Adding/Editing/Deleting Notes

This guide will show you how to add edit and delete Notes from your Pro Bono Manager system. This guide will also give you some basic information about how to look at the grid and widget that the notes reside in. Notes can be used in many different ways. Notes can be used to add information to a matter or timekeeper that is otherwise not captured through other means.

Notes are located on two different pages within the PBM site. You can find the notes widget on both the Timekeeper and Matter details pages. You ultimately have the ability to add a note to either a Matter or a Timekeeper within the PBM platform.


Adding Notes

Notes are a perfect way to add additional information to a matter or timekeeper that might not otherwise be captured in another section. Notes can be added easily by follow the below steps

Step 1. Access one of either the Matter Details or Timekeeper Details pages. You can do this by selecting either Firm Timekeepers and then selecting a timekeeper, or Firm Matters and then selecting a matter.

Step 2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and located the Notes widget. You can then click the + sign to add a new note into the grid.

Step 3.After selecting the plus icon a pop up will show. This pop up will be a full form to fill out your new note. You can then fill out the simple form to add your new note. Below are the fields in the pop up.

  • Note Body
  • The note body is just the basic information you want to add into the note to keep track of.
  • Milestone Date
  • Milestone date is the date you wish to associate to the note. This date could indicate a date to check in on the matter or when someone might be leaving or coming back from leave.
  • Add Note Tags (Tagging Guide Here)
  • Note tags can be used to keep track of certain types of notes. An example might be a note tag that is used to keep track of people going on maternity leave. (NOTE: Note tags are customizable using the tag management section in Site Settings – Here is a guide to Site Settings)

Step 4. Once you have filled out the information click Save and your note will be added to the Notes grid.


Editing Notes

Notes are a perfect way to add additional information to a matter or timekeeper that might not otherwise be captured in another section. Notes can be added easily by follow the below steps

Step 1. Access one of either the Matter Details or Timekeeper Details pages. You can do this by selecting either Firm Timekeepers and then selecting a timekeeper, or Firm Matters and then selecting a matter.

Step 2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and located the Notes widget. You can then click the pencil sign to edit a note within the grid.

Step 3.After selecting the pencil icon a pop up will show. This pop up will be a full form to edit the note. You can then edit the form to change the note. Below are the fields in the pop up.

  • Note Body
  • The note body is just the basic information you want to add into the note to keep track of.
  • Milestone Date
  • Milestone date is the date you wish to associate to the note. This date could indicate a date to check in on the matter or when someone might be leaving or coming back from leave.
  • Add Note Tags (Tagging Guide Here)
  • Note tags can be used to keep track of certain types of notes. An example might be a note tag that is used to keep track of people going on maternity leave. (NOTE: Note tags are customizable using the tag management section in Site Settings – Here is a guide to Site Settings)

Step 4. Once you have filled out the information click Save and changes will be made within the grid.


Deleting Notes

Notes are a perfect way to add additional information to a matter or timekeeper that might not otherwise be captured in another section. Notes can be easily deleted by using the inline delete feature within the grid.

Step 1. Access one of either the Matter Details or Timekeeper Details pages. You can do this by selecting either Firm Timekeepers and then selecting a timekeeper, or Firm Matters and then selecting a matter.

Step 2. Click the Garbage Can icon in the line of the note you wish to delete.

Step 3. Click OK on the pop up that comes up stating “Do you really want to delete this note?”

Step 4. Note will be deleted and reflected in the grid.


Notes Grid

The notes grid has the same functionality as all the other grids within your site. You will be able to filter, sort, add remove columns, modal view and export the grid. For more information on how to use the grids please visit this GUIDE.Below is a list of the columns that are usable within the Notes Grid.

  • Note – This is where the Note Body information is stored
  • Milestone Date – This is the date that was entered into the note form
  • Note Tag (Customizable) – This is a list of tags that were added to the note.
  • CreatedOn – This will show the date the note was created
  • CreatedBy – This will show who created the note
  • UpdatedOn – This will show if anyone updated the note and when
  • UpdatedBy – This will show who made the update to the note

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