This form is to be filled out by the adjunct faculty member. All answers are intended to reflect your experience since your last review. The following additional information should be appended to this form:

An updated curriculum vitae or resume (you may highlight information you will want to discuss during the review).

A syllabus of each course taught since the last review.

Selected examples of course handouts

Summary of student evaluation surveys of courses taught since the last review

Originals of student written comments (do not make copies, these will be returned to you)

1.  Name:

2.  University ID number:

3.  University rank or job title:

4.  Supervisor/Lead instructor [if applicable]:

5.  Program:

6.  First year you taught at the university:

7.  Year of last performance review:

8.  Which following word best summarizes your experience as an instructor? (select one)







9.  Which statement best describes the students in your class? (select one)

They are highly engaged in the subject and ask a lot of questions

They are quiet in class, but work hard outside of class

They are more interested in the class requirements than the subject matter

They seem interested in the subject, but do not produce good work

Only a couple of students seem interested in the subject matter

10.  Which statement best describes how the college/department supports your teaching? (select one)

They support me from beginning to end

They help me plan the course, but otherwise I’m on my own

I mostly plan the course on my own, and get helpful input afterward

I get help and input when I ask for it

It is hard to get questions answered

11.  In addition to teaching, indicate other ways you contribute to CDes. (select all that apply)

Guest lectures (roughly how many per year: )

Studio Reviews (roughly how many per year: )

Adjunct Faculty Committee (how many years: )

Other CDes Committee, Task Force, or Working Group (name: )

Support of student organizations (name: )

Mentorship programs

Student Advising (how many students per year: )

Research (explain: )


12.  Regarding your teaching, please indicate all of the goals and objectives that apply to you. (select all that apply)

I am generally satisfied with my annual teaching assignments

I would like to teach more

I want to teach less

I am interested in teaching with others

I would like to teach a different type of class (name here: )

I would like to pursue research related to my teaching

I want to publish books or articles related to my teaching

I would like to pursue a full time teaching career and/or tenured position


13.  In which areas can the department/college make improvements to enhance your ability to teach? (select all that apply)


Technical equipment or technology

Promote collegiality between regular faculty and adjuncts

Formal training programs for design educators


Feedback from tenured faculty and peers

On-site office space/admin resources

Website, IT support

Communications with the College

Mentorship and Advisor programs


14.  Please use this space to address any issues, goals, observations, or objectives you would like addressed during your review.