/ Administrative Completeness Review Checklist
Project Name: / <Enter Project Name>
Control Section Job Number (CSJ): / <Enter CSJ Number>
Core Team Members / District: / <Enter Name(s)> / ENV: / <Enter Name(s)>
Date Received: / <Enter Date> / Date Reviewed: / <Enter Date>
Yes No / Is Project Sponsor’s statement indicating the document is administratively complete, ready for technical review and compliant with all applicable requirements included in the project file?
Yes No / Project is eligible for review per 43 TAC §2.42
This checklist shall be used to determine whether an environmental document is administratively complete and ready for technical review.If all required items are present, the environmental document will be determined administratively complete and proceed to technical review. If any items are deter-mined incomplete or missing, the project sponsor shall be notified of the incomplete or missing items.
An environmental document will not proceed to technical review until it has been determined administratively complete.
YES=Satisfactory / NO=Incomplete or Missing / NA=Not Applicable
I. Consistency with Project Scope(Check one box ONLY.)
The following elements in the environmental document are consistent with the project scope, as amended:
YES / NO / N/A
A.The project description.
B.The project limits.
C.The funding sources (federal, state, and/or local).
D.The project is eligible for review.
II. Completion of Required Tasks
Documentation must reflect that all tasks required by the project scope have been completed.
Note: This may be determined by checking Texas ECOS, project files, or a combination of both.
YES / NO / N/A
A.Department records indicate that all surveys and studies required by the project scope are complete.
B.Department records indicate all environmental reports required by the project scope have been submitted to the department.
C.Department records indicate that all coordination with participating agencies required by the project scope is complete.
D.Department records indicate that any other tasks required by the project scope are complete.
III. Environmental Document Content
The environmental review document must contain the following elements. Administrative completeness review includes verifying that the elements identified below are present, but does not include an evaluation of whether they are correct, accurate, or consistent with any separate reports or studies. Surveys, studies and other tasks identified in Section VI of the Project Scope must be addressed in the environmental review document. All tasks that are required to be completed prior to environmental approval must be completed at the time the final document is submitted.
YES / NO / N/A / The environmental document includes a discussion of or describes:
A.Project definition, as reflected in the project scope.
B.Project funding.
C.Right-of-way requirements for the project.
D.Project location.
E.Purpose and need of the project.
F.Information regarding relevant transportation planning documents.
G.Alternatives considered.
H.A summary of the results of all surveys, studies or completed coordination required in the project scope.
I.Consideration of participating agencies’ comments and the project sponsor’s responses to those comments.
J.Tasks and EPICs that need to be completed after the environmental decision.
Document is administratively complete and ready for technical review.
Document is NOT administratively complete and not ready for technical review.
Actions needed to be taken to make the document administratively complete are:
<Clearly identify any incomplete or missing information.>
Reviewed By / ______/ ______/ ______
District Core Team Member / Signature / DateDate
______/ ______/ ______
ENV Core Team Member / Signature / DateDate
Approved By / ______/ ______/ ______
Department Delegate / Signature / DateDate

ChecklistVersion 2

TxDOT Environmental Affairs Division 120.01.CHK

Effective Date: February 2015Page 1 of 2