Hodsock Priory Snowdrops, Blyth, Nottinghamshire S81 0TY
01909 591204 | | @HodsockPriory


Family estate re-opens on Saturday for 4 weeks of Snowdrops at Hodsock
It’s been anodd winter so far for gardeners and the emergence of spring can’t come too soon for the Buchanan’s at Hodsock Priory.Winter can’t quite be banished yet, but welly-up and you’ll find new signs of life at Nottinghamshire’s famous Snowdrops at Hodsock Priory.
Hodsock Priory is a family estate, opening to the public for just four weeks of the year. Itsfour million Snowdrops cover 17 acres of woodland and gardens and make for impressive viewing. There’s plenty to see and do for every age and interest; avid photographers, Galanthophile gardeners and keen horticulturalists, couples heading off the beaten path for a romantic stroll, families eager to try the treasure trails and explore the woodland.

“Come and enjoy your visit to Hodsock early in the season, you won’t be disappointed as there’s plenty in bloom. Very often mid season has been the best time to see the widest variety of snowdrops and other winter plants. This year we’ve already started to see daffodils and early blossoms which we traditionally expect to flower in March.”says George Buchanan, ninth generation resident and general manager at Hodsock Priory.

Blow away the cobwebs of winter and enjoy delicious homemade lunches and cakes in the Tea Room. Or perch on a bench in the Glade, a natural clearing, in sight of the tiny white flowers. Indulge in a bacon butty from the Glade’s Woodland Café whilst warming up by the campfire and listening to the daily history of Hodsock talk. Children can run around building dens in the forest play area with balancing posts and tree swings, while parents cup a steaming mug of tea.

Helpful hints for your visit:

Check the weather forecast!

Bring wellies, boots or walking shoes and wrap up in warm clothing

Bring your camera / smartphone to tweet us @HodsockPriory or post to Flickr

Allow 2 to 2 ½ hours for your visit

Dogs are allowed to walk in the park but are not permitted in the woodland or gardens

Free parking on site and hard standing for coaches

The Snowdrops 2015 season runs from 31st January to 1st March and gates open at 10am, with last entry at 4pm. Prices are frozen from 2012 at £5 for adults, £4.50 for groups of 10+, £1 for children over 6. Small children and wheelchair users go FREE. Join the Friends of Hodsock scheme for discounts on tickets and purchases.

Advance tickets are available online at and it is well worth looking out for 2 for 1 entry tickets being promoted in the local press from the end of January.
For more information see email or call 01909 591204.



A Snowdrops Media & Industry day has been arranged for Tuesday 3rd February from 10.30am. Members of the press, bloggers and photographers are invited to the estate to meet George for a short talk about Hodsock’s history and a tour of the garden. Cream teas will be served in the house afterwards. Interviews will be given on request. To register visit


  • Hodsock Priory is a privately owned country house and 800 acre estate on the border of Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire. The house is lived in by George and Katharine Buchanan and their four children. It is run as a wedding venue and is generally closed to the public. The gardens are opened annually for four weeks so the Buchanan family can share the spectacular snowdrop garden with the public.
  • The estate has international appeal with visitors from Japan, USA and Europe adding a visit to their itinerary. Upwards of 18,000 visitors come to Snowdrops each year.
  • Hodsock is annually recommended by the Times and The Telegraph as one of the top 10 Snowdrop gardens to visit.
  • Complimentary press passes are available - contact us to arrange entry to the estate.
    250th anniversary: In 2015 anticipation of a wonderful season is heightened with the Buchanan family’s excitement about celebrating their 250th year in residence at Hodsock Priory. The opening of the famous Snowdrop garden and woodland marks the start of their quarter millennial anniversary.
  • The Ladies of Hodsock: From the investment of wealthy Margaret Mellish to the visionary architectural prowess of Anne Chambers, women have had significant influence over the estate. The Women’s Land Army (better known as The Land Girls) came here during WWII and more recently it was Lady Belinda Buchanan who insisted that her glorious Snowdrop garden was opened to the public for all to enjoy.
  • Not just Snowdrops: Aside from the breathtaking Snowdrop displays, expect to wander through banks of Hellebores, carpets of Cyclamen and ribbons of golden Aconites. Blue irises and orange and red of the Acers mixed with the heady scent of Sarcococca make Hodsock a garden for the senses.

Twitter @HodsockPriory



All press enquiries to:

Helen Leach

Marketing Director, Hodsock Priory

07866 515111