Adult Protective Services System
Executive Sponsor – Bill Belzner and Kathleen Hart
Business Owner – Kathleen Hart
Project Manager – Reuben Villanueva
Original Plan Date: January 15, 2008
Project Management Plan for Adult Protective Services System
Revision History
Preparing the Project Management plan
About This Document
Project Oversight Process Memorandum – DoIT, July 2007
1.0 Project Overview
1.1 Executive Summary- rationale for the Project
1.2 funding and sources
1.3 constraints
1.4 dependencies
1.6 Initial Project Risks Identified
2.0 Project Authority and Organizational Structure
2.1 Stakeholders
2.2 Project Governance Structure
2.2.1 Describe the organizational structure – Org Chart
2.2.2 Describe the role and members of the project steering committee
2.2.3 Organizational Boundaries, interfaces and responsibilities
2.3 Executive Reporting
3.0 Scope
3.1 Project Objectives
3.1.1 Business Objectives
3.1.2 Technical Objectives
3.2 Project exclusions
3.3 Critical Success Factors
4.0 Project Deliverables and methodology
4.1 Project Management Life Cycle
4.1.1 Project Management Deliverables
4.1.2 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations
4.1.3 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure
4.2.1 Technical Strategy
4.2.2 Product and Product Development Deliverables
4.2.3 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations
4.2.4 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure
5.0 Project Work
5.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
5.2 Schedule allocation -Project Timeline
5.3 Project Budget
5.4 Project Team
5.4.1 Project Team Organizational Structure
5.4.2 Project Team Roles and Responsibilities
5.5.1 Project Staff
5.5.2 Non-Personnel resources
5.6.1 Project Team Training
6.0 Project Management and Controls
6.1 Risk and issue Management
6.1.1 Risk Management Strategy
6.1.2 Project Risk Identification
6.1.3 Project Risk Mitigation Approach
6.1.4 Risk Reporting and Escalation Strategy
6.1.5 Project Risk Tracking Approach
6.2 INDEPENDENT Verification And Validation - Iv&V
6.3 Scope Management Plan
6.3.1 Change Control
6.4 Project Budget Management
6.4.1 Budget Tracking
6.5 Communication Plan
6.5.1 Communication Matrix
6.5.2 Status Meetings
6.5.3 Project Status Reports
6.6.1 Baselines
6.6.2 Metrics Library
6.7.1 quality Standards
6.7.2 Project and Product Review AND ASSESSMENTS
6.7.3 Agency/Customer Satisfaction
6.8.1 Version Control
6.8.2 Project Repository (Project Library)
7. 0 Project Close
7.1 Administrative Close
7.2 Contract Close
Revision History
Revision Number / Date / Comment1.0 / July 27th, 2007 / DoIT Project Management Office Revision
2.0 / January 15th, 2008 / ALTSD changes for APSS project
Preparing the Project Management plan
The workbook for preparation of the Project Management Plan is built around helping the project manager and the project team to use the Project Management Plan in support of successful projects. Please refer to it while developing this PMP for your project.
About This Document
Project Oversight Process Memorandum – DoIT, July 2007
“Project management plan” is a formal document approved by the executive sponsor and the Department and developed in the plan phase used to manage project execution, control, and project close.
The primary uses of the project plan are to document planning assumptions and decisions, facilitate communication among stakeholders, and documents approved scope, cost and schedule baselines.
A project plan includes at least other plans for issue escalation, change control, communications, deliverable review and acceptance, staff acquisition, and risk management.
“Project manager” means a qualified person from the lead agency responsible for all aspects of the project over the entire project management lifecycle (initiate, plan, execute, control, close). The project manager must be familiar with project scope and objectives, as well as effectively coordinate the activities of the team. In addition, the project manager is responsible for developing the project plan and project schedule with the project team to ensure timely completion of the project. The project manager interfaces with all areas affected by the project including end users, distributors, and vendors. The project manager ensures adherence to the best practices and standards of the Department.
“Project product” means the final project deliverables as defined in the project plan meeting all agreed and approved acceptance criteria.
“Product development life cycle” is a series of sequential, non-overlapping phases comprised of iterative disciplines such as requirements, analysis and design, implementation, test and deployment implemented to build a product or develop a service.
Revision: 1.0DoIT-PMO-TEM-0201 of vi
1.0 Project Overview
The Project Overview sets the stage for the details of the project and begins the “story” of the project and plan.
1.1Executive Summary- rationale for the Project
In July 2005, the Adult Protective Services (APS) Program was transferred to the Aging and Long-Term Services Department (ALTSD) from the Children, Youth and Families Department (CYFD).
The scope of this project is to implement a new Adult Protective Services application for ALTSD through an industry standard hosted solution.
ALTSD is to assume operational support of the APS program from CYFD including APS related information technology infrastructure. Currently, APS is being managed through the use of the Family Automated Client Tracking System (FACTS) that supports Child Protective Services (CPS), a legacy system hosted by CYFD.
A Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) was entered into between ALTSD and CYFD to coordinate all aspects of the transfer of APS. Within the JPA, it states that the APS will continue to use CYFD’s FACTS to track, assess and make a determination of abuse and neglect for adult cases, until ALTSD is able to acquire its own IT system. The JPA requires that ALTSD shall obtain and implement a new system that will be operational on or about July 1, 2008.
The Adult Protective Services System (APSS) will be a comprehensive data tracking system. It will include accurate statistics reporting on the incidence of adult abuse, neglect and exploitation. These resources will allow the agency to identify and justify improved business management opportunities for our clients.
1.2 funding and sources
Source / Amount / Associated restrictions / ApproversLaws 2007, Chapter 28, Section 7, Item 17 / $400,000.00 / DoIT
Laws 2007, Chapter 28, Section 4 / $125,000.00
1.3 constraints
Constraints are factors that restrict the project by scope, resource, or schedule.
Number / Description1 / Budget - $400,000.00 was appropriated from Laws 2007, Chapter 28, Section 7, Item 17. Another $125,000 will need to be budgeted from APS base budget for training, close-out and IV&V.
2 / Time and Funding – Allocated funds are only available until June 30, 2008. A request to extend the funding in FY09 has been submitted.
3 / Synergy/Harmony merger – Changes in available COTS offerings.
4 / Schedule – June 30, 2008 deadline. Harmony COTS won’t be ready until September 2008.
5 / System “modules” – The Financial “module” may not be included. It may be a future enhancement (not available for initial rollout).
6 / ALTSD has been provided with a Systems Transformation Grant from the federal government. The grant is for the integration of all databases within ALTSD. The proposal recommended using Synergy Software for this integration and was approved.
1.4 dependencies
Types include the following and should be associated with each dependency listed.
- Mandatory dependencies are dependencies that are inherent to the work being done.
- D- Discretionary dependencies are dependencies defined by the project management team. This may also encompass particular approaches because a specific sequence of activities is preferred, but not mandatory in the project life cycle.
- E-External dependencies are dependencies that involve a relationship between project activities and non-project activities such as purchasing/procurement
Number / Description / Type M,D,E
1 / APS business processes / M
2 / Synergy/Harmony 100 day assessment (merger) / E
3 / Timely approval of contracts / E
4 / Harmony completing their work in a timely manner / M
5 / Funding rollover / E
6 / JPA and deadlines / E
7 / New version of Harmony / M
8 / User testing / M
9 / Timely release of project funds / E
Assumptions are planning factors that, for planning purposes, will be considered true, real, or certain.
Number / Description1 / The new version of the COTS solution will be available in September 2008.
2 / The Synergy/Harmony merger will occur after the 100 day assessment period.
3 / The Harmony COTS solution will be .Net based.
4 / All work from Harmony will be completed with no contingencies.
5 / We will have 100% functionality with the new system.
1.6 Initial Project Risks Identified
In this section identify and describe how each risk will be managed. Include the steps that will be taken to maximize activity that will result in minimizing probability and impact of each risk.
Risk 1
Description – Project Team Inexperience / Probability: Possible / Impact: HighMitigation Strategy: Provide appropriate training and use the expertise of contractors
Contingency Plan: Procure training and consulting services
Risk 2
Description – Lack of Project Management Staff / Probability: Expected / Impact: MediumMitigation Strategy: Contract with an experience Project Manager dedicated to the APS project
Contingency Plan:Procure the services of a qualified Project Manager
Risk 3
Description – Software vendor merger / Probability: Expected / Impact: MediumMitigation Strategy: Request and receive assurances that existing agreements, commitments, and software quotes for APSS are still binding and valid.
Contingency Plan:Remain with original Synergy Product. Extend deadline.
Risk 4
Description –Technical requirements / Probability: Likely / Impact: LowMitigation Strategy: ALTSD is in possession of a technical specification and infrastructure analysis. These requirements and documents need to be taken to the next level of completeness and acceptance of the governance board.
Contingency Plan:ALTSD will modify documents if required with approval of project team.
Risk 5
Description – Unrealistic Implementation Dates / Probability: Likely / Impact: HighMitigation Strategy: The changes in vendor status, the merger of a new software company and an unknown contractual arrangement need to be considered.
Contingency Plan:Request a project extension based in part on these circumstances.
2.0 Project Authority and Organizational Structure
The Project Organization describes the roles and responsibilities of the project team. It also identifies the other organizational groups that are part of the project and graphically depicts the hierarchical configuration of those groups. It exists to clarify interaction with the project team.
2.1 Stakeholders
List all of the major stakeholders in this project, and state why they have a stake. . Stakeholders are individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected as a result of project execution or project completion. They may also exert influence over the project and its results.
name / Stake in Project / Organization / TitleAPS employees / Efficient System / ALTSD
Executive Management / Reporting / ALTSD
New Mexico citizens / Better Access to services offered by APS
CYFD IT staff / No longer required to support APS / CYFD
ALTSD employees / Integration with other ALTSD data systems / ALTSD
2.2 Project Governance Structure
2.2.1 Describe the organizational structure – Org Chart
2.2.2 Describe the role and members of the project steering committee
Name / Functional Area / Department/VendorKathleen Hart / Division Director / APS
Patricia Barton / CIO / IT
Brent Johnson / Database Administrator / IT
Matthew Lopez / SAMS Administrator / IT
Stephanie Macek / Database Administrator / IT
Tony Louderbough / Deputy Director / APS
Ed Fox / Regional Manager / APS
Matthew Thompson / Regional Manager / APS
Tom Roach / Program Reports / APS
Luella Garcia / Social Worker Supervisor / APS
Gap Silva / Social Worker Supervisor / APS
Phyllis Turner / Social Worker Supervisor / APS
Carl Valles / Social Worker Supervisor / APS
Debbie Chavez / Social Worker / APS
Kimberly Harvey / Social Worker / APS
Teri Williams / Social Worker / APS
2.2.3 Organizational Boundaries, interfaces and responsibilities
Use this section to describe any special considerations regarding contact between the project team, the project manager, and individuals from various organizations involved in the project: Boundary, interface and responsibilities at the interface
We must use e-mail for our communication needs because we don’t have a centralized repository (such as Sharepoint).
2.3 Executive Reporting
Monthly status reports will be sent to executive sponsors and ALTSD senior management.
3.0 Scope
3.1 Project Objectives
3.1.1 Business Objectives
Number / DescriptionBusiness Objective 1 / APS case and data management: Coordinate intake and assessments to ease transition throughout the consumers’ involvement with the Department including managing, closing and reporting. Improve reporting of key information to internal, federal, state and local stakeholders.
Rationale: The current system was not intended for Adult Protective Services but rather Child Protective Services specific. Collecting data is non-existent within the current system and is completed manually.
Business Objective 2 / Meet the needs of all APS stakeholders including internal and external consumers: Coordinate intake of client information, investigations, case management, payments and legal casework activities to meet client needs and to communicate with community providers.
Rationale: Establish a broader continuum of protective services to meet the needs of individuals and maximize their independence, enabling them to live successfully on their own terms in their own communities.
Business Objective 3 / Protect client privacy: Define security permissions and roles to determine appropriate role-based access to information by job responsibilities to protect client information. Dissemination of information is governed by job responsibilities and information is shared per state regulations and joint protocol. HIPPA guidelines are closely adhered to. Clients are always to be aware of their rights regarding privacy and the project team’s commitment to protect it.
Rationale: Information about clients is a key component to assessing effectiveness and sharing information under current guidelines is key to providing effective services. At the same time, protecting our clients’ privacy must be among the project’s highest priorities. Balancing those two needs requires constant monitoring and attention.
Business Objective 4 / Minimize duplication of effort: Integration of all applications from intake to closure will eliminate redundancy and current process inefficiencies.
Rationale: Current applications are not integrated and they require duplication of entry.
Business Objective 5 / Quality Assurance: Enhance supervisory oversight by allowing managers and administrators real-time access to parameter driven service reports.
Rationale: Current system does not allow on demand report accumulation and managers and administrators have to wait for quarterly run reports. Reports are not flexible to evaluate alternative scenarios
3.1.2 Technical Objectives
Number / DescriptionBusiness Objective 1 / APS case and data management solution
Technical Objective 1 / Provide a web based application that will support business program operating and decision making needs.
Business Objective 2 / Meet the needs of all APS stakeholders including internal and external consumers
Technical Objective 2 / Consolidate IT applications to support a single point of entry for data that becomes common to other department programs. Existing clients and/or providers would not be re-entered by unrelated processes
Business Objective 3 / Protect client privacy
Technical Objective 3 / Provide an application that is HIPAA compliant
Business Objective 4 / Reduce business processing redundancy and inefficiencies
Technical Objective 4 / Integrated a referral process to redirect clients to other ALTSD programs
Business Objective 5 / Quality Assurance
Technical Objective 5 / Provide a comprehensive data tracking system that provides accurate statistics and granular reporting to help identify adult abuse, neglect and exploitation incidence.
3.2 Project exclusions
There are no project exclusions identified at this time.
3.3 Critical Success Factors
Identify the critical success factors for achieving success in this project.Metric are key to understanding the ability of the project to meet the end goals of the Executive Sponsor and the Business Owner, as well as the ability of the project team to stay within schedule and budget. See also section 6.7 Quality Objectives and Controls.
Number / DescriptionQuality Metrics 1 / Statistical, program and performance measure reporting.
Quality Metrics 2 / 100% functionality from the system.
Quality Metrics 3 / Staff training.
4.0 Project Deliverables and methodology
4.1 Project Management Life Cycle
Phase / Summary of Phase / Key DeliverablesInitiation / Certification form, Project Charter, Project Team, Project Manager Contract
Planning / Certification form, Project Management Plan, Communications Plan, Requirements Gathering and Planning, IV& V selected
Implementation & Monitoring / Certification form, IV&V Reports, Project Schedule
Closeout / Certification form, Final IV&V Reports
Project Closed / Closeout Report, Lessons Learned, DoIT Closeout
4.1.1 Project Management Deliverables
Project Deliverables are work products or artifacts that are driven by the project management methodology requirements and standard project management practices regardless of the product requirements of the project. [Deliverable 1 Name]
Description - / Deliverable Acceptance CriteriaStandards for Content and Format -
Quality Review -. [Deliverable 2 Name]
Description - / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria -Standards for Content and Format -
Quality Review -
4.1.2 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations
Complete the following table to identify the deliverables this project is to produce, and to name the person or persons who have authority to approve each deliverable.
Deliverable Number / Deliverable / Approvers (Who can approve) / Date ApprovedPRJ-DEL-001 / Project Management Plan (PMP)
4.1.3 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure
Describe the process that this project will use for the formal acceptance of all deliverables.
“During the project management lifecycle, agencies shall select and implement a phase product development lifecycle methodology approved by the Department.” PROJECT OVERSIGHT PROCESS Memorandum