Admission to Std XI for OUTSIDE STUDENTS : 2015 – 2016
I. / Last date to receive filled in application for Admission to Class XI. (AT TALAP 0R CHALA) / : / 28th May 2015(Thursday) before 4:30 p.m.II. / Entrance Test for Science Stream CBSE – Those who secured B1 & B2 (CGPA) + State Board – A1 (CGPA).
(ONLY TO THOSE WHO WOULD LIKE TO ENHANCE THE INDEX SCORE) / : / 29th May 2015(Friday) at 11.00 a.m. at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Govindagiri, Chala. (Copy of the Downloaded Mark list carrying Application Form No. & Admit Card of Class X Exam to be brought.)
III. / (a) / Publication of selection list / : / 29th May 2015(Friday) after 6p.m.( at Talap & Chala)
(b) / Admission of selected students / : / Will commence on 30th May from 12 noon. till 5p.m. at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Govindagiri, Chala. Verify the timing from the selection list.
(c) / Chance list will be considered on 30st May itself for admission and will be published after 6p.m. on 30th May 2015.
Details will be published on 29th May 2015.
Admission of candidates selected from the Chance list to be done on 1st June 2015(Monday) between 10a.m. and 12noon
IV / No separate memo will be sent intimating the admission date.
V. / Students must be accompanied by the parent for the interview at the time of admission
VI. / Registration form for admission to the hostel has to be collected and attached along with the application form for admission to Class XI.
VII. / Fee has to be paid at the time of admission.
VIII. / Classes will commence on 11th June 2015 at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Govindagiri, Chala.
IX. / Fee structure – please refer our website –
X. /
Days at a glance
28th May 2015 / Last date to submit filled in application form
29th May 2015 / Entrance Test for Science Stream
29th May 2015 after 6p.m. / Publication of selected students
30th May 2015 12noon / Admission to class XI
11th June 2015 / Classes commence for class XI
Admission to Std XI for CHINMAYA VIDYALAYA, KANNUR Students: 2015 – 2016
I. / Last date to receive filled in application for Admission to Class XI. / : / 28th May 2015(Thu) before 4:00 p.m.II. / (a) / Publication of selection list at Talap & Chala / : / 28th May 2015(Thu) after 6:00 p.m.
(b) / Admission to XI / : / 29th May 2015(Fri) at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Govindagiri, Chala. Verify the timing from the selection list.
III. / No separate memo will be sent intimating the admission date.
IV. / Students must be accompanied by the parent for the interview at the time of Admission
V. / Registration form for admission to the hostel has to be collected and attached along with the application form for admission to Class XI.
VI. / Fee has to be paid at the time of admission.
VII. / Classes will commence on 11th June 2015 (Thu) at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Govindagiri, Chala.
VIII. / Fee structure – please refer our website –
IX. /
Days at a glance
28h May 2015(Thu) / Publication of Selection Result
28th May 2015(Thu) before 2p.m. / Last date to submit filled in application form
28th May 2015 after 6:00 p.m. / Publication of Selection list
29th May 2015(Fri) / Admission to class XI
11th June 2015(Thu) / Classes commence for class XI
(Senior Secondary School Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi)(Adm. Off : Chinmaya Balabhavan, Kannur - 670 001, Kerala)
To be filled by the office :
No: / Admission
No: / Date of Admission:
Class : XI / XII
STREAM / SUBJECTS OFFERED / Mention Preference
(I, II, III)
A / Physics, Chemistry, Biology Mathematics
B / Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Hindi / Malayalam / Economics
C / Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Computer Science
D / Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics & Informatics Practices
Malayalam / Hindi will be offered instead of Mathematics for Stream A, in case of sufficient applicants.
1. Full Name (in Capital Letters)
2. Gender / 3. Date of birth / Date / Month / Year / 4. Nationality
5. Religion / 6. Community & Caste
7. Name of the school previously attended
Address of the School
8. Details of qualifying Examination:
Name of Examination / Medium / Reg No / Roll No. / Year of passingAISSE / ICSE / SSLC / Others (specify) ______
9. Grades obtained :
10. Parent's Details:
Type of employment
Official address / Ph. No : ______
Email ID : ______/ Ph. No : ______
Email ID : ______
Residential address / Ph. No: ______/ Ph. No: ______
11. Address for communication:
Ph. No.: ______Email : ______
12. Aadhaar Number :
13. Details of local guardian, if any :
a. Name : _______b. Relationship with the student : ______
c. Address : _______
d. Ph. No: _______
14. Additional Information :
a. Specify extracurricular activities:- Talents / Achievements / Sports / Fine Arts / Dramatics / NCC etc.b. Name of the direct brother / sister studying / studied in this institution.
Name / Class / Yearc. Whether hostel accommodation is required : YES / NO (If YES, attach Hostel Application)
I, hereby declare that the information furnished above is correct.
I undertake to abide by the rules of the institution and modification if any, made from time to time.
Date : Signature of the Applicant Signature of the Parent / Guardian
Last date to receive this Application : ³ Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Kannur students – 25th March 2015.
Outsiders on the date of publication CBSE Result.