Administrative instruction for the use of LAC Funds
- Local Accommodation Committee Funds Purpose
1.1Local Accommodation Committees and Principals (where there is no Local Accommodation Committee), may be provided with an appropriation to support the administration and management of the tenancy of employee housing in their area.
1.2The Local Accommodation Committee Funds are to be held in trust by the school administering the funds for the purpose of supporting tenancy in departmental accommodation. It is expected that the funds will be used for the following items:
(a)mower and whipper snipper provision, repairs and replacement,
(b)mowing the lawns of vacant residences during vacations,
(c)reallocating departmental furniture within a centre,
(d)moving tenants within a centre where this move is at the request of the Local Accommodation Committee,
(e)provision of sets of master keys,
(f)small repairs to locks, doors and other small repairs to residences to facilitate resolution of tenancy issues,
(g)administrative resources support for the Local Accommodation Committees and the LAC Administrative Assistants where they are employed and
(h)cleaning and or small repairs of residences and yards prior to new tenancies or to minimise further damage,
- where tenants have failed to clean or repair damage on vacate, or
- where existing tenants have failed to clean or repair after annual inspections and notice to remedy breach processes have been followed, (all repairs other than minor repairs are to be referred to the Facilities Account Manager).
1.3The Local Accommodation Committees are to undertake recovery from tenants who are liable for expenses for cleaning and or repairs of residences incurred by Local Accommodation Committees and through maintenance and minor funding administered through the Regional Offices. All such recoveries will need to be supported by appropriate documentation that clearly identifies the tenant liability and are to be treated as a sundry debt. (See Tenant Debt guidelines)
1.4Central Housing Services will provide assistance to Local Accommodation Committees for recovery from tenants, through payroll and sundry debt processes available through Financial Services in Central Office, where appropriate documentation and agreement has been reached locally.
1.5Asset maintenance and Minor Works improvements are supported by budgets available through the relevant Regional Office. Please contact the relevant Regional Facilities Manager, should costs be incurred for the departmentally owned residences for the following:
(a)Health and safety inspections; and cleaning and repairs for residences that have been vacant long term;
(b)Small improvements not currently a part of any Capital Works Program that are to be funded from minor works; and
(c)Planned and unplanned maintenance expenses.
For leased residences, the owner’s agent should be contacted in those instances where maintenance work is required. If the LAC undertakes any minor repairs or changes to locks for leased residences, prior approval of the owner is required except in emergencies.
- Local Accommodation Committee Funds Administration By Regions
2.1The Region has funding available to support the management of Departmental Housing at a local level for the fund purposes shown above.
2.2Schools should contact their region to determine how these expenses are to be paid.
2.3It is at the discretion of the regions whether the funds are provided directly to a school on request, or an expense by a school is paid by the region on presentation to the region of a supplier or school invoice.
2.4If the funds are provided directly to a school the administrative guidelines in section 3 apply.
- Local Accommodation Committee Funds Administration At Schools
3.1The Region may determine that funds are to be held at schools for some larger LAC’s. Please contact your Regional Facilities Manger or take this issue to your Local Area Housing Forum for advice.
3.2The Principal of the school where the LAC funds are administered is the responsible officer for the LAC funds expenditure. LAC funds are held in trust by the school and all expenditure is subject to the normal financial processes of the school and subject to the normal record-keeping and audit requirements.
3.3Any appropriation made available to Local Accommodation Committees will take account of the differences in the number of residences and the remoteness of the centre. Funding levels will also be dependant on overall budget support in the region.
3.4Reports of expenditure are to be forwarded to the Region in July each year and this report should cover all revenue and expenditure for the previous financial year July to June.
3.5Funds will only be paid on receipt of the report of funds expenditure and where the current fund balance is either half of the advised appropriation amount or at a minimum of $1,500.
3.6All Local Accommodation Committees particularly those that receive a small appropriation may need to accumulate their funds to ensure that the available balance is sufficient for possible expenses such as assistance to move to optimise housing.
3.7The funds are transferred to the bank account of the school that is administering the Local Accommodation Committee Funds through the Grants and Payments System (GAPS) as an appropriation and show in the GAPS records against each school as Local Accommodation Committee Funds.
3.8These funds are to be accounted for in the School Management System as tied funds held in trust by the school and an “E” Cost Centre will need to be set up for that purpose. These funds are subject to the normal auditing practices of the department.
3.9All moneys received by the school through GAPS as an appropriation or from another school by way of a transfer of these funds, are to be recorded as a “B” GST code (Out of Scope).
3.10All approved employee housing expenses for LAC Funds are input taxed (non claimable) and should be recorded as an “I” GST code.
3.11All recoveries from tenants for expenses of the LAC that relate to cleaning and repairs for residences should be recorded as a “B” GST code (Out of Scope).
3.12All funds are to be retained by the school for the purpose of supporting employee housing only; balances are to be rolled over from one school financial year to the next in the “E” Cost Centre.
3.13Where funds are transferred from one school to another the funds transfer is to include appropriate documentation of previous revenue and expenditure.
3.14The region is to be advised of any change that affects the administration of the Local Accommodation Committee Funds.
Local Accommodation Committee Funds - Trim Ref 10/201752Page 1 of 3