Advanced Grant Writing Resource Materials Index

Sample Materials

RFP Scoring Rubric

This sample RFP Rubric is an example of how Requests for Proposals are scored.

AFC Rubric

Administration for Children and Families evaluation criterion rubric.

Caltrans Revised Timeline and Schedule (PDF)

Caltrans Revised Timeline and Schedule (Excel)

A sample Improvement Plan project timeline in PDF and Excel formats.

Sample Project Timeline (Excel)

A sample project timeline in Excel format.

Gantt Chart (PDF)

Gantt Chart (Excel)

A sample Gantt Chart illustrating a project schedule in PDF and Excel formats.

OWP and Logic Model

The sample Objective Work Plan here details goals, objectives, and results expected as well as the criteria for evaluating results for a grant-funded program. The sample logic model serves as the basis for an evaluation plan to measure the effectiveness of grant-funded services.

Logic Mode

A sample Logic Model. It shows linearly how an effort will produce desired results.

Outcome Measure

A sample evaluation matrix. Gives examples of outcome measures.

Information from

Grants gov PowerPoint

The contents of a webinar from It explains what and how to use it.

Developing and Writing a Grant Proposal

Guidelines from on how to develop and write a grant proposal.

Find and Apply with

The contents of a webinar from . It gives an overview of finding, registering and applying for grants on

Information from Various Funders

CFDA.GOV Public User Guide v2.0

Catalog of Domestic Federal Assistance (CDFA) Public User Guide. You can check to make sure this is still most current version of the user guide by checking CFDA web site at

SF-424 (R&R) Application and Electronic Submission Information. This page provides application guides for preparing electronic grant applications using the SF424 (R&R) application forms.

BJA GrantWritingManual

Information from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) on how to find, write and submit BJA grant applications. Visit for updates to this guide.

Clean Water Act

Information on how to obtain federal funds to manage nonpoint source pollution under section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act. Also includes access to upcoming training webcasts.

CWA Evaluation Criterion

A chart of evaluation criterion and information needed for the Clean Water Act

Miscellaneous Resources

Grant Writing Tips

Tips on writing grants from JaneMaxwell,Ph.D.UTCenter for Social Work Research

Commonly Used Grant Definitions

These are definitions of words and concepts common in the world of grant writing.

Additional Resources

A collection of additional resources you may find useful.


A guide to creating smart objectives