Ken Kaps
Administrative Forester - Timberland Operations
TimberWest Forest Ltd.
#3-4890 Rutherford Rd
Nanaimo, BC
V9T 4Z4
Dear Mr. Kaps,
The following Ungulate Winter Range U1-002, TFL 46 Mule Deer has been designated as “known” information in the South Island Forest District as per Section 1 of the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act Operational and Site Planning Regulation, B.C. Reg. 107/98, O.C. 0426/98 (Consolidated to August 5, 2003).
This information is made known as of October 29, 2003 and must be incorporated into related operational plan submissions 4 months after this date.
A plot file and digital copy of the boundary of this UWR can be downloaded from the following ftp site:
File format: Zipped E00
Projection: BC Albers
If there are any problems with accessing the e00 file contact Byron Woods at . These data will remain at the above location indefinitely so that additional digital copies can be downloaded as required. These digital boundaries are the final approved versions. Please ensure that any draft versions you may have received are deleted.
The following objectives have been established for this ungulate winter range:
To maintain or enhance the existing combination of topographic and vegetative features within the designated ungulate winter ranges. Forest management activities must ensure that adjacent ungulate winter ranges are not adversely affected by foreseeable impacts including windthrow and fire.
Management Objectives
Objective 1
Road construction is not to occur within the designated ungulate winter ranges unless there is no other practicable option, the quality of the winter ranges will not be significantly affected and a variance is approved by the MWLAP Statutory Decision Maker or designate.
Objective 2
Harvesting is not to occur within the designated ungulate winter ranges unless a variance is approved by the MWLAP Statutory Decision Maker or designate. A variance would only normally be considered for the purposes of enhancing the quality of the winter range.
Objective 3
Salvage harvesting is not to occur within the designated ungulate winter ranges, unless a variance is approved by the MWLAP Statutory Decision Maker or designate.
Objective 4
Snag removal is not to occur within the designated winter ranges unless required to address worker safety.
If you require a copy of the order signed by the MWLAP Deputy Minister it can be sent upon request. For more information contact Ron Diederichs, MWLAP Nanaimo.
District Manager
cc: Ron Diederichs, MWLAP Nanaimo
Stewart Guy, MWLAP, Biodiversity Branch Vcitoria