2017Community Stalls

Additional Application Information

Community Stalls

The National Folk Festival has supported many non-profit community organisations over its history and Community Stalls contribute to the atmosphere of the festival. Our responsibility to members, supporters, funding bodies and other stakeholders is to achieve optimum income opportunities to ensure the continued existence of the festival. At the same time, we want to continue to support non-profit community organisations whose values and aims are consistent with those of the NFF.

Community stalls are expected to comply with the following:

  • Must comply with all required Terms and Conditions
  • Must be staffed for minimum trading hours over the duration of the festival.
  • Can provide free information, pamphlets, literature etc
  • May sell limited amounts of merchandise related to the organisation (e.g. t-shirts, hats etcwith prior permission of the Stalls Manager)
  • May seek members for mailing lists
  • Cannot collect signatures for petitions
  • Cannot canvas for donations or sell raffle tickets
  • May only operate within their stall area
  • Stalls cannot sell CDs or musical instruments. The Festival Shop and side of stage sales by performers are the only outlets for CD sales and performer merchandise. The instrument makers pavilion and approved stalls are the only outlets for musical instruments.

The National Folk Festival will provide selected community organisations with:

  • One 3m x 3m stall site

-Site will be outside and will not include infrastructure such as marquee, tables and chairs

-Additional charges will apply for camping adjacent to stall (if space is available)

  • One 15 amp power outlet
  • 100% discount on product loading
  • Two complimentary full season camping tickets OR two ‘Season of Days Packages’ (this is equal to a total of 8 day tickets and does not include camping). The Community stall will be required to provide to the Stalls Officer a roster of the staff who will be manning the stall and the names for each day ticket.
  • Option of buying an additional two (2) only full season camping or Season of Days packages (each Season of Days Package is the equivalent of 4 day tickets) at stall staff discount prices. Any further additional tickets can be purchased through the ticket office at applicable Early Bird or gate prices.

Community stalls will provide:

  • $300 for stall site and power
  • Infrastructure for the duration of the festival (marquee, lights, tables, chairs. These items may be hired through NFF/Barlens).
  • $250 bond on acceptance

Trading conditions

Stalls are expected to trade between 3 pm and 10 pm on Easter Thursday and from 10am until 10pm daily over the duration of the Festival as a minimum.

Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate stalls for less than the full duration of the Festival

Application Process

The Stalls Application form and Information to assist you to complete your applicationis on-line at should print and read this information before you complete the application process or check the drop down additional information boxes for each section.

NB. Please prepare and save the attachments on your computer before you start the application.

You will need to complete and submit the online application form with the following attachments:

  1. Photo of your stall and merchandise.If you need to upload more than one photo, compress them into one file before uploading OR send additional photos,copies of publications and handouts separately to or post to the address below.
  1. Scale diagram of proposed stall set-up, including any requested adjacent camping. You can download a template for a Site Plan Grid from the website. Please ensure your site diagram includes measurements for all items on it including vehicle/trucks
  1. Copy of current public liability insuranceThis should be valid for the duration of the Festival ie. until 18 April 2017.

Staff Tickets and Vehicle passes

When completing the on-line application Community organisations should request the equivalent number of season passes required and can negotiate day passes and staff rosters with the Stalls Manager after notice of acceptance.

Applications closeon 31 October 2016. Applications will not be considered without full documentation.If you cannot submit all documentation electronically you will need to post or fax hard copies to reach the Festival Office, by 31 October 2016.

Send to:PO Box 179

Mitchell ACT 2911

Fax 02 6255 4825.

Selection Process

We can accommodate a strictly limited number of Community Stalls.

We select stalls in November and we look for:

  1. Complete applications: with all documentation.Each year we receive more applications than we can accept. Missing information may jeopardise your selection.
  2. Appearance and stall presentation: We require a photo of your stall and if you are providing your own tent/marquee/van, confirmation that it is of commercial/heavy duty standard.
  3. A combination of new and previous stallholders: We welcome applications by new vendors and do consider previous performance of regular stallholders.
  4. Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) Compliance: All stalls must comply with all WHS requirements.


Successful applicants will be informed in writing in November and asked to pay $250 bond and to provide additional documentation such as current Public Liability Insurance (minimum $10 million), Dangerous/Hazardous Materials Register, ACT Health Registration/notification, liquor permits.

If the bond fee is not paid within 14 days of notification of acceptance your application will be treated as ‘withdrawn’ and your stall site will be reallocated.

Full payment must be finalised by 31 January 2017.Accepted stalls that do not provide all documentation and full payment by 31 January will be charged a $100 administrative fee to be recovered from the bond payment.Stalls will not be able to trade until they have provided all required documentation.