Interior Design – Mrs. McCranie

Elements of Design Dentist Office Design Board

Requirements – All Elements of Design must be used: Space, Color, Form, Line and Texture.

Colors – Pink and Grey (different shades and tints)

Space – Floor plan drawn to ¼ inch scale on graph paper (No stipulation on size, as long as it fits the graph paper.

Waiting room, reception area and patient restroom should be included in the plan, not the examination rooms or dentist office.

Children’s area should also be included with separation from others in the waiting room.

Form - Tables, chairs, lamps, fixtures will be drawn on the floor plan. Remember form follows function. It must serve a purpose.

Line – Patterns in wallcovering, flooring and fabric as well as on the floor plan.

Texture – Selections of fabrics, flooring, laminates, etc. Have a combination of textures.

Mrs. McCranie is your client. You should ask her questions and show examples as your work on the presentation board. Don’t just go ahead and put together a board with your own combinations without speaking to her. When you present your board at the end of the project work – you should do this as a design firm would to their client.

You may work with another person or alone. Pretend you are a design firm. Develop a name for your business and a business card, which will be placed on your board.

Think about Mrs. McCranie’s personality and incorporate those qualities in the board! It will make a difference in your grade how well you listen and use this in the presentation board.

Interior Design – Mrs. McCranie

Elements of Design Dentist Office Design Board

Requirements – All Elements of Design must be used: Space, Color, Form, Line and Texture.

Colors – Pink and Grey (different shades and tints)

Space – Floor plan drawn to ¼ inch scale on graph paper (No stipulation on size, as long as it fits the graph paper.

Waiting room, reception area and patient restroom should be included in the plan, not the examination rooms or dentist office.

Children’s area should also be included with separation from others in the waiting room.

Form - Tables, chairs, lamps, fixtures will be drawn on the floor plan. Remember form follows function. It must serve a purpose.

Line – Patterns in wallcovering, flooring and fabric as well as on the floor plan.

Texture – Selections of fabrics, flooring, laminates, etc. Have a combination of textures.

Mrs. McCranie is your client. You should ask her questions and show examples as your work on the presentation board. Don’t just go ahead and put together a board with your own combinations without speaking to her. When you present your board at the end of the project work – you should do this as a design firm would to their client.

You may work with another person or alone. Pretend you are a design firm. Develop a name for your business and a business card, which will be placed on your board.

Think about Mrs. McCranie’s personality and incorporate those qualities in the board! It will make a difference in your grade how well you listen and use this in the presentation board.