Peachtree Charter Middle School
Teacher: / Zokovitch / Week of: October 16th – October 20th, 2017 / Unit 2
Course: / 7th Grade World Studies / Unit Name: SW Asia Geography and History
Priority Standards:
(content specific) / SS7H2 Analyze continuity and change in Southwest Asia (Middle East).
c. Describe how land and religion plays a role in continuing conflicts in the Middle East (i.e. the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the division between Sunni and Shia Muslims, and Kurdish nationalism).
d. Explain U.S. presence and interest in Southwest Asia, including the Persian Gulf conflict and invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Supporting Standards:
(content specific) / a. Explain how European partitioning in the Middle East following WWI led to regional conflict.
b. Explain the historical factors contributing to the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948; include the Jewish religious connection to the land, anti-semitism, the development of Zionism in Europe, and the aftermath of the Holocaust.
Non-Content Standards: / L6-8RH2: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions. L6-8RH6: Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author’s point of view or purpose (e.g., loaded language, inclusion or avoidance of particular facts). L6-8RH1: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources. L6-8WHST4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. L6-8WHST10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for reflection and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Daily Lesson Plan for Monday
OPENING / 1.  What are the Israelis and the Palestinians fighting about again?
2.  Which kid are you following in Promises?
E.Q.: Why did you choose this kid?
WORK PERIOD / S will view “Promises” about Jewish and Palestinian children living in Israel. S will answer questions based on the children’s experiences in the region. S and T will review the video and the different perspectives of the children.
CLOSING / What perceptions did you have prior to the video? Did your perceptions change at all?
HOMEWORK / 1st – 6th period finish working on your discussion sheet – 7th period None
Daily Lesson Plan for Tuesday
OPENING / 1.  Why do you think some of the kids feel so strongly about the conflict already?
2.  How does your kid feel about the Jews/Palestinians?
E.Q.: Why does it seem impossible to achieve peace in the Middle East?
WORK PERIOD / S will view “Promises” about Jewish and Palestinian children living in Israel. S will answer questions based on the children’s experiences in the region. S and T will review the video and the different perspectives of the children.
CLOSING / Is it possible for Palestinians and Israelis to solve their disputes? How?
HOMEWORK / Check out my Quizlet on the historical standards – 7th Period Finish the questions
Daily Lesson Plan for Wednesday
OPENING / 1.  What do the Israelis want?
2.  What do the Palestinians want?
E.Q.: What are some of the key obstacles to peace that you saw in the video?
WORK PERIOD / Students will be split into 6 groups. Each group is going to be given one key issue that drives a wedge into the plan for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. The issues are water rights, refugees, the status of Jerusalem, settlements, the separation wall, and Hamas. After each group analyzes the issue, they will state the problem on a large piece of chart paper for the class, discuss why it is a problem, and then offer a possible solution. All 6 groups will present.
CLOSING / Give Peace a Chance?!
HOMEWORK / Write a 5-paragraph essay explaining the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict including an examination of 2-3 of the key obstacles to peace. – Due Monday
Daily Lesson Plan for Thursday
OPENING / 1.  Who are the Sunni Muslim?
2.  Who are the Shia Muslim?
E.Q.: Why did they split?
WORK PERIOD / S will read about the schism between Islam and the differences between Shia and Sunni Muslims. S will answer guided reading questions. S and T will discuss the standard and the split between Islam. S and T will also discuss Kurdish nationalism.
CLOSING / Remember to review the Quizlet on historical standards – History test next Wednesday
HOMEWORK / 5-paragraph essay on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Daily Lesson Plan for Friday
OPENING / 1.  What was the Persian Gulf War about?
2.  What about the War in Iraq and Afghanistan?
E.Q.: Why does the U.S. intervene in these countries?
WORK PERIOD / S will read or watch short clips on the PGW and the War in Iraq and Afghanistan. S will answer questions based on the standards and main ideas.
CLOSING / Remember to review the Quizlet on historical standards – History test next Wednesday
HOMEWORK / 5-paragraph essay on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Differentiated Instruction
(content, process, product) / Assessment Evidence
(formative, summative)
Refer to weekly plan Refer to Unit Plan

Additional Resources as Needed

in the areas below, place an “x” in the boxes to indicate selected strategies and resources
Research Based Instructional Strategies:
(weekly strategies chosen to guide teaching and learning) / OPENING: Engaging instructional activity / Activate Prior Knowledge / Questioning
(Raises questions) / Clarify Previous
Lesson / Phenomenon
Provide Feedback / Scaffold Instruction / Create Interest / Other:
Exploring, Explaining, Extending, and Elaborating / Facilitate Learning / Academic Discussions / Cooperative Learning / Other:
Model / Generating and Testing Hypotheses / Independent Learning / Other:
Extend concepts and skills / High-Level Questioning / Interdisciplinary Writing / Other:
Evaluating / Summarize
Lesson / Provide Alternate
Explanations / Respond to EQs / Other:
Allow students to assess their own learning / Quick Write / 3-2-1/K-W-L / Other:
Intervention Strategies
Intervention Strategies
(Tiers 1, 2.3)
Additional Support in the Classroom / Specifically Designed Instruction for the Exceptional Education Students / Strategies for English Language Learners
Re-voicing / Conferencing / Visuals/ Realia
Explaining / Additional time / Front-loading
Prompting for participation / Small group collaboration / Echoing/Choral Response
Challenging or countering / Modify quantity of work / Color-coding
Asking “Why?” “How” / Take student’s dictation / Multiple exposures in different media
Reread / Scaffold Information / Pair-share
Practice new vocabulary / Differentiated content/process/product / Modeling
Assistive technology / Consistent reward system / Language scaffolds: eg, sentence frames
Pre-teach & re-teach in a different way / Refer to student’s IEP or 504 Plan / Deconstruct complex sentences
Use of manipulatives / Assistive technology / Increase student-to-student talk
Collaborative work / Strategies vocabulary instruction
Create differentiated text sets / Additional Think Time
Gifted-Extensions for Learning
Tier 1
Flexible-Learning Groups / Varied Pacing with Anchor Options / Varied Supplemental Materials
Choice of Books / Work Alone or Together / Computer Mentors
Homework Options / Flexible Seating / Think-Pair-Share
Use of Reading Buddies / Varied Scaffolding / Open-Ended Activities
Various Journal Prompts / Varied Computer Programs / Explorations by Interest
Student/Teacher Goal Setting / Design-A-Day
Tier 2
Gifted Educ Cluster Classes / Alternative Assessments / Community Mentorships
Gifted Educ Collaboration Classes / Subject Advancement within class / Stations
Tiered Activities and Products / Curriculum Compacting / Group Investigations
Use of Literature Clubs / Tiered Centers / Assess Students in Multiple Ways
Multiple Testing Options / Spelling by Readiness / Student Choice
Multinple Texts / Varying Organizers / Simulations
Tier 3 / Tier 4
Advanced Content( all core content) / Above grade level accelerated (all core content)
Resource Classes / Advanced Placement Classes
Independent/Directed Study / International Baccalaureate Classes
Socratic Seminars / Internships/Mentorships
21st Century Learning Skills: (weekly strategies chosen to guide student engagement) / Teamwork and Collaboration / Innovation and Creativity / Accessing and Analyzing Information
Initiative and Leadership / Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving / Effective Oral and Written Communication
Curiosity and Imagination / Flexibility and Adaptability / Other:
Adapted from the DCSD RCD Aligned Lesson Plan Template 8.31.17