The main objective of this course is to continue our art students’ execution in creativity, construction, design, technical skills, and art appreciation.
The first quarter will concentrate of honing the basic skills of drawing, painting, sculpture, and printmaking. Traditional drawn animation, the tools and equipment of traditional animation, including basic animation drawing skills, will be covered in this class.
Students must have completed a semester of Beginning Art with Mrs. Levy-Holm in order to participate in this course. Students may submit a portfolio in lieu of this requirement if their skill set is high enough to warrant a waiver from the pre-requisite.
The second quarter requires each student to write an independent study plan to last the ten week grading period. Each student will select an area of interest in which they are interested. The contract is located on the back of this syllabus and needs to be handed in during 7th week of their first quarter with me. This is a course for independent students. This is a faster paced class compared with our beginning class, where students will be keeping pace with other achievers in the study of art.
The numerical notations are standards aligned:
4- Advanced (90-100% A’s)
3- Proficient (80-89% B’s)
2- Basic (70-79% C’s)
1- Below Basic (60-69% D’s)
0- Far Below Basic (Not passing or F)
Overall, the projects will be assessed on the following:
· Craftsmanship
· Effort
· Following directions
· Successful development of new skill
· Originality
· Application of what has been introduced
· There is no extra credit. There is no homework although students may be asked to bring in small items like plastic bags and newspaper.
· Assignments will not be accepted after two weeks beyond the due date unless there is a pre-arrangement with the teacher prior to the deadline.
Office hours:
I open my classroom by 8 a.m. and the students are welcome to come in to work on missed or incomplete assignments. They need to check in with the front office before coming back to room 409. I am available to meet with students on Tuesdays and Thursday during the lunch period to discuss any issues or provide additional assistance. I’m pretty flexible so just ask!
Parents are always welcome in our classroom and need not call ahead to visit room 409. We ask that you please sign in with our office staff to obtain a visitor’s pass (a policy insuring the safety of our students).
My conference time is period three and you may reach me through our school network at , or you may call the school for an appointment at 284- 3260 ext. 1409. Parent/Student questions regarding assignments can be emailed to the above address.
School Website:
You will be writing a detailed, typewritten description of your proposed study.
This description should be at least 150 words (1 page) long and should include the following:
• A statement of your objectives
• An indication of materials, sizes, and number of completed pieces
• An account of previous course work and other experience which give evidence to your preparation for the project.
Independent study contract: Due Date: Week Seven of the first quarter of the class.
Student name: (please print)
Project choice:
· I understand that I must keep a digital or written record of all learning in my independent study project.
· I also understand that I must meet with my teacher weekly to review my work.
· I understand that my teacher may ask to see my journal or time log at any point in the quarter.
Student signature:
Parent Signature:______date:______
Teacher Signature:______date:______