Committee for the Promotion of Adriati.Co.

International Convention for the Protection of Adriatic Sea

The Committee ADRIATICisONE promotes awareness actions to launch a participatory process

leading to the definition and approval of the Adriatic Convention by the coastal Countries.

An international platform that recognizes the Adriatic Sea as one of the largest continuous areas of Europe: a natural, economic, cultural, tourist and recreational common space, historically characterized by strong relationships between the different people who designed this territory.

A series of drafted Protocols have to be a tool shared by the various bordering territories for the definition of sustainable development policies, since the recognition of the strategic importance of the Adriatic space in the flows of people and goods interesting to the whole Europe.

The undersigned …......

as representative of…......

(Body/Association/Public Administration)

based in:

Country ...... Place ......

Address …......


website ......

tel/fax …...... …......

delegates Mr/Mrs ......

to be representative of …......

(Body/Association/Public Administration)

in the Committee “ADRIATIC is ONE”

Place and date:......

…...... …...... (signature)

The International Convention for the Protection of the Adriatic Sea is intended to be a shared tool for the sustainable development of coastal Countries, a perspective for the future capable of implementing European cohesion through integrated and aware of the "common good" sea, to be left to the future generations in better condition than now.

"The Adriatic area, which is already "sub-Mediterranean Area" by the Directive 2008/56/EC, because of the consistency and the continuity of its major environmental characteristics, because of social and economic relations that historically characterized the coastal Countries and for being the center of most of infrastructures provided by the European programming, also supports this identification in the Adriatic-Ionian strategy, according to which coastal Countries work, at the invitation of the European Council. "

All European programs and projects regarding the Adriatic area recognize the "fragility" of this particular ecosystem; this characteristic is even more evident in the north part which is, in fact, a "closed sea" with strong anthropic impacts caused by several coastal economic activities.

The highest priority is to promote the principle that the ADRIATIC is ONE: the approach of territorial development coastal policies must refer to a general framework of a '"wide area" which has its unity in the recognition of the sea as “common good” and “natural resource”, capable of sustaining very different economies as fishing, tourism, transport...

The following step is to share some sustainability factors in their development by the coastal territories, a necessity given by the awareness that the environmental grid on which are based the various economies at different levels is not capable of supporting a chaotic collection of projects and planning, some of which are also in conflict with each other.

The sustainability factors will be developed in several drafted Protocols for each sector, defined through transnational routes shared and participated for the identification of the main problems and potential capacities of the different territories.

A route towards the International Convention for the Protection of the Adriatic Sea that provides conscious decisions and political will, the participation of communities and territories, choices of sustainability and cohesion, that takes as an example the conventions dedicated to the development of transnational wide areas, such as the Alps.

Contact us:

AdriaticGreeNet - onlus

via Artico di Castello, 5

33017 Tarcento-Udine
