Add creative title page for individual child here.

Zero – 6 years of age “Celebration of Achievement Charts”

Use these charts for the duration of the child’s care. Continue using them year after year until the child leaves the service.

Please note: You do not need to fill out all the boxes in the Celebration of Achievement Charts. Some learning outcomes may have already occurred.

Some may not fit into your time frame as a busy educator to document.

Don’t attempt to fill in all the boxes in 1 year.

Don’t forget to get the parents to help you fill them out.

1.1 Celebration of Achievement Chart /
Early Years Learning Framework / Learning Outcome 1.1
Children feel safe, secure, and supported
Child’s Name: / Date Started:
Educators’ Names:
Dates observed by educators / Dates observed by parents
Child has familiar relationships with one and then more of their educators.
Routines are implemented to help make predicted transitions smooth for the child.
Child feels a strong sense of belonging.
Child openly communicates their needs for comfort and help.
Child maintains respectful and trusting relationships with other children and educators.
Child freely expresses their emotions and is involved in meaningful interactions with peers and educators.
Child actively responds to ideas and suggestions from peers and educators
Child opens conversations with educators.
Child confidently explores and engages with social and physical environments through relationships and play.
Child initiates and joins in play experiences.
Child uses role-play to explore theirown identity.
LO 1.2 Celebration of Achievement Chart /
Early Years Learning Framework / Learning Outcome 1.2
Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience
and sense of agency
Child’s Name: / Date Started:
Educators’ Names:
Date observed by educators / Date observed by parents
Child demonstrates awareness and respect for the rights of others.
Child explores new challenges and discoveries.
Child cooperates with and works collaboratively with others.
Child takes planned risks in their decision-making.
Child celebrates their achievements and the achievements of others.
Child is able to self-regulate their behaviour.
Child is confident when dealing with new and spontaneous situations.
Child is able to share confidently with others.
Child is persistent when overcoming new and challenging experiences.
LO 1.3 Celebration of Achievement Chart /
Early Years Learning Framework / Learning Outcome 1.3
Children develop knowledgeable and confident self identities
Child’s Name: / Date Started:
Educators’ Names:
Date observed by educators / Date observed by parents
Child feels confident with their identity.
Child confidently expresses their identity through dramatic play.
Child regularly shares information and practices of their home culture.
Child uses their home language with educators and shares this with others.
Child maintains and develops both their home culture and that of the local community.
Child engages with local community members and Elders.
Child openly communicates their need for compassion.
Child celebrates and shares their achievements with others.
LO 1.4 Celebration of achievement Chart /
Early Years Learning Framework / Learning Outcome 1.4
Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect
Child’s Name: / Date Started:
Educators’ Names:
Date observed by educators / Date observed by parents
Child actively participates in group experiences and shows interest in their peers.
Child actively contributes to play experiences.
Child expresses a wide range of their emotions appropriately.
Child is able to empathise with others.
Child acknowledges and respects the views of others.
Child is able to reflect on their actions and predict consequences for others.
LO 2.1 Celebration of Achievement Chart /
Early Years Learning Framework / Learning Outcome 2.1
Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and an understanding of the reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for active community participation
Child’s Name: / Date Started:
Educator’s Name:
Date observed by educators / Date observed by parents
Child accepts their right to belong to many communities.
Child is cooperative with others and negotiates in group experiences.
Child actively seeks the involvement of their peers.
Child broadens their understandings of the world they live in.
Child feels confident to express their personal opinion.
Child explores the social and cultural community and other ways of living.
Child participates in reciprocal relationships with others.
Child ‘reads’ the behaviours and signs of others and responds appropriately.
Child understands different ways of contributing through play and projects.
Child feels comfortable and that they belong in their environment.
Child positively engages with other children to form friendships.
Child contributes to decision-making processes about matters which affect them.
LO 2.1 Celebration of Achievement Chart /
Early Years Learning Framework / Learning Outcome 2.2
Children respond to diversity with respect
Child’s Name: / Date Started:
Educator’s Name:
Date observed by educators / Date observed by parents
Child shows concern for others.
Child explores and celebrates diverse cultures and understands that diversitypresentsnew opportunities to learn about alternative ways of living.
Child recognises and celebrates the similarities and differences between themselves and others.
Child listens to the views of others and respects their input.
Child is inclusive of others.
LO 2.3 Celebration of Achievement Chart /
Early Years Learning Framework / Learning Outcome 2.3
Children become aware of fairness
Child’s Name: / Date Started:
Educators’ Names:
Date observed by educators / Date observed by parents
Child explores the connections between people in the community.
Child is aware of the inclusion and exclusion of others.
Child is able to recognise bias and respond appropriately.
Child makes choices and is able to solve problems.
Child is able to distinguish between fair and unfair behaviour.
Child is able to identity and respond to stereotypes in various texts and experiences.
LO 2.4 Celebration of Achievement Chart /
Early Years Learning Framework / Learning Outcome 2
Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment
Child’s Name: / Date Started:
Educator’s Name:
Date observed by educators / Date observed by parents
Child investigates new ideas through play experiences.
Child demonstratesknowledge of both natural and constructed environments.
Child demonstratesknowledge of people, animals, plants and land.
Child demonstrates care for both natural and constructed environments.
Child explores relationships with other living and non-living things.
Child understands the impact of humans on the natural environment.
LO 3.1 Celebration of Achievement Chart /
Early Years Learning Framework / Learning Outcome 3.1
Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing
Child’s Name: / Date Started:
Educator’s Name:
Date observed by educators / Date observed by parents
Child demonstrates trust and confidence
Child shares humour, happiness and satisfaction
Child seeksnew challenges and makes new discoveries.
Childis able to co-operate and work collaboratively with others.
Childis able to work and play independently.
Child recognises their individual achievements.
Child is able to manage and reflect on their own emotions.
Child seeks opportunities for new learning in their home languages or Standard Australian English.
Child is able to acknowledge and accept affirmation
Child is aware of their capabilities and independence.
Child recognises the contributions they make to shared projects and experiences.
LO 3.2 Celebration of Achievement Chart /
Early Years Learning Framework / Learning Outcome 3.2
Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing
Child’s Name: / Date Started:
Educators’ Names:
Date observed by educators / Date observed by parents
Child is able to communicate their need for rest, sleep, clothing, water etc.
Child is connected to others in a positive and happy way.
Child effectively engages in activities requiring fine-motor and physical skills.
Childuses their physical skills to engage in dance, creative movement and drama.
Childis able to use their sensory capabilities to explore and respond
to their environment.
Child demonstrates spatial awareness and moves through environments confidently and safely.
Childuses equipment with increasing confidence and skill.
Child responds through movement to traditional and contemporary music, dance and storytelling
Child is aware of the importance of their health and wellbeing through regular exercise and good nutrition.
Child shows independence with hygiene practices.
Child is able to use equipment to ensure the safety of themselves and others.
LO 4.1 Celebration of Achievement Chart /
Early Years Learning Framework / Learning Outcome 4.1
Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity
Child’s Name: / Date Started:
Educators’ Name:
Date observed by educators / Date observed by parents
Childis curious and imaginative about their environment.
Child is an enthusiastic learner.
Child imagines and expresses creativity through play.
Child follows and extends their own interests with enthusiasm, curiousity and concentration.
Child initiates and contributes to play experiences emerging from their own ideas
Child participates in a variety of activities to expand their curiousity.
Child is determined and persistent when overcoming challenges.
LO 4.2 Celebration of Achievement Chart /
Early Years Learning Framework / Learning Outcome 4.2
Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating
Child’s Name: / Date Started:
Educator’s Name:
Date observed by educators / Date observed by parents
Child is able to apply a variety of thinking strategies to solve problems and adapt to new situations.
Child is able to apply their mathematical knowledge to problem solving.
Child applies their mathematical knowledge to daily activities and makes predictions.
Child explores their environment.
Child uses ‘trial and error’ methods to overcome problems.
Child actively contributes to mathematical learning for themselves and others.
Child reflects on their experiences and learns from this.
LO 4.3 Celebration of Achievement Chart /
Early Years Learning Framework / Learning Outcome 4.3
Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to another
Child’s Name: / Date Started:
Educators’ Name:
Date observed by educators / Date observed by parents
Child engages in their own learning and development.
Child is able to mirror the positive behaviour and methods of others.
Child makes connections between experiences, concepts and processes.
Child uses investigation to solve problems.
Child uses strategies to overcome problems in various contexts.
Child transfers knowledge from one setting to another.
LO 4.4 Celebration of Achievement Chart /
Early Years Learning Framework / Learning Outcome 4.4
Children resource their own learning through connecting with people, place, technologies and natural and processed materials
Child’s Name: / Date Started:
Educators’ Name:
Date observed by educators / Date observed by parents
Child engages in learning relationships.
Child confidently shares their learning with others.
Child explores and safely experiments with various technologies and tools.
Child uses resources to investigate, take apart, assemble, invent and construct.
Child uses technology to solve problems.
Child explores ideas and theories using imagination, creativity and play.
Child uses feedback from others to assist their own learning.
LO 5.1 Celebration of Achievement Chart /
Early Years Learning Framework / Learning Outcome 5.1
Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes
Child’s Name: / Date Started:
Educators’ Name:
Date observed by educators / Date observed by parents
Child is confident in using verbal and non-verbal communication methods.
Child is able to construct meaning through verbal communication.
Child responds verbally and
non-verbally to what they see, hear, touch, feel and taste.
Child uses language to express meaning about play and creative experiences.
Child confidently engages in small and large group experiences.
Child shows that they are actively listening to and understanding what is being said to them.
Child uses their home language appropriately and helps the listener to understand them.
Child conveys and constructs messages with purpose and confidence in Australian English and their home language.
Child exchanges ideas, knowledge and feelings during play experiences.
Child demonstrates an increasing understanding of measurement and number(size, length, volume, capacity and names of numbers).
Child uses language to communicate thinking about quantities and mathematical concepts.
Child can confidently express meaning verbally in at least one language.
LO 5.2 Celebration of Achievement Chart /
Early Years Learning Framework / Learning Outcome 5.2
Children engage with a range of texts and gain meaning from these texts
Child’s Name: / Date Started:
Educators’ Names:
Date observed by educators / Date observed by parents
Child listens and responds to sounds and patterns in speech, stories and rhymes.
Child is curious about visual images and responds with questions and interest.
Child sings and chants rhymes, jingles and songs.
Child takes on roles of literacy and numeracy users in their play
Child understands texts and the way that they are structured.
Child is aware of the meaning of different texts.
Child actively shares their enjoyment for texts, reading and literacy.
LO 5.3 Celebration of Achievement Chart /
Early Years Learning Framework / Learning Outcome 5.3
Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media
Child’s Name: / Date Started:
Educators’ Names:
Date observed by educators / Date observed by parents
Child uses language and engages in play to imagine and create roles, scripts and ideas.
Child shares the stories and symbols of their own culture and re-enacts well-known stories.
Child uses the creative arts such as drawing, painting, sculpture, drama, dance, movement, music and storytelling to express ideas and make meaning.
Child experiments with ways of expressing ideas and meaning using a range of media.
Child uses images of letters and words to convey meaning.
LO 5.4 Celebration of Achievement Chart /
Early Years Learning Framework / Learning Outcome 5.4
Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work
Child’s Name: / Date Started:
Educator’s Name:
Date observed by educators / Date observed by parents
Child uses symbols in play to represent and make meaning.
Child makes connections between their own feelings and the feeling of others.
Child understands the concept of time and planning.
Child understands the meaning of and importance of symbols.
Child has an increasing awareness of the relationships between oral, written and visual representations.
Child begins to recognise and understand patterns.
Child is able to compare events, objects and materials in their social, cultural and natural worlds.
Child can listen and respond to sounds and patterns in speech, stories and rhyme.
Child draws on memory of a sequence to complete a task.
Child uses symbols to construct meaning.
LO 5.5 Celebration of Achievement Chart /
Early Years Learning Framework / Learning Outcome 5.5
Children use information and communication technologies to access information, investigate ideas and represent their thinking
Child’s Name: / Date Started:
Educators’ Names:
Dates observed by educators / Dates observed by parents
Child applies technologies in their everyday activities and understands their use.
Child uses technologies to understand the world around them.
Child uses technologies as tools for designing, drawing, editing, reflecting and composing.
Child engages with technology for fun and to make meaning.

Celebration of Achievement Charts