Advanced Placement English 12
Syllabus, 2016-17
In Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition, we will analyze, discuss, and write about primarily British literature to prepare for the AP test in May. Students who do not take the AP test will be required to take the final exam; students who take the AP test have the option of taking the final exam. This course is roughly the equivalent of a sophomore-level collegeEnglish course and will be taught as such. Below is a list of some of the major literary works we’ll be studying (more as time allows). We’ll be studying poetry, vocabulary, grammar, and writing throughout the year, and we will have Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) time as well.
First QuarterThird Quarter
Canterbury TalesWuthering Heights
Sir Gawain and the Green KnightA Tale of Two Cities
Renaissance poetry
Second QuarterFourth Quarter
Poetry Out LoudThe Awakening
HamletThe Importance of Being Earnest
Romantic poetryresearch paper
short stories
Class Materials
3 ring binder or folder in which to keep notes, handouts, and returned work
Looseleaf paper
Composition book or spiral notebook (this will remain in the classroom)
Pens and pencils
Book of your choice for SSR
Flashdrive (one for all of your classes is fine)
Class Rules
- Come to class prepared, with materials and ready to learn.
- Be on time.
- Treat your classmates and teacher with respect.
- No food, please.
Academic Integrity
I expect you to do your own work at all times, on small and large assignments. No form of cheating will be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, copying someone’s answers on homework, in-class assignments, quizzes, or tests; or plagiarizing papers. Students who cheat will receive a zero on the assignment, a call home, a discipline referral, and a day of ISS. (See pages 28-30 of your student handbook for the Honor Code).
Late Work
Homework is assigned to prepare you for the next day’s classwork, and therefore needs to be done on time. An example is answering questions about a reading passage that we will discuss in the next class. These kinds of assignments will not be accepted late. Some assignments you will have three or four days to complete, and they will not be accepted after the final day. An example is vocabulary sentences: you’ll get the words on Monday or Tuesday and have until Friday to write your sentences. Major assignments(papers, book reports, and research projects, for example) lose one letter grade each day they are late, and will not be accepted after four days.
I hope you all have a great year. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at , 939-9004 (school), or 295-5680 (home--please call before 10 pm).
Miss Jennifer Bates