Quick Questions & Answer Examples
If you were taken by your date to a party where you knew
no one, how would you respond?
Start twerking and wait for the ladies to crowd around, oh yeah! (or not)
On Saturday night, would you rather go to:
I like to change it up but I'm going Downtown for the Big Brothers Big Sisters charity event with some friends this Saturday. (It's a great cause - do good while having fun!)
Would you rather date someone who is:
So damn amazing that every time you walk away I make a fist, reach up in the sky and say LORD help me! Then lean over to whoever is around and say, "Yup - I'm dating her".
Which sort of date sounds like the most fun to you?
A comedy club sounds like a good idea. You know what makes the comedians even funnier?
When in a relationship, how much personal space do you generally find you need?
I think personal space and having one's own time is important to making any relationship work.
If I had a bad day, what is the first thing you would do for me?
I'd say awww baby, then give you a big hug and kisses (then whatever I learned you liked)
Your idea of a romantic time would be:
A wine and Vosges chocolate picnic at the park in the evening.
Your idea of adventure is:
Finding a hidden pirate ship in a cave :)
Which of the following quirks would bother you most about your partner?
Squeezing the toothpaste from the middle so it looks like it was attacked by a monkey.

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The Lesson #3 Dig Deeper Questions & Examples are below. (scroll down)
Dig Deeper Questions & Answer Examples
Tonight you can do anything you want, no penalties, no reprisals, and the cost is unimportant. What are you going to do?
Run around and knock a bunch of shit off all the shelves at Walmart while it's really busy and yell "Whoaaaaaaa Yeaaahhhhhhhh."
What do you think are the three best traits you have to offer a partner?
A sexy sexy beast, laid back & logical. An example of my superior logic: Mom says, "Alcohol is your enemy." Jesus says, "Love your enemy." Case closed.
What is the most adventures thing you've done in the past year?
I drove across Europe for 2 months checking out 11 countries. Awesome experience! Had a beer at the same bar the character Robin Hood was based on drank at in the year 1100. Pretty cool.
What are you looking for in a relationship partner?
You have depth and a good heart, You don't get your happiness through material possessions, not to get too mushy but someone that’s affectionate, you're balanced so enjoy nights out.
They say life is about simple pleasures, what is your simplest pleasure, and how does it make you feel?
Playing basketball with friends - It's this physical thing to push myself until I'm destroyed and I sleep like a baby and wake up rejuvenated. That and the perfect Apple Pie.
What is the best thing an ex could say about you?
That I changed her life for the better.
If they were making a movie about your life, what would it be called and which actor would play you?
It would be called “I’ve never done that – Let’s do it!” of course it would be played by Brad Pitt
Describe your parents' relationship with each other.
They have an amazing relationship: My mom recently convinced my Dad to change the horn on the car so it makes gunshot sounds. People move out of the way much faster now.

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