The 2017 UKHA Winter Ball Booking Form
From 7pm on Saturday 9th December 2017 at The Landmark, 222 Marylebone Road, London NW1 6JQ
Ticket price £110 per person, or £1,100 for a table of ten

Booking Information
Your name:
Company and address:
Additional information/requirements:
Guest Name
(please tick the box if your guest is a vegetarian) / V
Guest Name
(please tick the box if your guest is a vegetarian) / V

Tickets cost is £110 per person, or £1,110 for a table of ten
We must receive FULL payment for your ticket or tickets by 4th December 2017. We are sorry but refunds will not be given for any cancellation.

Payments by cheque
Please make cheques payable to: UK Housekeepers Association and post, together with your booking form to: Margus Saareoks, c/o Casna Limited, 7c Bayham Street, London NW1 0EY

Payments by bank transfer:
BACS: Barclays Bank
Account Name: UK Housekeepers Association London and South East Region
Sort Code: 20-69-15
A/C No: 70458457
Please note your name and company on your payment and email your completed booking form to:

Additional information

Dress code
Black tie

Winter Ball Sponsorship & Raffle
We have a number of sponsorship opportunities for our UKHA Luncheon 2017 and contributions to the goody bags raffle will be gratefully received and credited in our promotional material and during the event. To find out more about the sponsorship packages or to inform us about your raffle prize, please contact Alan Butcher –

Access and Parking
The nearest tube stations are Baker Street or Edgware Road.
The Landmark offers car parking beneath the hotel on a first-come, first-served basis.
Details and rates at

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to welcoming you and your guests to the event.