Internship Reflection Template

Please complete the following FOUR TIMES during the course of your internship. These reflections will be submitted via Qualtrics. This reflection is for monitoring your professional growth throughout the course of your internship. Remember, each section within the below template should be at least 1 paragraph per section.

Achievement (Highlight at least one achievement; what did you accomplish? what are you proud of? what happened recently that you would want to remember in an interview? What goals have you met and what actions did you take to meet those goals?):
Pain Point (Think critically about areas where you can improve throughout this internship; What did you struggle with recently? Where would you like to improve?):
Goal for Next Reflection(Set at least one goal to meet by your next reflection; What will you focus on improving? What steps will you take to accomplish this goal?):
Resume Builder (Quantify at least one achievement, skill you learned or mastered, or one important interaction you had recently; record what you would add to your resume):

Additional topics you can write about in the above sections

  • Are there any other interns with you?
  • Did you receive any training? If so, what kind?
  • What are your day to day tasks?
  • What is the most enjoyable part of your internship so far?
  • What is the most challenging part of your internship so far?
  • Post-graduation, would you want to work for the company you are interning for, or work in this type of industry? If yes, is there an opportunity to work for this company post-graduation?

Internship Reflection Criteria
Student's internship reflections must meet these criteria to be approved by OCM:

Student submits internship reflection

Student has completed reflection accurately and to the best of their ability

Daily intern responsibilities prove to go beyond the scope of "gopher" tasks (ie: more involved than getting coffee and lunch)

Student has taken time to reflect critically on their recent achievements

Student has taken time to reflect critically on their recent pain points

Student has taken time to reflect on what they want their goals for the following reflection to be, based on the pain points addressed

Student develops at least 1 effective bullet point for their resume based on their recent achievements

Questions or Comments:

Please visit OR

Contact R Gracie Freireich, Assistant Director, Career Management– or (740) 597-1818 with any questions or comments regarding this process.

Internship Reflection Template and Criteria