The below duties can be done by one person or delegated.
(1) Create template for the monthly board meeting for Board of Directors to sign up for the next month’s duties.
(2) Create template each month for use in soliciting and recording guest greeters
(3) Send weekly reminder for Tuesday milongas
(4) Check closet monthly to ensure full stock of food supplies.
(5) Check closet monthly to assess stock of non-perishable food.
(1) Create Monthly Board Duty Template – Bring to Board Meeting
Use the templates below as a foundation for creating the monthly board template.
- Use chat template for Chat months and non-chat templates for non-chat months (chat months are typically Feb, April, June, August, October)
- Templates:
- Insert appropriate Month and Dates
- Insert DJ names – get from public Google calendar DJ TCA
- After board meeting populate template with board member names, convert to a PDF file (for folks that don’t have MS Office) and send out to board.
- After you receive all the guest greeter names, populate them to your word document, convert to a PDF file (for folks that don’t have MS Office) and send out to board.
(2) Create Guest Greeter Template
- Use chat template for Chat months and non-chat templates for non-chat months (chat months are typically Feb, April, June, August, October)
- Templates:
- Insert appropriate Month and Dates
- When designated person gathers all the guest greeters – give sheet to Monthly Board Duty Template Owner
(3) Send Weekly Reminders for Tuesday Milongas Sunday prior to Milonga
- Modify the below word document with appropriate dates and names
- Log into web email
- Username: hospitality (if hospitality does not work - try )
- Password: TanGonauT*2
- Click on Desktop Version (in left hand column)
- Compose a new email (click on pencil icon) – Copy and Paste the Word document (under the line) into the email
- Fill in Cc: with names of members in the document.
- Add treasurer to Cc: line and anyone else who asks to be included.
(4) Check closet monthly to ensure full stock of food supplies.
- Cups
- Plates
- Napkins
- Plastic Silverware
- Quart & Gallon Baggies
- Tablecloths
- Toothpicks
(5) Check closet monthly to assess stock of non-perishable food and buy more if necessary. (cookies, chips, popcorn, pretzels, chocolate items, candy items, energy bars, etc.)