E-mail: / / Private Bag X8, Pinegowrie, 2123
/ Standard Drive, Blairgowrie, 2194

/ Telephone: (011) 888-7228
Web: / / Facsimile: (011) 888-4803


Dear Parent / Guardian

Thank-you for your enquiry regarding placement at Delta Park School.


1.1Delta Park School is a remedial school (not a special education or vocational school) that primarily accommodates learners with Specific Learning Disabilities.

1.2Any application for admission received for learners with specialized educational needs will be carefully consideredin order to make a recommendation that will be most appropriate according to the learner’s needs.

1.3The recommendations are based on the profile of the learner encompassing indicators of need, access to curriculum and levels of support required. All the available information about the learner, e.g. school performance, life history, family background and other available and supporting documentation will be carefully integrated and assessed.

1.4To ensure that a learner will be appropriately placed at Delta Park School and that we will be able to cater for his/her specific needs, we need information regarding his/her level of functioning, areas of difficulty that need to be addressed, medical history etc. Reports from professionals, such as Psychologists, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Neurologists and other Doctors, usually provide valuable information to enable us to determine whether the learner will be able to benefit from the education and therapeutical input that we are able to provide and also assists in processing the application more speedily.

It is essential that ALLthe documentation listed in the application process is submitted completed in full in order for the application to be considered by the Applications Committee so that it may be determined whether the learner is a candidate for placement at Delta Park School.

1.5The learners should have the potential to be promoted to grade 12 and to write the National Senior Certificate Exams with the necessary concessions and support provided by the school.

1.6The school is NOT equipped to address the specific needs of learners in the following categories:

  • Hard of hearing
  • Visually impaired
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Severe physical disabilities
  • Severe conduct disorders or learners awaiting trial
  • Mild to severe cognitively impaired
  • Learners from special education classes or schools that have been following an adapted curriculum and/or practical skills based courses.
  • Over aged learners who are no longer of compulsory school going age.

1.7Age norms for grades as stipulated in SASA must be adhered to (not more than 2 years older than the age norm of the grade).

1.8A learner must be admitted to a school in the year that the 6th birthday (Grade R) is reached (compulsory attendance).

1.9Learners who are no longer of compulsory school going age in terms of SASA, will be referred to an ABET centre or FET institution.

1.10Learners in grade 10 to 12 who do not have the same subject choices as Delta Park School cannot be accommodated.

1.11Learners transferred from similar public LSEN schools are given priority for placement, should they meet the admissions criteria and depending on availability of space.


1.12.1All unsuccessful applicants will be notified timeously.

1.12.2If parents/guardians are dissatisfied with the decision of a principal not to admit a learner to the school, reasons will be given in writing and parents will be given an Appeal Form – Annexure A – Appeals Form (Circ.31/2009)

1.12.3The appeal form must be submitted, by the parent, to the Senior Manager of the GET Directorate in the Head Office for the attention of the MEC (contact details are within the appeals form).


Non-South African Citizens will only be accommodated at Delta Park School if the following documents or proof of application for these documents are submitted:

  • valid study permit (learner) – full payment of the annual school fees will have to be paid in advance
  • relevant residency permit (parents) or refugee status documents (refugee status does not qualify applicant for exemption of paying school fees, thus school fees will need to be paid in full)

Applicants will be given three weeks to produce proof that they have applied for the necessary study permit and residency permits as the application will only be finalized once these documents have been received.


The following documentation is required and must be submitted fully completed as part of the application before any applicant can be considered for placement.

CURRENT SCHOOL to provide and complete 2 (two) copies:

2.1GDE Referral Form – ISSRF (Annexure C of GDE circular 31/2009) / Grade R – School readiness screening tool (provided by DPS).

2.2 GDE 450 Support Forms (or equivalent thereof) / Grade R – not required.

2.3 Sample of learner’s written work

PARENT/GUARDIAN to complete and provide:

2.4Delta Park School Application Form completed in full (Form 2, Form 3 and Form 4). Form 3 must be signed otherwise the learner will not receive any medication at school.

2.5Most recent school reports (only copies will be accepted).

2.6Reports from professionals if available e.g. Psychologists, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Neurologists and other Doctors reports (only copies will be accepted).

2.7Certified copy of unabridged birth certificate.

2.8Certified copy of immunization certificate / clinic card / affidavit from the SAPS confirming that learner has been inoculated.

2.9Certified copies of both parents’/guardian identity documents (Expired passports will not be accepted)

2.10In the case of a deceased parent/s, a certified copy of the death certificate/s.

2.11In the case of single parents, should the other parent not be involved in the child’s life, an affidavit stating the non-involvement of the non-custodial parent.

2.12In the case of divorced or separated parents, a certified copy of the court order.

2.13In case of a caregiver, an affidavit, from at least one of the biological parents, accompanied by copies of the biological parent’s ID documents confirming this arrangement.

2.14Should the learner/applicant not be a South African citizen, certified copies of the relevant residency and study permit will need to be submitted. These need to be current. Expired documents will not be accepted

2.15To view Delta Park School’s full Admission Policy please put your request in writing and it will be forwarded to you or you may view it on our website.

3 The procedure regarding application and admission is as follows:

3.1As soon as the completed application (all completed documentation listed above) is received, it will be forwarded to the Admission Committee and Principal.

3.2After a thorough discussion by the Admission Committee, which usually meets once a week, it will be determined whether the applicant is a candidate for placement at Delta Park School and a recommendation regarding the best possible placement for the applicant will be made.

3.3The application, as well as the recommendation, will then be forwarded to the GDE, who will then approve the application or not. Should the application be approved, the GDE with assign the learner an LSEN number.

3.4This procedure may usually take up to a month, where after you will be contacted by the school to be informed of the outcome of your application. Admission is however, subject to availability of space, as well as the approval of the Gauteng Department of Education. Should it be determine that the learner is not a candidate for placement at Delta Park School, you will be informed by the school and referred to the GDE to assist with obtaining appropriate alternative placement.

3.5It is extremely important that the learner remain in his/her current school until you are informed by Delta Park School that the learner has been accepted and that there is space available in the Grade that was applied for.

Should the learner be applying for Grade 8, please ensure that you also apply at alternative High School Institutions in the event that Delta Park School does not have the space to accommodate the learner.

3.6If the learner is a candidate, but there isn’t space available, you will be informed accordingly and the learner’s name will be placed on the waiting list until a place becomes available.

Please note that no learner may be unfairly placed / pushed above other learners currently on the waiting list.

Should placement not be possible by the end of the current year and/or the learner has been on the waiting list for a year, you will be requested to complete a new application form for the following year, as well as providing updated information / reports, to ensure that the learner is still a candidate for placement.



Dr J.J. Britz