Additional file1: Focus Group Interview Protocol

  1. Round Robin Introductions
  1. Were all of you born and raised here?
  1. Follow up on any comments made about community life
  1. How do you feel when you leave here? Is it exciting? Or do you prefer being here?
  1. What are top three things about living here? (Gauge agreement) Flip chart. Rate.
  1. What are the three worst things about living here? (Gauge agreement) Flip chart. Rate.
  1. Let’s say you are all members of the city council because the council quit and left you in charge. Let’s go around the table again and tell me what you think you would improve about your town.
  1. Follow up on these ideas.
  1. Ask for suggestions on how to do it.
  1. Let’s have the same discussion about school, best, worst, improvements. Follow up on their ideas.
  1. What kinds of things do you do when you’re not in school?For 18-24 year old group: What kinds of things do you do in your free time?
  1. Seasonal activities? Outdoor? Do you fish? Hunt?
  1. If yes, what for?
  1. If yes, do you fish and hunt with anyone else? With whom?
  1. Do any of you work after school or in the summers?For 18-24 year old group: Do you work? What do you do? Do you feel there are enough job opportunities here?
  1. If you could be anything, what would it be?
  1. Do you feel any pressure from your family, teachers, or friends to follow a particular life path?
  1. I’m going to give you a list of 20 jobs which I would like you to rate from best to worst (1 is best and 20 is worst).
  1. Collect papers; Find the best and worst for the group. Why? Engage them in discussion about this. Any others?
  1. Which of these jobs do not exist here?
  1. When kids graduate from high school, is there a difference between what girls usually do and what guys usually do?
  1. Do kids usually stay here or go somewhere else?
  1. Do kids who leave ever come back or do they usually leave and stay out?
  1. How about you? Will you leave or will you stay?
  1. If you are going to leave for just a time or forever, where will you go?
  1. Do you have any plans for the future?
  1. If you get a lot of responses about college, ask: How many of you will be first generation college students in your families?
  1. Would you say this town was a good place to grow up? If you have kids now or in the future would you want to raise them here?
  1. Summarize their overall comments for reactions/additions.