Administrator Handbook


Welcome to Bullitt County Public Schools!

We are excited to have you on our team and present this handbook to you as a means of providing some basic information in an easy-to-read format. Obviously, we cannot cover all aspects of our district or your position with this handbook, but please consider it a starting place for your questions. Feel free to call your director or fellow principals for information and/or advice.

A*Accident Forms~ If a child is injured, then an accident form needs to be completed that day, signed by the principal, and faxed or scanned to Betsy Nutt.

Contact: Betsy Nutt, Secretary of Superintendent

*Administrator Leave Sheet ~ All employees with extended days must complete the leave sheet each month. Any type of leave taken is to be documented.

Contact: Kelsey Bailey, Secretary for Certified Personnel

Brittney Ashby, Account Clerk II

*AESOP ~ Teachers enter their absences in this program. Subs select the jobs from the program. Your bookkeeper or clerical assistant will utilize the program to complete the sub report for payroll purposes. If you need any assistance, contact Tammie Collins in the HR Department.

Contact: Tammie Collins, Human Resources Secretary

*ARC Meetings ~ Special education teachers should schedule ARC meetings with you and then send SE-2 forms to parents. Begin on time – don’t keep parents waiting. As the chairperson, you need to keep the meeting moving along. Everyone in attendance should remain throughout the entire meeting. If someone must leave, document it in conference summary and have him/her sign the form before leaving the meeting. Give parents a copy of the paperwork before they leave.

Contact: Troy Kolb, Director of Special Education

*Asbestos ~ There may be a file on asbestos in your office. This is important to know as you may be asked to produce it for an inspection. Please ask the former principal or your school secretary for this information so you will know where it is kept before someone asks to see it.

Contact: Mark Mitchell, Director of Buildings & Grounds

*Assessment ~ Data is your job, don’t delegate it to your counselor or instructional coach. Teachers will respect you as the instructional leader when you are disaggregating data with and for them. What does the data tell you? Where will you go now instructionally?

Contact: Jan Stone, Director of Assessment, Data & Research

B*Blood Borne Pathogen (BBP) Training ~ All employees must attend a training or complete the online training once a year.

Contact: Kim Buchanan, School Nurse

*Board of Education Meetings ~ Meetings are held the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at Central Office. If you have an item on the agenda, please make sure your area director can fully speak on your behalf or you will need to be present.

Contact: Betsy Nutt, Secretary to the Superintendent

*Buildings/Grounds ~ You are not permitted to alter your building or grounds without approval of the Director of Buildings and Grounds and/or the Board of Education.

Contact: Mark Mitchell, Director of Buildings & Grounds

*Bullying Training ~ All employees must complete the online training once a year.

Contact: Sarah Hardin, Safety Director/Coordinator for Drug/Alcohol Abuse

*Budget ~ Work with your bookkeeper in regards to all budgets and spending for the school. Follow the Redbook because it is the law!

Contact: Denise Smith, Director of Finance

*Buses ~ Do not permit anyone to change a child’s transportation plan without written permission from parent/guardian. Principals need to support the bus drivers with discipline issues in a timely manner.

Contact: Staci Goedde, Director of Transportation

C*Certification ~ All teachers must be certified in the area for which they are teaching. You can verify their areas of certification via the EPSB website under the KECI link. (See EPSB for more details.) “Alt-Cert” is the short version of “alternate certification” which permits an individual with a college degree to obtain a teaching position while enrolled in an education program on the path to attaining a teaching certificate.

Contact: Jennifer Wooley, Director of Human Resources

Kelsey Bailey, Secretary for Certified Personnel

*Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) ~ Committee of teachers and administrators develop/revise the CSIP each year to address areas needing improvement.

Contact: Brenda Pirtle, Assistant Superintendent for Student Learning

Rachelle Bramlage, Director of Middle & High School Education

Adrienne Usher, Director of Elementary Education

*Confidentiality Training ~ You must organize this training once a year for all staff members.

Contact: Troy Kolb, Director of Special Education

*Contracts ~ All employees work under a yearly contract. Classified employees may not work more or less days/hours than noted in their contracts. Administrators and non-tenured teachers are on a limited contract which is a year-to-year basis. Tenured teachers are on a continuing contract.

Contact: Janie Payne, Administrative Secretary/Classified Personnel

Kelsey Bailey, Secretary for Certified Personnel

*Copyright Laws ~ It is illegal to show movies for entertainment, for profit, as a reward, etc. If a movie is shown to students, it must be tied into the curriculum and instruction, thus educationally relevant.

Contact: Susan Vincentz, Technology Integration Specialist

*Corrective Action Plan (CAP) ~ For details, please read the CAP section in the Certified Personnel Evaluation Plan. Key issues to remember:

  • A CAP is intended to provide a plan for you to help the employee to Improve to acceptable levels of performance.
  • Your director will meet with you and the employee when placing him/her on the CAP.
  • Follow up with the plan and make sure you provide the opportunities for growth outlined in the CAP. Timelines are critical.

Contact: Rachelle Bramlage, Director of Middle & High School Education

Adrienne Usher, Director of Elementary Education

*Court System ~ Truancy may need to be addressed through the court system.

Contact: Pat Smith-Darnell, Director of Pupil Personnel

*Custodians ~ Your custodian works all year long. You must request a sub custodian through our Director of Buildings and Grounds.

Contact: Mark Mitchell, Director of Buildings & Grounds

*Customer Service ~ Our students are our clients! Everyone who walks through our doors is a customer. Let’s offer top-notch service!

D*Deadlines ~ Meet all deadlines. Do not turn anything in late. Prioritize your work to meet deadlines.

*Directors ~ Contact your director if you need to be out of your building for more than an hour or two. Always let them know when you need to take leave of any type. Terry Price is the direct supervisor of all elementary principals while Brenda Pirtle is the direct supervisor of all middle and high school principals. Utilize these two experts by asking for advice, guidance, suggestions, etc.

*Discipline ~ Grid of levels may be found in Student Code of Conduct book. Be consistent and be fair! All discipline needs to be entered into Infinite Campus accurately and in a timely manner.

Contact: Sarah Hardin, Safety Director/Coordinator for Drug/Alcohol Abuse

*Documentation ~ If it isn’t written, it didn’t happen.

*Drills ~ Conduct drills in a manner that minimizes loss of instructional time. To be completed each year:

  • Fire – 10 (2 within first 2 weeks of schools)
  • Lockdown – 3

  • Earthquake – 3
  • Bomb Threat – 3

  • Tornado - 4
  • Bus – 4

Contact: Sarah Hardin, Safety Director/Coordinator for Drug/Alcohol Abuse

E*EILA Hours ~ Administrators must have 21 hours per year in order to maintain certification. You may collect EILA hours on extended days. If you serve as chairperson on one KTIP committee, you may count it for three EILA hours. If you serve as chairperson for more than one KTIP committees in a school year, then you may count it for six EILA hours. If you attend an educational conference, you may count six hours of the conference for EILA hours, however, you must have good documentation of attendance.

Contact: Jennifer Wooley, Director of Human Resources

Tammie Collins, Human Resources Secretary

*Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) ~ Valuable website! Links to utilize include:

  • KECI – Kentucky Educator Certification Inquiry – type in a teacher’s name and you can check his/her area(s) of certification, tests taken, permissions, etc.
  • KTIP – Kentucky Teacher Internship Program – electronic means to manage your interns programs.

Your EPSB log-in information changes every 60-90 days, so you may need to write your username and password in a hidden area for you to access. 

*Evaluations ~ Purpose: To ensure our students are taught by superior teachers.

PGES – Professional Growth Effectiveness System – The vision for the Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES) is to have every student taught by an effective teacher. The goal is to create a fair and equitable system to measure teacher effectiveness and act as a catalyst for professional growth.

Training: Initial training is required before an administrator can conduct observations of certified personnel (12 hours through KASA). You must have six hours of update training in certified personnel evaluations each year. Normally, the district will offer three of these six hours as we review the BCPS Certified Evaluation Plan.

Contact: Jennifer Wooley, Director of Human Resources

*Emergency Leave ~ Full-time employees shall be entitled to three (3) days of emergency leave with pay each school year. Persons employed for less than a full year contract shall receive a proratedportion of the authorized emergency leave days calculated to the nearest ½ day. Persons employed on a full year contract but scheduled for less than a full work day shall receive the authorized emergency leave day’s equivalent to their normal working day. Emergency leave shall be granted for the following reasons:

  • Bereavement ~ Death of a relative or personal friend.
  • Disasters ~ Personal disasters of the magnitude of tornadoes, fires, floods, etc. (This applies only in cases not covered by sick leave).
  • Court/Legal ~ Appearances as a witness or to produce documents when the employee’s presence is required by subpoena. This is not to include appearances in actions in which the employee is a party and the subpoena is obtained by or on behalf of the employee. This also does not include jury duty. (See Policy 03.2237).
  • Other ~ Such other reasons of an emergency or extraordinary nature as approved by the Superintendent or designee.
  • Request for Leave ~ Emergency leave must be requested through the Superintendent or designee who will determine if the leave requested meets the Board’s criteria.
  • Affidavit ~ Persons taking emergency leave must file a personal affidavit upon their return to work stating the specific reasons for their absence.
  • Accumulation ~ Emergency leave days not taken during the school year shall not accumulate.

*Extended School Services (ESS) ~ Daytime waiver must be approved each spring by KDE.

Contact: Denise Smith, Director of Finance

Stephanie Dobbins, Federal Programs Secretary

*Extra-Duty Assignments ~ Steps for posting extra-duty!

  1. Principals will post the vacancy at school for 5 days. Simply type the job title, hours, days, any other necessary information and post it in a place where all certified and classified may see it daily.
  2. Staff members will apply by providing the principal their intent in a written format – email, typed, or handwritten.
  3. Principal will interview candidates and select the one she/he wishes to serve in the position.
  4. Principal will send email to Tammie or Janie providing the job title and the name of the person she/he is recommending for the position. Also, the principal will need to scan or send the actual posting and written letters of intent from all applicants to Tammie or Janie. (We will keep this documentation in case we ever need to “explain and defend” how you assigned duties.)
  5. Tammie or Janie will send an email to the principal with the hire date of the individual. The person may begin working once this email has been received.

Janie Payne handles all ESS positions.

Kelsey Bailey handles all other extra-duty assignments.

ESS Daytime Waiver positions will still need to be posted via Recruit & Hire because they are not an extra-duty assignment.

Principals, please continue to work with the Federal Programs Secretary to budget the number of hours and days for all positions funded by a grant before creating a posting. This will help keep you within your budget.

Near the end of the school year, we will send a list of your extra-duty assignments and names of the employees holding each assignment. You will then notify us if you wish to keep the individuals in the positions or if changes will be made. A letter of resignation from an extra-duty assignment will be needed for anyone who will not maintain the assignment for the following school year. If you choose to non-renew an individual for an extra-duty assignment, you will need to give that person a letter thanking her/him for the year of service and that you will not be utilizing her/his services in that capacity for the next school year. Send us a copy of the letter.

Contact: Janie Payne, Administrative Secretary/Classified Employees

Tammie Collins, Human Resources Secretary

F*Faculty Meetings ~ No more than 18 faculty meetings per year per contract. Best

Practice is to set a common day (ex: every Tuesday after payday Friday) and to focus on instructionally relevant information. Nuts and bolts issues should be shared with teachers weekly in an electronic memo.

*Fair Labor Standards Act ~ Classified employees are paid on an hourly basis so they must only work their contracted hours. They cannot donate time or volunteer in their contracted jobs.

Contact: Denise Smith, Director of Finance

*Family Medical Leave Act ~ Can be confusing! If an employee is off work for more than three consecutive days due to a serious illness, caring for an ill family member, birth or adoption of a child, then she/he must be placed on FMLA. She/He may use sick leave concurrently and maintain benefits (insurance) if so desired. Paperwork must be completed by a doctor.

Contact: Freda Holderman, Insurance Coordinator

*Field Trips ~ District buses can be utilized between 9:00 – 1:45. If a trip will take longer, commercial transportation must be used. Field trips must be instructionally relevant and address content standards. Board approval is required for:

  1. Use of commercial carrier
  2. Overnight travel
  3. Out-of-state travel

All field trip requests must be submitted electronically which will flow to Greg Schultz, Assistant Superintendent for Student Learning, for approval.

*Fire Marshall ~ Know where your binder of fire alarm inspections is kept. Make sure all items are at least 18” from the ceiling throughout your building. Teachers tend to stack boxes/containers on top of cabinets so they must be aware of the 18” rule.

Contact: Mark Mitchell, Director of Buildings & Grounds

*Food ~ Angela Voyles is the Director of School Food Services for the district. All questions relating to your cafeteria and food programs should be directed to Angela.

Contact: Angela Voyles, Director of School Food Services


H*Harassment Training ~ All staff must be trained annually concerning harassment and how/when to report.

Contact: Susan Bibelhauser, Supervisor of Social Services

*Highly Qualified (HQ) ~ All teachers must be certified to teach in the areas/subjects for which they are employed. You will have to complete an HQ Report each year so we suggest you use a binder to hold printed information from EPSB’s KECI (Kentucky Educator Certification Inquiry) site. Printed information to keep includes a teacher’s certification, permissions, Praxis tests, HQ calculator, HOUSSE index. The HR Department can answer questions concerning HQ.

Contact: Jennifer Wooley, Director of Human Resources

*Hiring Process ~ (Certified)

  1. The principal shall review applications via the online system, checking that applicants have the appropriate certification for the vacant position.
  2. The Principal shall determine which applicants s/he wishes to interview and email those names to Nicole Harvey or Jennifer Wooley for approval.
  3. Nicole or Jennifer shall check certification of applicants via EPSB KECI link, review the online applications, and notify the Principal in writing which applicants may be interviewed. The Principal shall retain a copy of the written notification for his/her records.
  4. New graduates may be interviewed without Statement of Eligibility but must receive it in order to be hired.
  5. Applicants receiving Alternative Certification may be interviewed but the District must receive a letter from the university verifying current acceptance in an Alternative Certification program in order to be hired.
  6. The individual candidate who is selected through consultation with the school-based council (if the school has one) is submitted to the Superintendent for employment via the online application system.
  7. HR department checks certification again and processes the recommendation.
  8. Official hire is complete once Keith approves recommendation.
  9. Nicole contacts new employee to come to central office to complete necessary paperwork.

*An alt cert applicant may be selected rather than a fully certified applicant if determined to be the best candidate for the position.