Supporting People

Evaluation Report

Name of provider: Adult Placement Service (Vale of Glamorgan Council)

Name of projects included:Adult Placement Service

Address of project: Adult Placement Service

Hen Goleg

College Fields Close


CF62 8LF

Date: 23/03/2016

Supporting People Team



The purpose of this report is to enable the Local Authority to evaluate the effectiveness of the support service based on the following criteria:

  • The service is delivering successful outcomes in line with the principals of the Supporting People programme
  • The service is delivering outcomes that are preventative and represent value for money
  • The service contributes to the overall aims of the Local Authority and the Welsh Government





3. OUTCOMES AREA – Promoting Personal and Community Safety

4. OUTCOMES AREA – Promoting Independence and Control

5. OUTCOME AREA – Promoting Economic Progress and Financial Control

6. OUTCOME AREA – Promoting Health and Wellbeing







PROJECT / Adult Placement Service
ADDRESS / Adult Placement Service
Hen Goleg
College Fields Close
CF62 8LF
MANAGER / Jane Billings-Deed
NUMBER OF UNITS / 30 units
PROJECT TYPE / Permanent Supported Accommodation
DATE OF ON-SITE VALIDATION VISIT(S) / 09/09/2015,16/09/2015, 18/09/2015, 23/10/15, 26/10/15.
DATE OF REPORT / 23/03/16


The Adult Placement Service is a scheme run by The Vale of Glamorgan Council’s Adult Services department.

Adult Placement (also known as Shared Lives) is a model of care whereby vulnerable adults receive support and / or accommodation within a family environment provided by approved Adult Placement Hosts

Family taking part in Adult Placement service hosts come from a wide range of backgrounds and have varied work and life experiences and interests. The people who use adult placement are as varied as our hosts. Some of the service users live with hosts for many years and some stay for one or two years while they learn the skills to live on their own. Hosts also provide short breaks and day / or evening support to service users. Supporting People fund those on long term support.

As part if the evaluation process, preparatory documentation was issued. To permit a more comprehensive evaluation additional supporting evidence was also requested.This report describes conclusions about the quality of the service based on previous monitoring information as well as the evaluation itself.

The previous evaluation undertaken in 2012 focused heavily on policy and procedural issues. Within this evaluation emphasis has been placed on the outcomes which have been achieved by examining the impact that the support has had on service users. Policy and procedure matters have been addressed where they affect the quality or safety of the service.

Outcomes achieved for service users have been considered under the following headings:

  • Promoting Personal and Community Safety
  • Promoting Independence and Control
  • Promoting Economic Progress and Financial Control
  • Promoting Health and Well Being.

Adult Placement Statement of Purpose:

Hosts have been specifically recruited, assessed, trained andapproved by APS to provide support and accommodation and areexpected to work in accordance with the Value Base outlined above.

Placements can only be arranged through APS. Direct service provision will take place in/from the home of the host oras detailed in the individual adult plan.

The level of support provided to the service user is as detailed in the Individual Agreement, Adult and care plan which clarify arrangementsto ensure that the adult placed can engage in social activities, hobbies,leisure interests and religious activities and maintain contact with theirrelatives, friends and representatives.

Providing their care is managed by the Social Services Department of the Vale of Glamorgan Council or a neighbouring Authority APS isavailable to both male and female service users over the age of 18 in the following service user groups:

Learning Disabilities

Mental Health (functional)

Physical Disabilities

Older People

Older People with Dementia/Mental Infirmity

The service user will have been assessed by means of a Community Care/Unified Assessment as being in need of Adult Placement. Theservice can be offered providing resources are available and the matching process has identified a host who will be able to meet theassessed need of the service user. The cost of a long term placementis funded by Community Care Finance, Housing Benefit, Supporting People Grant and Client Contributions.

Support to the placement will be provided by a suitably qualified and experienced designated worker from the APS, who will maintaincontact throughout the duration of the placement and advocates onbehalf of the host.

The service user is expected to have the support of the referring team maintaining contact throughout the duration of the placement. The

Case Manager will advocate on their behalf, and provide practical advice and assistance as required, undertake reviews annually and/orwhen the needs of the service user change.

1. Strategic Context / Contributing to Strategic Outcomes
Project: SOGSUP 018
Client Group & E number: Learning difficulties E2
Number of units: 30 units
All referrals to the project come from Social Services.
Five referrals have been received in the last 12 months.
Nineteen service users have been on support for over a year. Currently there are six voids.
The previous Supporting People review took place in 2012.
Does the service meet the needs of vulnerable people?
The service has clear up to date aims and objectives.
The needs mapping information in the Vale of Glamorgan reflects the demand for the service.
The service is in line with the 2014 – 2017 local commissioning plan priorities.
Over the last year there have been a high number of service users supported in these services.
Is the scheme’s performance satisfactory, including good contract compliance, high utilisation/demand, adherence to eligibility criteria and acceptable evidence of support outcome?
Performance indicator returns evidence a persistent number of voids since the last review; currently there are 4 voids out of 30 units, and at times the void numbers have been as high as 6 units. This is due to a shortage of hosts with properties suitable for accommodating wheelchair users.
Monitoring Returns, Annual Returns and Desktop Audit forms are satisfactory.
The provider has a good history of contract compliance.
The provider evidences positive support through outcome monitoring.
Service users’ feedback was positive about the support they receive from the service.
During service visits Contract Monitoring Officers witnessed that service users have a good relationship with staff members.
This Objective has been met partially.
Does the scheme demonstrate good value for money?
The schemes compare well when benchmarked against the SP funding levels of other similar schemes in the area.
The scheme compares well when benchmarked against the SP funding levels of other similar schemes across the South Wales region.
Audited accounts are available.
It is clear what other funding is going to the schemes.
This objective has been met fully.
Does the service meet local and national priorities for meeting vulnerable people’s needs?
The service contributes to/meets priorities in local strategies and plans:
-Local Housing Strategy 2015-2020
-Supporting People Local Commissioning Plan 2015-2018
-Supporting People Regional Commissioning Plan 2014-2017
-Vale of Glamorgan Community Strategy 2011-2021
The service contributes to meet priorities in national strategies and plans:
-National Housing Strategy ‘Improving Lives + Communities – Homes in Wales’
-Ten Year Homelessness Plan for Wales 2009-2019
-Strategy for Older People in Wales 2013-2023
-Welsh Government Mental Health Delivery Plan 2012-2016
-Welsh Government Learning Disability Strategy
These objectives have been met fully.
Is the service eligible to receive SP funding and does it clearly demonstrate that it delivers Housing Related Support?
The service demonstrates the delivery of housing related support through individual support plans.
The service demonstrates that there is housing related support being delivered to enable skills development and independent living.
The services also provide personal or domiciliary care which is funded by Social Services.
The objectives have been met fully.
Is the scheme fit for purpose and does it take account for the wide strategic needs and emerging trends demonstrate for the client group?
The findings of the most recent SP service review shows that the schemes are fit for purpose.
The recent research concludes that the service delivery model is satisfactory for the client group, across all tenures and at all support need levels.
The provider regularly attends the local SP liaison and planning meetings.
The provider demonstrates an awareness of its strategic direction and ability to undertake positive change.
The objectives have been met fully.
Does the service demonstrate a commitment to continual improvement and best practice?
The provider demonstrates best practice in some service delivery areas.
The objectives have been met fully.
All projects remain strategically relevant.
Due to the persistent number of voids experienced by the Adult Placement Service and in light of cuts made to the Supporting People Programme Grant in the last two years the overall number of units that Supporting People will fund is to be reduced from 30 units to 25 units commencing 1st April 2016.

2. Cost effectiveness / financial

Summary of Findings
Adult Placement Service has provided a full financial breakdown of income and expenditure for its service in the Vale of Glamorgan.
Staffing costs are comparable with other services of the type.
Management costs are comparable with other service of the type.
Annual funding is comparable with other services of the type.
All staff salary information was made available as part of the review.
All host payment information was made available as part of the review.
The service is financially viable.
Adult Placement Team
Staff Member / Role / Contract Hours
JBD / Service Manager / 37
KC / Project Worker / 37
RR / Project Worker / 37
KWE / Project Worker / 37
MH / Clerical Assistant / 14
Conclusion and Recommendations
Adult Placement Service provided a clear breakdown of their funding and the charges for their service and audited accounts are available. Adult Placement Service is cost effective and benchmarks well against similar schemes in the South Wales area. All services are financially viable.

3. Promoting Personal and Community Safety

Summary of Findings
Feeling Safe – Support in relation to improving or maintaining safety and security of accommodation have been met or needs of those experiencing violence discrimination or abuse.
The Vale of Glamorgan Council has a comprehensive Health and Safety Policy and Reporting Accidents and Incidence Guidance in place. A Risk Assessment and Management Policy and procedure is also in place.
The Vale of Glamorgan Council has a Recruitment Policy in place. All job offers are subject to the submission of two satisfactory references and the completion of a six month probationary period. Project workers undergo DBS checks prior to commencing their role and these checks are renewed every three years. This was evidenced during service visits and staff interviews.
The Adult Placement Service has a comprehensive host approval process in place. All hosts are subject to the submission of two satisfactory references and a satisfactory medical reference. All hosts undergo a strict vetting procedure and interview process. All hosts need to undergo a DBS check prior to being accepted as a host and a recommendation from the host approval panel before being accepted to host. All host approvals are subject to a 12 month limit and a review is carried out annually to determine if hosts are eligible to continue as such.Furthermore placement reviews are carried out on an annual basis to determine the suitability of a placement to continue. This was evidenced during file checks and service reviews.
It was evident during the monitoring of host files that the host approval letters were missing from several files. Adult Placement advised that they were in the process of transitioning from physical files to the TRIM system used by the Vale of Glamorgan Council and therefore files were stored in different locations.
The Adult Placement Services has a Risk Assessment and Management Policy and procedure is also in place. All service users are allocated a Project Worker and they carry out Risk Assessments on service users on an annual basis or whenever there is a change of circumstances. A copy of a service users’ risk assessment is kept in the service users’ working file and a copy is kept at their placement. This was evidenced during file checks and service visits, however when Contract Monitoring Officers inspected two service user working files it was noted that no risk assessments were in place at that time.Jane Billings-Deed was informed of this and the risk assessments were then written up.
All staff members received induction training at the beginning of their role and Project Workers receive training which includes Safeguarding, Health and Safety and Risk Assessment and are issued with a staff handbook which is kept on TRIM. This was evidenced during file checks and staff interviews. All hosts undergo a day long induction course which is held in Barry college and training includes Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults, Mental Capacity Act, First Aid, Moving and Handling, Health and Safety and other relevant topics. One host couple had not received the induction at the time of the review as they had recently transferred over from being Foster Carers and had already received the equivalent training in that role. Jane Billings-Deed advised that their induction training was imminent.
The Vale of Glamorgan Council has a Lone Working Policy in place and staff members confirmed that they have a procedure in place to minimise the risk for lone working. All staff members keep an electronic diary detailing their whereabouts which can be accessed by all staff members, and staff members phone the office to confirm when they have finished at the end of the day before going home.
The Adult Placement Service has a Referral Policy and Procedure in place and receives all of its referrals from Social Services who carry out a Needs Assessment and Risk ID Tool for each service user. Staff members carry out joint initial visits to prospective service users and their families to explain the service offered by Adult Placement. After a service user agrees to being supported by Adult Placement, the Team hold weekly meetings to discuss the referrals and decide on the best placement for the service user. Minutes are recorded for every team meeting and were made available to the Contract Monitoring Officers; though written records of the initial visit with service users are not typically recorded.
The Adult Placement Service is subject to the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s Protection of Vulnerable Adults policy and Code of Conduct Policy. All project workers have received Protection of Vulnerable Adults and Child Protection which was confirmed during staff interviews and file checks. It was also confirmed that all hosts have received up-to-date Safeguarding training. The Adult Placement Service regularly liaises with other agencies such as Adult Services, Housing, health professionals and families etc. This was evidenced by the Contract Monitoring Officer during staff interviews and file checks.
All service users have a Case Manager from Adult Services in place, and Project Workers have regular face-to-face contact with the Case Managers. Records of contact with other agencies are kept in service users’ working files; this was evidenced during file checks.
Adult Placement Service has an Equal Opportunities Policy in place and a Working with People who Challenge services Policy in place. Diversity training has been received by all staff members; this was confirmed during staff interviews.
Adult Placement Service carry out premises safety checks on hosts properties every three years. Project Workers advised that premises checks were originally carried out on an annual basis but as staff members regularly visit host properties as part of their role the frequency of checks was reduced to three years. During the review Contract Monitoring Officers visited several host properties, althoughno concerns with the safety or condition of the properties were noted in the interests of health and safetyit is recommended that Adult Placement Service reverts to carrying out formal premises checks on an annual basis.