“The Mission of the Amador County Fire Safe Council is to protect the people of Amador County and their property from the effects of catastrophic wildfire through education, cooperation, innovation and action. “

Amador Fire Safe Council

Executive Board of Directors Meeting


April 16, 2014

Amador County Agriculture Department Conference Room

12200 – B Airport Road, Martell

Attendance: Cathy Koos Breazeal, Executive Director,Amy Rocha, Secretary,NRCS; Steve Bonner;Elena Knox; Tony M., Rebecca Brown, Connie Gonsalves, John Hoffman, John Heissenbuttel, Jim Simmons, Tom Tinsley, CalFire, Robyn Woods, USFS. Proxy from Helen to Elena Knox .

  1. Call to Order– 3:05pmby President Steve B.
  2. Approval of Agenda –Connie Moved. Rebecca2nd. Motion passed.
  3. Introductions -
  4. Minutes – Elena moved to accept minutes. Rebecca 2nd. Motion Passed.
  5. High Country CWPP briefing – Went over 3 maps to be presented to BOS next Tuesday. Projects completed and still viable in HC CWPP area, east and west part. 3rd map assets at risk showing ownership and values.
  6. Treasurer’s report – As Attached. Bank balance $18,428.18. Motion to accept treasurer’s report Connie. 2ndRebecca. Motion passed.
  7. Executive Director’s report – See Attached

A.CAFSC grant does give advances and biologist & archeologist on staff looking at environmentals.

B.There was a workers comp issue. Old policy expired or was cancelled currently covered under new policy.

C.Worked on revised handbook.

D.Volcano Wildfire Preparedness zombie game. May 25th will get more info on what this is.

E.4291 maps sent out so no duplication of efforts.

F.Provided Amador pines annual meeting AFSC evacuation routes and other info.

G.Small livestock grazing field trip Tues May 6th 8:30 am

  1. FSC InvoiceConfirmation – As attached Pre – approved - Can charge to CAFSC for expenses after April 1.
  2. Announcements - Lots of press for Mokelumne River Watershed Cost Avoidance Study, Reporters to Amador District.
  3. Committee/Grant Review – covered in ED report
  4. Old Business

A.Employee Handbook – Add page numbers and renumber sections as needed

  1. Additional policies the Human trafficking policy would go down to contracts to validate that they are following that policy.
  2. Motion to approve Employee handbook and additional policies and procedures with minor modifications including spelling and page numbers. Elena, 2nd Rebecca. Motion passed voice vote.
  1. New Business –

A.Nomination of officers

  1. Rebecca moved to continue with the same officers as previously. Steve B president, Amy R. secretary, Elena Knox Treasurer. 2nd Connie. Motion passed voice vote.
  1. Public Comments

A.Tiger Creek RAC – Robyn – Asked if dates had been changed as requested.

B.John Hoffman – National Wildfire Awareness week proclamation – Tom T will send template. Need to revise and get to John H ASAP in order to include in Board packets for next weeks BOS meeting.

  1. Title III Hearing – Project for 2014 – Total amount available for Sheriff, Firewise and CWPP- $46,000
  2. Steering Committee for HCCWPP – May meeting

C. Tom T – CalFire report – SRA fees at work – FSTEP Fire Service Training & EducationProgram – Shovel ready projects – Will work on Doaks, Chaw’ se, Shake-Fiddletown VMP’s, signs will go up with projects

D.New environmental document for CalFire which includes Herbicide.

  1. Next Meeting – May 21, 2014
  2. Adjourn 4:30 pm.