Exercise / Description / Diagram
Single Leg RDL / 1.  Hold a kettlebell or DB by the handle in one hand. Stand on one leg, on the same side that you are holding the weight on. Keeping that knee slightly bent, perform a deadlift by bending at the hip, extending your free leg straight back behind you to help with balance. Continue lowering the weight until it completely touches the group and then slowly raise back to start position.
Push-Ups / Lie flat on the floor with arms about shoulder width apart. Extended arms until body is straight and slowly lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor. Then pushing with your arms raise body back up. Repeat.
Partner Glute/ Hamstring Falls (3 count down) / Start off in kneeling position. While partner hold ankles down, activate core and slowly move body forward to the floor for a 3 second count. Then return to start position. Repeat
Seated Cable Rows / For this machine you will need the pulley row machine. Start off by sitting down and placing feet on platform. Lean forward to grab handle then bring body back to a 90 degree angle with your chest out. Keeping the back stationary pull handles back toward you squeezing your back muscles holding for a brief second. Then returning back to start position.
Lunges / Start by standing with torso up right and to dumbbells by your side. Start by stepping forward with one foot while keep other stationary. Lowering the body while keeping back straight and body balanced. Then using mostly the heel brings body back to starting position. Repeat on opposite side
Dumbbell Push Press / Starting in a standing position bring weights to shoulder height. Next slightly bend at the knees and in one motion from the legs push upward bringing weights up above the head. Slowly bring weight back to start. Repeat
Bar Phase 1
(Barbell Row) / Holding the bar at a pronated grip, bend knees slightly, and bring torso forward. While keeping the back straight and elbows close to your side bring barbell close to your body squeezing the back muscles. Hold position for brief second then lower bar back down.
Box Jumps / For this you will need a box or stable object. Using the arms to help, jump forward and up landing softly on top of object. Immediately step or jump back down and repeat.
Bulgarian Squats / ·  Start with one dumbbell in each hand. Stand in a staggered stance, your left foot in front of your right. Set your feet 2 to 3 feet apart.Place just the top of your foot on a bench. When you're doing split squats, the higher your foot is elevated, the harder the exercise. Slightly bend at the knee and motion downward then back up to start position.
Dumbbell Pullovers / 1.  Start in a standing position. Bring weight up in front of chest. When ready bring weight over top of head making sure to keep good grasp. While keeping your arms locked in the bent arm position, lower the weight slowly in an arc behind your head until you feel a stretch on the chest. From there bring weight back up over head. Repeat
2 shuffle w/ Lateral Squat / Start with dumbbell in hands holding right in front of chest. Start off by moving in a sideways shuffle two steps. Then move body into a single leg squat. Push off squat leg and move right 2 shuffles into another sideways squat. Repeat

Core Training

Exercise / Description / Diagram
Superman / Lying on your stomach with arms and legs extended. Lift arms and legs off the ground at the same time hold for a second and let them back down.
Plank w/ Heel Drive / Facing the floor hold your body in a flat position on your elbows and toes. Keep back flat and hold. Once set bring one leg up keeping the glutes and core active. Bring leg back to the floor then switch
Seated Rotations / Sit on the floor with your legs in front of you, knees bent, and heels lifted a few inches into the air; lean back extend your arms straight in front. Slowly rotate your torso to the right, pause, and then rotate to the left. Continue
Plank w/ side touch / Facing the floor or on your side hold your body in a flat position on your elbows and toes or forearm. Keep back flat and hold. Once set slowly bring one knee at a time making sure the obliques stay activated.