essential UNIT 3 (e03)

(Polynomials Complex Numbers (3.2-3.6))

(July 2013)

Unit Statement: In this unit the student will study polynomial functions including their shape, end behavior and critical values. The students will learn how to find all real and complex roots of a polynomial function, which will lead into a study of operations with complex numbers.

Essential Outcomes:(must be assessed for mastery)

  1. The Student Will determine the end behavior of a polynomial function by looking at the function’s leading degree and leading coefficient [3.2, pp. 232]
  1. TSWgraph a polynomial function by:
  1. Identifying all zeros by factoring
  2. Using multiplicity of factors to determine the function’s behavior at each zero
  3. Utilize knowledge of end behavior [3.2, pp. 232]
  1. TSWdetermine the maximum number of extrema possible for a given polynomial based on it’s degree and use a GDC to find the specific value of extrema. [3.2, pp. 232]
  1. TSW use long division on polynomials and write the dividend as the product of its divisor and quotient plus remainder (P(x)=D(x)Q(x)+R(x)). [3.3, pp.246]
  1. TSWuse synthetic division and The Remainder Theorem to evaluate a function at a point. [3.3, pp. 246]
  1. TSW find all zeros of a polynomial by using synthetic division and The Factor Theorem. [3.3, pp. 246]
  1. TSWusesynthetic division and The Rational Zeros test to find all zeros of a polynomial. [3.4, pp. 253]
  1. TSW perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on complex numbers [3.5, pp. 264]
  1. TSW find complex solutions to quadratics and recognize complex solutions come in pairs called complex conjugates [3.5, pp. 264]
  1. TSW find all real and complex zeros of a polynomial using the Zeros Theorem and the Conjugate Zeros Theorem. [3.6, pp. 269]
  1. TSW write a polynomial as a product of its linear and quadratic factors following from The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. [3.6, pp.269]
  1. TSW engage in one or more interactive activities or projects that requires inquiry, analysis, application and/or interpretation of unit objectives (TSWs).

Introduced and Practiced Outcomes:

  1. The Student Willapply the Intermediate Value Theorem. [3.2, pp. 232]
  1. TSW utilize Descartes’ Rule of Sign to determine the maximum number of possible positive and negative real zeros of a polynomial. [3.4, pp. 253]
  1. TSW utilize the Upper and Lower Bounds Theorem to determine the upper and lower bounds for all possible zeros of a polynomial. [3.4, pp. 253]

Suggested Assessment Tools and Strategies:

  • Attached Rubric or teacher generated rubric that assesses ALL essential outcomes (TSWs)
  • Warm up practice (Formative Assessment)
  • Group quizzes to practice TSW’s (Formative Assessment)
  • Unit assessments (Interim Assessment)
  • *TSW 12: Projects/Group Work (Interim and/or Summative Assessment)
  • Focus on Modeling: Fitting Polynomial Curves to Data
  • Discovery Project: Zeroing in on a Zero
  • Group Work 1: Section 3.2: The Waste Free Box (Found in Instructor’s Guide.)
  • Group Work 2: Section 3.2: My Mother’s Gifts (Found in Instructor’s Guide.)
  • Group Work 1: Section 3.4: Supply and Demand (Found in Instructor’s Guide.)

Suggested Resources:

(See Course Outcomes for more detailed descriptions.)

  • Geogebra graphing software
  • Free to download at
  • TI-Smartview Emulator Software for TI-84 Plus to enable a class display.
  • Purchasable at
  • Graphics Display Calculator for every student. Texas Instruments, TI-84 Plus is recommended.
  • Student Solutions Manual
  • Complete Solutions Manual
  • Study Guide
  • Instructor’s Guide
  • Solution Builder


Additional Resources:

These materials will not be provided automatically but schools are encouraged to purchase them when possible.

  • Enhanced WebAssign
  • Text-Specific DVDs
  • PowerLecture with ExamView CD-ROM


Technology Links:



Copyright © 1988-2013



Copyright © 1988-2013


Student Name: ______Date: ______

  • To receive a ‘B’, the student must show ‘B’ level mastery on all essential outcomes (TSWs).
  • The teacher’s discretion on the student’s holistic performance on the unit, including such items as: the above ‘A’ level rubric, the unit project, group work and class discussions will determine ‘A’ level mastery.

TSW / ‘A’* LEVEL / ‘B’ LEVEL / Comments
  1. The Student Will determine the end behavior of a polynomial function by looking at the function’s leading degree and leading coefficient.
/ The Student Will determine the end behavior of a polynomial function by looking at the function’s leading degree and leading coefficient.
  1. TSWgraph a polynomial function by:
  2. Identifying all zeros by factoring
  3. Using multiplicity of factors to determine the function’s behavior at each zero
  4. Utilize knowledge of end behavior
/ TSW compare how altering components of a polynomial function (such as it’s leading coefficient or multiplicity of factors) affects its graph and communicate clear conclusions. / TSW graph a polynomial function by:
  1. Identifying all zeros by factoring
  2. Using multiplicity of factors to determine the function’s behavior at each zero
  3. Utilize knowledge of end behavior
  1. TSW determine the maximum number of extrema possible for a given polynomial based on it’s degree and use a GDC to find the specific value of extrema.
/ TSW assess when a viewing window is inappropriate for a polynomial and clearly justify their reasoning. / TSW determine the maximum number of extrema possible for a given polynomial based on it’s degree and use a GDC to find the specific value of extrema.
  1. TSW use long division on polynomials and write the dividend as the product of its divisor and quotient plus remainder (P(x)=D(x)Q(x)+R(x)).
/ TSW use long division on polynomials and write the dividend as the product of its divisor and quotient plus remainder (P(x)=D(x)Q(x)+R(x)).
  1. TSW use synthetic division and The Remainder Theorem to evaluate a function at a point.
/ TSW use synthetic division and The Remainder Theorem to evaluate a function at a point.
  1. TSW find all zeros of a polynomial by using synthetic division and The Factor Theorem.
/ TSW find all zeros of a polynomial by using synthetic division and The Factor Theorem.
  1. TSWuse synthetic division and The Rational Zeros test to find all zeros of a polynomial.
/ TSW use The Rational Zeros test to list all possible zeros of a polynomial, then utilize trial and error in synthetic division to determine all zeros of a polynomial. After dividing down to a manageable degree, the student may factor to find remaining zeros.
  1. TSW perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on complex numbers
/ TSW perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on complex numbers.
  1. TSW find complex solutions to quadratics and recognize complex solutions come in pairs called complex conjugates.
/ TSW justify why complex conjugates must come in pairs. / TSW find complex solutions to quadratics and recognize complex solutions come in pairs called complex conjugates.
  1. TSW find all real and complex zeros of a polynomial using the Zeros Theorem and the Conjugate Zeros Theorem.
/ TSWcreate a polynomial with real coefficients given one complex root and all real roots. / TSW find all real and complex zeros of a polynomial using the Zeros Theorem and the Conjugate Zeros Theorem
  1. TSW write a polynomial as a product of its linear and quadratic factors.
/ TSW create a polynomial given it’s zeros and their multiplicity. / TSW write a polynomial as a product of its linear and quadratic factors.
  1. TSW engage in one or more interactive activities or projects that requires inquiry, analysis, application and/or interpretation of unit objectives (TSWs).
/ The teacher should assess for mastery with an individualized rubric for the assignment.



Copyright © 1988-2013