The Hills of Green

Oh, o'er dale ' cross dancing stream,
a one can spy the hills of green.
From yonder land what can't be seen,
the endless verdant grass had been

Mine eyes had never once to dare,
and look upon a place so fair.
Of all but aught I'd been aware,
the rolling hills of green.

Oh, bed rest of my fathers, place
gone wand'ring into misty morning.
Ever forgot onward, leaving widows
orphans, all to yearning

From ground springs lily, rose, and mum,
a floras moisture, beggarsome,
by grace are we to not become
part of those perfect hills of green

No more perfect place than that we'd eyed,
where heaven, man, and hill collide,
the home for all who'd gone and died,
those quiet hills of green.

The Witch is Dead

Oh, I once knew a man
who had been a friend, a
brother of mine among
other men. Strong and
brave and stout, a knave
not to be taken by any

From club to pub, we gave
the rub, down street from
avenue. And every lass with
just such an ass, we came
to know them through and

Until the time that, like a
crime, my brother, friend,
was known to be, besmit by
so fair a derriere and left
my scheming unto me.

Alone was I to rectify my
situation thoroughly, and
not be the only one my
former mate was forbade
to see. Riggama-ging, the
song I sing. The witch, for
certain, dead.

Twas nigh a year be on
from there, he'd met the
lass in that most terrible
place; where priests and
deacons oft are met with
couples, bound do vows
embrace. His mis'ry plain in
husbandhood, I saw it in his

I had a plan and for the
man, I'd do most anything
what brother more fair
and deserving there, his
pain sharp as a sting? I knew
I had to act, and fast, to
save him from that cursed
ring; for all the evil it had
Wrought-a Wedding, Gown
and everything!

By night I broke into his
house, wont to slay that
evil cow, but when she saw
me, dammit all, was fear
within my heart aroused
for she indeed, a witch did
rise and fly me out upon
the ground, and broke me,
like the thinnest twig, and
dogged me like a hound.

My friend, my brother,
beneath her spell had come
to chase me off, but a
sudden rain had washed her
her plain. In smoke and mist she
Hacked and coughed, and
melted at our feet before
us, plain as day, and we
both scoffed. No harm
don between a pair of
mated, for the witch is
surely dead.

The Curse of Lady Winter

Twas the a'nocturn years
ago, when traveling
through the woods i felt, a
tugging nip at my corner
cloak, the ice of frigid
winter fell, and i thougtht
"It's only summer, wot."
Assured'd curssed spell

My heart pounded, beating
mad, and i like many sought
to see, the thing of pow'r
that brought such terror,
come to fall and be in the
mind of every man and
forced the last of them to
flee. The terror lady

I drew my blade, a
snicker-snipe and hurried
fourth to face her there - a
woman floating 'bove
frozen lake with white hair
flown and blue flesh bare.
This figure, naked,
wrathful, great, a'pulling
at my mind to tear. I had to
kill lady winter.

Like a bird i flew, but
through and through how
ill-prepared as i to think,
that i could inflict any
blow on breast so proud, my
heart to shrink. She
crushed me, beat me, drew
her sword, and at my death
i dared to-ward. Broken by
lady winter.

I woke alone in a field of
green and rested well
despite myself. No Scratch
befell nor greater hell
than books within
my mental self. For were it
dream and it be a mad and
wicked thinking one; having
seen the evil wrought by
the enemy of the sun.

But in my later years,
while walking down a trail
i felt a cold bite at my neck,
and my skin grew very pale.
I wept aloud and reached
hand out to end the cursed
tale. For who could slay
so great a foe, the curse
of lady winter?

The Great Dragon

Oh, Across the field from
auld Rudil, I stood and
spied and spoke, for never
had I been besot by such a
will to never walk, Beneath
the arbors stretching
under perch of such a
best, the winged, burning
Dragon-God of that city to
the east.

What curse of men, what
bless of pow'r, what
creature with its watching
eyes, to make its stand on
every tow'r and catch its
enemies at surprise; when
faced with such a serpent
that the heart of man is
struck and dies.

With wings of crimson,
breath of fire, and will of
warding, its desire to
guard the people of the
keep and of its work to
never tire; curious, though,
it minds its charge and
takes its rest on every

What thing to see from
yonder plain, and crippling
fear to feel; inflicted by
the scorching pain and beat
'neath wings of steel;
though armies march out
from the main, tis ne'er to
even keel, for under him
they fall again, the
watchers of Rudil.

Turran The Bear

Turran the bear. Turran the bear, first half. Just up to the second chorus

Mine eyes have looked
upon the light a'hundred
golden crowns, were cast
upon the elder's feet when
he off and trod the
grounds, and with a swift
and mighty blade he cut the
brigands down when
Turran marches on.

Glory, Glory, to the
Turran in a fight. Glory
Glory, to the Turran in a
fight. Glory, Glory to the
Turran in a fight. When
Turran marches on.

I stood before the
Parapets and watched him
as he went, a man of size
and quality as 'fore by
gods unsent. With shield
and sword he battled foe
and all their strength was
spent, as Turran Battled

Glory, Glory as we toast
the Elder bear. Glory,
Glory, as we toast the
elder bear. Glory, Glory
as we toast the elder bear.
As Turran battled on.

This is the song that the bard wrote for me:

The Dragon Stomper

Oh, ever was a time to
come when new a hero, fair
and young, woujld rise up,
sword in hand and run, to
meet the foes of everyone.

Oh culling troll and
crushing Knave, Goblet of the
the Gods was gave, and
they will take it to the
Grave, the valiant, noble,
and the Brave.

With powerful steel in
mighty hand, they break the
strength of every man, and
coursing cross from plain
to sand, they conquer
every single land.

For who can deny the
Greatest will, and who
could e'er be stronger?
than the one who'd
hundreds killed, the one
called Dragon Stomper?


A saw her there, a
creature fair, and to my
lonely bones was paid a tax
in flowing, Ebon hair and
Olive Skin on fine a maid. I
took her hand and dared to
ask, 'My love what is your

She said, 'Myfather ever
warned me of the fellows
of your type, for many
women often mourned
their marriage to a
guttersnipe. Slay the beast
of Al-Humman and i will pay
your price, for
worthy-well a man must be
tpo maybe then entice.

I rode from Akstet
fortress west to the
fields of Al-Humman, and
took my bow, i thought it
best, to slay the creature
called the Gronn. My
arrow piercing through its
breast as it tried to
Yawn; i took the head and
lwft the rest to lie there

When i returned to
Keshva, i nearned her father
with the head, and hoped
for him to measure as a son
worth breaking wedding
Bread. He laughed and took
me like a treasure,
Daughter sold for me to
Bed. i thought, i wanted
Just her name, and here i've
gone and fought and bled.

On Wedding eve we sat
beside a lattice-windowed
wall. I look at gleaming,
earthly eyes yet felt only
appalled. I told her 'Look,
you own me Woman, and my
price is just the same. This
wedding feast seems nice
and all but can i know
Your Name?

When she answered, I fled
and gone, for i had failed
to comprehend, a name so
awful, twisted, rough, and
gnarled with wounds to
mend; and how could i, a
husband then, hope with
her my life to spend.

I warn all Brothers that i
see, traveling through the
desert. Hoping that they
find to be in rare form
such a treasure, I remind
them though they seek in
every flesh a pleasure
that they steel their mings
aganst an awful name like