Additional file 1The density (mean individualnumber per 100 m2± standard error) of 31fish speciesfor stomach contents analysisateach site (“L” for lagoon shore, “W” for west tidal flat, and “N” for north coast subtidal) at either the flood (“F”) or ebb (“E”) tide in the seagrass beds at the Dongsha Island.

Family / Species / L-F / L-E / W-F / W-E / N-F / N-E
Acanthuridae / Acanthurus xanthopterus / 1.48±0.42 / 0.68±0.21
Apogonidae / Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus / 11.89±2.31 / 20.45±4.35
Atherinidae / Atherion elymus / 1.00±1.91 / 26.19±3.03
Balistidae / Rhinecanthus aculeatus / 0.56±0.26 / 0.44±0.21
Belonidae / Tylosurus crocodilus / 6.89 ±1.86 / 0.22±0.20
Blenniidae / Petroscirtes mitratus / 0.57 ± 0.30 / 1.25 ±0.39 / 2.16±0.60 / 1.33±0.44
Carangidae / Carangoides spp. / 0.11±0.10 / 0.11±0.10 / 0.44±0.16 / 0.11±.010
Caranx melampygus / 0.57 ±0.34 / 3.33±1.17 / 0.56±0.40
Carcharhinidae / Negaprion acutidens / 0.34±0.32 / 1.48 ±0.45 / 0.80±0.41 / 0.11±0.10
Gerreidae / Gerres oyena / 2.04±0.57 / 2.32 ± 0.33 / 1.88 ± 0.21 / 4.29 ± 1.75 / 0.97±0.82 / 0.61±0.10
Gobiidae / Amblygobius phalaena / 0.23 ±0.20 / 0.11±0.10 / 8.00±1.85 / 6.00 ± 1.51
Cryptocentrus spp. / 2.64±0.49 / 2.05 ±0.33 / 1.12 ± 0.33 / 2.16±0.62 / 1.78±0.32 / 2.11±0.45
Hemiramphidae / Hemiramphus far / 5.58 ±3.86 / 0.22 ± 0.13
Labridae / Cheilio inermis / 1.94 ±0.45 / 0.11±0.10 / 3.76±0.61 / 3.33±0.26
Choerodon anchorago / 0.11±0.11 / 3.76 ±1.42 / 0.31±0.11 / 1.33±0.47 / 1.11±0.43
Halichoeres trimaculatus / 5.35±1.30 / 0.34 ± 0.21 / 7.18 ±1.20 / 4.10±0.63 / 12.60±1.73 / 10.89±1.30
Stethojulis strigiventer / 5.38±0.20 / 2.25 ±0.63 / 7.52 ± 1.61 / 7.29±1.22 / 34.89±3.03 / 37.78±4.40
Lethrinidae / Lethrinus atkinsoni / 6.67±0.90 / 6.56 ± 0.59
Lethrinus harak / 23.92±3.83 / 0.57 ±0.31 / 95.29 ± 9.91 / 22.44±1.70 / 42.67±2.36 / 38.35 ±1.89
Lethrinus obsoletus / 5.92±1.97 / 9.91 ± 2.65 / 4.56±0.74 / 15.33±1.98 / 15.33±1.98
Lutjanidae / Lutjanus fulviflamma / 0.80±0.46 / 0.02 ± 0.30 / 21.18 ±2.97 / 5.24±0.72 / 1.67±0.72 / 0.89±0.54
Mugilidae / Mugilidae spp. / 1.55±0.51 / 5.69 ± 1.92 / 3.30 ± 1.00 / 6.52 ± 1.69 / 0.01±0.03
Mullidae / Parupeneus indicus / 20.22±4.02 / 17.33±3.99
Muraenidae / Gymnothorax richardsonii / 0.34±0.15 / 0.11 ±0.10 / 0.57±0.16
Nemipteridae / Scolopsis lineata / 2.39±1.01 / 0.11 ±0.10 / 5.81 ± 1.63 / 2.05±0.55 / 5.44±0.73 / 5.56±0.91
Pomacentridae / Dischistodus prosopotaenia / 3.30±0.72 / 4.89±0.69
Scaridae / Leptoscarus vaigiensis / 3.08±1.33 / 65.03 ± 16.40 / 7.06 ± 1.31 / 17.67±2.31 / 19.11±4.16
Scorpaenidae / Parascorpaena mossambica / 0.13±0.13 / 0.23±0.10 / 0.11±0.10
Siganidae / Siganus spinus / 8.31 ±5.17 / 7.55±1.81 / 1.22±0.44
Sphyraenidae / Sphyraena barracuda / 2.51 ± 0.68 / 0.11 ±0.10 / 2.73 ±0.64 / 0.34±0.15 / 1.44±0.21 / 1.00±1.30