SATURDAY 23rd JUNE 2018 - 21/10 miles

A circular route over the farmland and valleys of South Lancashire through woodland and over Rivington and Anglezarke Moors.Dogs must be on a lead.

Venue:Adlington Scout Group Headquarters

Grove Crescent, Adlington,PR6 9RJ - Grid ref: 6025,1335.

21 mile route - 08.30am(Registration: 07:00 – 08:00am)

10 mile route - 09.00am(Registration: 07:30 – 08:30am)

All runners - 09.30am(Registration:08:00 – 09:00am)

Equipment:All walkers and runners are expected to wear suitable footwear and carry adequate equipment, including waterproofs, whistle, compass, map (Explorer No 287), food and drinks.

Refreshments:Therewill be light refreshments anddrinks at 6 checkpoints on the 21 mile route and at 3 checkpoints on the 10 mile route. Good meal at finish.

Completion:Time limit is 10 hours. Timeto finish is 6.30pm. Anyone not reaching checkpoint 5, Jepson’s Gate, by 3.30pm will be asked to retire. Retirement at checkpoints only, by handing in tally card.

Cost: Entry per participant: In advance, £12 for 21 mile route, £6 for £10 mile route. On the day £14 and£8.Includes refreshments at all CPs and meal at finish.Every person who completes the routes will receive a certificate and memento.Under 18’s must be accompanied by aresponsible adult.

Entry:SEF accepted. Online application preferredor send email or one SAE to request paper entry form. Routes will be distributed on the day and results will be available online after the event. Cheques payable to Adlington Scout Group.

Contact:Email: .

Address: White Bear Way Admin Team, 40 Fairview Drive, Adlington, Lancashire, PR6 9SB.

Tel: 07397 346224.

(Basic accommodation or overnight camping is available at the Scout Headquarters.Contact for details).

Name…………………………………………………………………………………...... Car Reg......

Address...... ………………………………………………………......

...... …………………………………………………………......

Email...... Mob.No......

Delete as appropriate : Walker/Runner/21 Miles/10 MilesDo you require a vegetarian meal : YES / NO

Age if under 18 ...... If under 18 the following section to be signed by the accompanying adult:-

I...... ……………………...... will accompany the above for the duration of the event

Signed ......

I confirm that I am in good health and have no medical condition that may cause undue concern or inconvenience to others. I understand that I participate at my own risk and accept that there is no liability by the organisers in respect of any injury or loss or damage sustained by me during the event. Iagree to abide by the countryside code.

Signed...... Date......