Adding Courses to the LAC

  1. If the course is a currently approved course in the UNI Catalog, the course proposer(s) should fill out a “Liberal Arts Core Course Proposal Form” (attached) and attach sample syllabi with the proposal. The proposal should clearly indicate how the course fulfills the objectives of the category to which it is being proposed[1]. If appropriate, there should also be supporting documentation or information from the college or departments or oversight group that currently provide courses for that part of the Liberal Arts Core. For example, if a department were to propose a course for inclusion into the Reading and Writing Category of the LAC, it is expected that the Department of English Language and Literature would have been consulted before the proposal is submitted.
    Any courses submitted for inclusion into the LAC should meet the Administrative Policies for Liberal Arts Core courses[2]. Courses that do not meet these requirements, such as those that have a (g) designation, or have non LAC prerequisites, will need to be revised in the regular curriculum process or included into the LAC under certain conditions (similar to how 780:120 fulfills the non-Western Cultures requirement).
  2. Upon receipt of the Liberal Arts Core Course Proposal Form by the LAC Coordinator, a meeting will be arranged with the proposer(s) and the Liberal Arts Core Committee. The course proposer(s) should be able to provide further information concerning the course proposal, including justification for inclusion into the LAC, assessment methods, student learning outcomes, and course materials (books, reading lists, course packets).
  3. The LACC will determine, based upon information provided by the course proposer(s) via steps (1) and (2) whether the course is appropriate for inclusion into the LAC.
  4. The course will need to be approved by the Faculty Senate for inclusion into the LAC. The LAC Coordinator will forward the request to the Faculty Senate to approve the course for inclusion into the LAC.
  5. Under certain circumstances, courses may be approved on a trial basis for a specific time, or may be approved for inclusion into the LAC under specific conditions. Examples of this include indicating that courses such as 590:011fulfills the requirements for Category 3A for Music Majors. Such circumstances are worked out in consultation with all parties, including the course proposer, the LAC Committee, impacted departments or colleges, and the Faculty Senate.

Liberal Arts Core Course Proposal

Department:______Date: ______

Category in approved Liberal Arts Core: ______

Course title: ______

Credit Hours: ______Class size: ______

Course Description:

Course objectives:

Relationship of course objectives to the objectives of the Liberal Arts Core Category in which it will be located:

Intended role of proposed course within category (check one):

_____a.Only course submitted for meeting the requirements.

_____b.A course submitted as part of a sequence or cluster which as a sequence or cluster meet the requirements of an area.

__X__c.One of several courses, any one of which will satisfy the area requirement.

_____d.Other - explain:______

Departments/faculty consulted:

List all faculty teaching this course and for each faculty attach a course syllabus.


Faculty SignaturePhone


Department Head SignaturePhone


College Dean SignaturePhone

Rev. 10/19/01

Rev. 1/17/02

