Enriched Math 3/4

Walton High School

Mathematics Department

TEXTBOOKS:Georgia High School Mathematics 3

McDougal Littell

Precalculus: A Graphing Approach (3rd Edition)

Larson, Hostetler, Edwards

Textbooks will be issued to every student. There is a replacement cost for lost, stolen or damaged textbooks.

CALCULATORS:A TI-83 or 84 graphing calculator is required for this course. A TI-86 & TI-89 cannot be used for this course. Students are expected to bring a calculator to class daily. Teachers DO NOT have calculators to loan. Calculators are available for checkout through the bookroom. There is a replacement cost for lost or damaged calculators. Calculators may not be shared during quizzes and tests. NO EXCEPTIONS!! Calculator memories may be cleared at any time.


CONTENT:The goal of this course is to prepare students for AP Calculus AB. In doing so,

the course topics have been rearranged and re-emphasized so that students will obtain the required skill set. Course topics are from the Math 3 and Math 4 curriculum. Students will receive an Enriched Math 3 credit upon successful completion of this course.


CLASSWORK:Homework/classwork will be assigned and checked at the discretion of the teacher. Appropriate work is expected to accompany answers. Odd numbered problems must be checked and corrected before coming to class.

QUIZZES:Announced as well as unannounced quizzes will be given. There will be no make-up quizzes given. All unexcused absences will result in a zero quiz grade. Other missed quizzes will be replaced with the test grade for that unit. Quizzes will cover lecture notes, classwork, and homework.

TESTS:Tests will be given on Tuesday or Friday when possible. It is the student’s responsibility to retain information and build on previous concepts. A student who misses the day of the test will be expected to take the test the day they return to school. Any missed test, which is not made up before the next test is given, will automatically receive a grade of zero. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange make-up tests with the teacher. See student handbook.

FINAL:A comprehensive final will be given at the end of the semester.

GRADING:Homework/Classwork 10%



Final Exam15%

It is the student’s responsibility to inform his or her parents on grades and progress in the class. It is also left up to the individual student to seek extra help if needed.

Enriched Math 3-4 Teachers for Fall 2010

Name / Room / Email / Extra Help Times
Mary Horner / E198 / / Daily 7:50-8:10sm
Farrah Gamel / E192 / / Tues 3:30-4:00, Th 7:45-8:10

Course Blog: