d)

At the completion of this course the prospective teacher will:

  1. apply the principles underlying English as a second language teaching

methodologies. (k, s)

  1. describe the latest trends in the teaching of English as

a second language and know how to apply them in actual situations. (k, s)

  1. analyze the principles of language testing. (k, s)

D. explain the techniques for dealing with error in the language classroom. (k, s)

  1. evaluate appropriate ESL programs for limited English proficient students. (k, s, d)
  1. analyze and evaluate the role of cultural pluralism in the ESL classroom setting. (k, s, d)

II. Course Content

  1. Examination and application of ESL teaching methodologies in relation to

theory and appropriateness to student needs

1. Grammar translation

2. Direct method

3. Audio-lingual

4. Cognitive code

  1. Counselor-learning
  1. Examination and application of latest trends in teaching English as a second


1. Silent way

2. Desuggestopedia

3. Communicative Competence

C. Examination and application of language testing

1. Purpose of testing

a. needs assessment

b. placement

c. achievement

d. program planning

2. Special characteristics of foreign language tests

a. essay questions

b. oral examinations

3. Kinds of tests

a. oral interview

b. teacher made test

c. standardized tests

d. criterion referenced

e. text book tests

4. Construction of tests

a. deciding what to test

b. item writing

c. item evaluation

d. validity and reliability

5. Design of tests

a. language considerations

b. cultural consideration

c. mechanical aspects of testing

6. Analysis of Results

D. Analysis of errors in the ESL classroom

1. Contrastive analysis

2. Inter-language

3. Error analysis

4. Techniques for dealing with errors in the classroom

E. Prescribing an ESL program

1. Long-range planning

2. Short-term planning

3. Planning for individual needs

4. Planning for the integration of ESL into the total school mainstream

5. Planning for ESL in the bilingual/multicultural program

  1. Planning for ESL when bilingual/multicultural education is not feasible

F. Cultural pluralism and the ESL instructional setting

1. Integrating the various histories and cultures of LEP students into

the ESL curriculum

2. Understanding and appreciation of differing backgrounds

  1. Developing cooperation and resolving conflicts

III.Methods of Instruction

A. Lectures

B. Class discussions

C. Demonstrations and modeling

D. Simulation experiences

IV.Methods of Evaluation

A. Written Exams (k, s)

  1. Lesson/unit plans (k, s, v) according to the NJCCS and ESL Standards

C. Class participation (k, s, v)

D. Term papers and report (k, s, v)

V. Suggested Text(s)

Peregoy, S. and Boyle, O. (2008). Reading, Writing and Learning in ESL. New York:Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

VI. Bibliography


Allyn & Bacon Resources for Teaching English Learners, The Crosscultural, Language, and Academic development Handbook, A complete K-12 Reference Guide, 4th Edition ©2010

Chitester, Deborah Educator and Parental Resource Guide: Unlocking TheEnigma of the Second Language Learner. © 2007

Echevarria, Jana & Graves, Anne. Sheltered Content Instruction, Teaching English Language Learners with Diverse Abilities. Third Edition ©2007

Freeman, Y. & Freeman, D. Academic Language for English Language Learners andStrugglingReaders. © 2008.

Freeman, Y., Freeman, D., & Ramirez, R. Diverse Learners in the Mainstream Classroom ©2008

Peregoy, Suzanne F. & Boyle, Owen F. Reading, Writing, And Learning in ESL, AResource Book

for K-12 Teachers. Fourth Edition ©2005

Ovando, Carlos J., Collier, Virginia P., and Combs, Mary Carol. Bilingual and ESLClassrooms: Teaching in Multicultural Contexts. Third Edition

Seminal Works

Baker, Colin (2001). Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. New York:

Multilingual Matters Ltd.

Briggs, D. (1998). A Class of Their Own. Bergin and Garvey, CT.

Brodie, Welch, L. Cleckley, B. J. & McClure, M. (1997). Strategies for Promoting

Pluralism in Education and the Workplace. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.

Burt, M. (1997). Workplace WSL Instruction. Adjunct ERIC Clearinghouse for ESL

Literacy Education. NCBE. Washington, D.C.

Canedy, D. (2001). Often Conflicted, Hispanic Girls Drop Out at High Rate. The Fresno

Bee, 25 March, A3.

Cooper, D. (1999). Soar to Success. Boston:Houghton Mifflin.

Dietrich, L. C. (1998). Chicana Adolescents. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.

Dillon, R. (1997). Handbook on Testing. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Fleishman, A. (1998). The Condition of English. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Freeman Y., & Freeman, D. (2002). Closing the Achievement Gap. Portsmouth, NH:Heinemann.

Garcia, Eugene. (2002). Student Cultural Diversity. Understanding and Meeting the Challenge. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Green, C. F. (1997). Developing Discussion Skills In the ESL Classroom. English

Language Teaching Journa,l v. 51, n.2, p. 135-143.

Kutzer, D. (1996). Writers of Multicultural Fiction for Young Adults.

Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Itskoff, S. (1996) Children Learning To Read. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.

Jimenez, R.T., Garcia, G.E., & Pearson, P.D. (1996). The Reading Strategies of Bilingual

Latina/o Students Who are Successful English Readers: Opportunities

and Obstacles. Reading Research Quarterly, v. 31, n.1, p. 90-108.

Kennedy, M. (1998). Theorizing Composition. A Critical Sourcebook of Theory and

Scholarship in Contemporary Studies. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Leu, S. (1997). The Dilemmas of English As A Second Language: Children Learning in

an All English Mainstream Classroom. Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Research Association.Chicago, IL.

Murphy, C. (1996). Writing Centers: An Annotated Bibliography. Westport,

CT: Greenwood Press.

Ruzicka, T. & Weckmueller, B. (1997). Students Records Management. Westport, CT:

Greenwood Press.

Schleppegrell, M. (1997). Problem-Posing in Teacher Education. TESOL Journal, v.6, n.

3, p. 8-12.

Speck, B.W. (1998). Grading Student Writing. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Tchudi, Susan, Heidi Estrem, and Patti Anne Hanlon (1997). Unsettling Drafts: Helping

Students See New Possibilities in Their Writing. English Journal 86 (6). p. 27-33.

Worthen, S. (1997). The Organization of House and Activities Among Latinos. Paper

Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Research Association.Chicago, IL.



VHS 1677BThinking Curriculum

VHS-639Valuing Diversity

M2-633What About Reading Systems

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Websites for Bilingual Teachers

Bilingual Education/ESL Links

Bilingual Education Resources on the Net

Everything ESL Net

La Clase Bilingüe

Parent Resources

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Websites and Resources for Teachers (Lesson Plans)

Bilingual Books for Kids/Multilingual Books and Tapes