21st October, 2017


The workshop was being led by Rev. Dr. Peter Hall and Rev. Maggie DeLeeuw.

The purpose of this workshop is to help members of the Congregation to understand more fully the responsibilities of the Church Council as laid down by the UCA Regulation 3.1.2 and the difficulties the present Church Council faces in complying with it. This is made even more difficult when the Regulation is compared with the Basis of Union and the Bible. The Church Council is proposing a model that will go a long way to meeting the requirements of all three sources. This needs to be explained and worked through with the members of the congregation.


The members of the present Church Council are all called ‘Leaders.’ The agenda of Church Council meetings generally reflected issues related to administration, property and finance but did not reflect the spiritual oversight as required by UCA Regulation 3.1.2. The Council also made decisions on items that could well be delegated to responsible persons where those items were covered by specific budget allocations. In the Uniting Church a Leader is understood to be the same as the term ‘Elder’ that is found in the Bible, and particularly the New Testament. In discussion, reference was made to a 2014 Assembly document which discussed the role ofLeaders/Elders in the Uniting Church and proposed a model that would help to fulfil the requirements of the Basis of Union, the Constitution and the Regulations. These notes are an amalgam of the workshop notes and relevant UCA documents.

UCA – The Role of Elders/Leaders

For the Congregation and those considering whether to agree to nomination as an Elder/Leader in the Uniting Church it is good to understand what this role involves, particularly in light of the Biblical understanding.

The Uniting Church Constitution, Clause 19, states:

Unless the Presbytery shall authorise otherwise:-

(a)  Each Congregation shall recognise and appoint confirmed members or members in association as Elders to share with the Minister in oversight and building up the Congregation in faith and love, sustaining its members in hope and leading them into a full participation in Christ’s mission in the world; and

(b)  The Elders shall be members of the Church Council and shall comprise at least one half of its membership.

Elders may be called ‘Elders’ or ‘Leaders’.

The wording of sub-clause (a) is almost identical to the wording of Clause 15(b) of the Basis of Union. This is repeated in Regulation 3.1.2 (a) with the additional wording, “The Church Council shall give priority in its life to building up the Congregation ...” and ending with, ”This priority shall be reflected in the agenda of its ordinary meetings.”

Sub-clause (b)(i) goes on to state, “sharing with the Minister(s) in mission and in the pastoral care and spiritual oversight of the Congregation.”

It is clear that the responsibility for spiritual oversight of the members of the congregation is not the minister’s alone but is the responsibility of the elders, plural, of which the minister is one. So what does the Bible say about eldership? While there are a number of quotations I recommend that the following three be read and understood: Acts 20: 17. Titus 1: 5-9 and 1 Peter 5: 1-3. In the Acts reading Paul is on his way to Jerusalem and summoned the elders of the Ephesus church to meet with him. Paul tells them to be ‘shepherds over the flock’. That means that they are responsible for the well-being of the members of the congregation, and particularly the spiritual well-being. The elders are expected to be mature in their faith, have a sound knowledge of Christian doctrine and be able to disciple members in the Christian faith. They also need to be prepared to take to task members that drift away from sound doctrine, encourage others in their faith and be a good example by their own living. Being responsible for the flock includes pastoral care of members.

In reading the above, it is clear that a person takes on a serious responsibility and needs to be sure that God is calling them to such a role in the church. A person also needs to be sure that they have the spiritual gifts to enable them to fulfil the calling God may be having on their life. Talk to the minister/pastor. Members of the congregation who will vote to elect a person to the role need to weigh up a person’s ability to fulfil that role.


Changes made by Assembly to the Regulations and Ensuing Problems

Rev. Dr. Peter Hall

Basis of Union 14(b)

It will seek to recognise in the congregation those endowed by the Spirit with gifts fitting them for rule and oversight.

Basis of Union 15(b)

The Elders’ or Leaders’ Meeting

It is responsible for building up the congregation in faith and love, sustaining its members in hope, and leading them to a fuller participation in Christ’s mission to the World.

Group Discussion:

a.  What do you understand by “rule and spiritual oversight”?

·  Didn’t like the word ‘rule’ (Pharisees)

·  Like steering a ship

·  Jesus – ‘Head’ of the church – Elders need to be in tune with Jesus

·  Corporate not individual – team leadership

·  Lead by example

·  Not all Elders called to preach (dependant on gifts)

·  Discipline is challenging - is healthy

·  Need people to lead – people to follow

·  Concentrating on micro rather than macro

s  Needs to be macro first; but

s  It’s necessary to see the micro needs to make the macro work

·  Lot of concentration on pastoral care – self

b.  What is your experience of the role of elders/leaders in congregations you have been in?

·  Do all the work

·  Provide direction

·  Lead by example

·  Keep people together

·  Review and assess

·  Discern God’s will for the church and congregation

·  Listen and connect with congregation

·  Initiate correction

·  Oversee congregation’s life

·  Care for each other

·  Emphasis on plural leadership

Biblical Model of Leaders/Elders and their Qualities

(Session led by Rev. Maggie de Leeuw)

Church Elders and Leaders

If I were to ask you… ‘What is the purpose of having leaders in the church?’…. what would your response be?

Christian Leadership is …

1.  Following Jesus Christ’s example in serving others

“giving up your own needs for the sake of others; being vulnerable, taking a risk that others will accept your leadership”.

2.  Being in a position of authority alongside of others

“earning respect out of which others will follow, yet seeing it as serving others”.

3.  Acting on behalf of everyone

“remember that there is ‘one body, yet many members …’ we do this on their behalf”.

Equipping others…

·  “See the potential for developing skills & abilities in others which may, in turn, lead to their taking on a role of leadership themselves”.

·  “it is He who gave gifts: He appointed some… Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers… to prepare all God’s people for Christian service, in order to build up the body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:11-12)

Fulfilling and Modelling the Great Commission ...

Jesus said to them:

“I have been given authority in heaven and on all the earth. Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to do everything I have told you. I will be with you always, even until the end of the world.”

Matt 28:16-20

This is the case for every Minister, Deacon, Elder, & Church Council Member, so that every member is equipped to know how to be a disciple of Christ Jesus.

Who do you recognise at spiritual Leaders/Elders?

1.  List people you respect as models of Christian Leadership.

·  Bill Hybell

·  Graham Long

·  Barbara Whale

·  Jan Hughes

2.  What are the Characteristics that set them apart?

·  Passion

·  Dedication

·  Confidence in God’s ability and God’s reality

·  Prayerfulness

·  Compassion

·  Servanthood

·  Discerning people’s gifts

·  Commitment

3.  What do they do?

·  Act rather than talk

·  Give of themselves

·  Visionaries

·  Give glory to God

·  They don’t limit God

·  Caring for others

4.  What do you perceive as the fruit of their ministry?

·  Pull people close together

·  People’s lives are changed

·  Help people into Kingdom

·  Respect

5.  In what ways are you aware that they are growing spiritually?

·  Been through trials

·  Relationships generated

·  People who study the Word

Biblical Model of Leaders/Elders

Let us read together the following verses of Scripture:

John 13:5-14

·  Servanthood

·  Humility

·  Submission

·  Modelling

Romans 12:1-3

·  Transformation

·  Renewing mind

·  Self-giving

·  Honesty

·  Faith

·  Set apart

·  Non-conformity

James 5:13-16

·  Prayer

·  Reach out for support

·  Willing to be involved

·  Thankfulness

·  Purposeful

·  Praise

·  Anointing of oil

·  Prayers for healing

·  Confession

·  Elders of church

1 Corinthians 12: 12-15,27

·  Mutual dependence

·  Differences are our strength

·  Equally important

·  Different parts to play

1 Peter 4:8-11

·  Love

·  Cheerful sharing

·  Hospitality

·  Generosity

·  Understanding of spiritual gifts

·  Using one’s spiritual gifts

·  Everyone has a spiritual gift (or more)

·  Provide opportunities to exercise gifts

1 Peter 5:1-4

·  Sharing

·  Costly involvement

·  Elders care for flock willingly

·  Relationship with God

·  Not ‘lording’ over others

·  Lead by example

·  No domineering

·  Long term view

Leadership and Organisation in the Uniting Church

The call to the ministry of Elder is usually heard and affirmed within the life of a congregation. It is recognised under the guidance of the Holy Spirit:

An Elder has the responsibility to share in the ministry of spiritual oversight of the life and witness of the members of the Congregation.

(Discuss each of the following statements)

1.  In maintaining the faithful witness of the congregation to Jesus Christ’s redeeming work in individuals and in the world.

2.  Offer within the life of the congregation counselling and support, encouragement, forgiveness and challenge. (Pastoral Care)

3.  Assist the minister/s in the conduct of worship and the administration of the sacraments.

4.  Help the congregation develop it’s sense of identity and importance in the work of God.

A Church Council Leader has the responsibility of enabling discipleship and mission through:

·  Sharing with the Minister in managing financial affairs.

·  General administration – reception, preparation and presentation of all necessary budgets, statements and reports.

·  Managing and controlling property.

·  Determining the time and place of services.

·  Preparing and presenting to a meeting of the Congregation an annual report on the life and work of the congregation

·  Exercising oversight of the appointment of officers and leaders of congregational organisations.

·  Referral of matters to Presbytery.

How does the above enable discipleship and mission?

The identity of Leaders and Elders is not to be perceived solely in functional terms. Central are the following aspects:

Godly Character demonstrates:

·  Humility: Phil. 2:3

·  Faith:1 John 5:13

·  Purity/integrity: 2 Cor. 6:6

·  Love: 1 Cor. 13

·  Forgiveness: Matt.6:14-15

·  Gratitude: 1 Thes. 5:18

·  Kindness: 2 Cor. 6:6

·  Mercy: Rom. 12:8

·  Perseverance: Col. 3:12

This is evident in the way Spiritual leaders are:

·  Growing spiritually: Heb. 6:1

·  Exercise wisdom and discernment: James 1:5

·  Lead with humility and a servant heart: Matt. 20:26

·  Have the courage to live and speak Christ’s truth: 2 Tim. 1:7

·  Remains teachable: Psalm 25:4: Proverbs 19:20

·  Is honouring of others: Romans 12:10

·  Has a generous spirit: Luke 6:38

·  Is faithful and obedient to God through His Spirit/Word: John 14:12

·  Loves God and loves others: Mark 12:30-31

·  Disciples others to love God and love others: Matt. 28: 16-20

·  Is prayerful: 1 Thess. 5:16

Leadership and Eldership is not for the fainthearted. It is not for anyone who wants to lead as the world leads.

It is not based so much on our gifts and talents, as it is based on our maturity in our relationship with Jesus, through His Holy Spirit, our depth of prayer, both personally and as leaders, our surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and our willingness to make Christ known.

Do Gifts of Leadership Matter?

Yes they do! However, gifts exercised without the fruit of the Spirit is destructive. It will damage the spiritual well-being of the life of the Church.

Paul talks about the reality that there are different kinds of gifts, but they come from the same Spirit. He also talks about the fact that regardless of whatever gift is given by the Holy Spirit, if there is no love, that gift has no value. 1 Cor. 13

Why would Paul make such a statement?

Spiritual gifts are not just our natural abilities: such as writing, or speaking, or sports or cooking or gardening and others.

Spiritual gifts are given for the building up of the faith community - 1 Cor. 12, Ephesians 4, and Romans 12:

They are specific gifts that the Spirit of God gives to individuals to be expressed in serving God’s people. They include such things as:

Teaching Preaching

Serving Helping

Healing Administration

Prophecy Evangelism, and more

Issues of Authority

In the role of Church Council Leader and Elder, you are given a position of authority. The authority is perceived clearly by the members of the congregation and those who are outside the church as a position of power.

1.  Is power a good thing or a bad thing?

Power in itself is neither good nor bad! What we do with power determines it being good or bad.

2.  Name some benefits of good use of power?

·  Enabling others

·  Keeps the church on track

·  Effects change

·  Gives confidence

·  Protecting advocate

3.  Name some negatives of bad use of power?