Adapt Coaching Covenant

Adapt Coaching:

1.Prayer will be a foundation of our work together.

2.Coaching in the Adapt process occurs throughout both phases. It is still “directional” in that our main goal is to lead churches forward to create, accept and fulfill a MAP.

3.Coaching is intended to assist the pastor/staff/laity to become better equipped to lead their congregations especially as it pertains to the alignment of the church’s mission and vision.

4.Coaching in the Adapt process includes:

●Leading/facilitating workshops prescribed to fulfill the MAPS.

●Asking questions that help the pastor(s) and lay leadership discover how they can fulfill the MAP and plan for the future direction of the church.

●Brainstorming and providing resources which can aid the church in fulfilling the MAP.

●Coaching will involve integrating learning through the Adapt process in all ministries and in the life of the church.

●Coaching is a confidential relationship. Confidentiality will be interrupted if there is any legal subpoena or a violation of law (abuse, harm to another or to self, etc.) that a coach becomes aware of.

●Sending a monthly report to the Director of Church Development, to your District Superintendent, and the Adapt coaching coordinator, helps to insure fruitfulness and accountability. This report states the progress and actions taken to address the concerns raised in the MAP as well as any other major concerns or obstacles.

●Working closely together with the pastor, arrange coaching appointments onsite and by telephone/email so as to use your time together wisely.

●Assisting the pastor to become a transformational leader in their local church is a key component of Adapt.

Adapt Coaching Agreements

  1. During Phase 1 the coach will be paid by Church Development for three to four coaching sessions. The first of these will be a face-to-face meeting with the pastor that will include a tour of the church. The rest of the sessions will be phone or Skype sessions. The purpose of these sessions is to build rapport with the pastor and help to identify potential issues. No workshops are taught by the coach during Phase 1.
  2. The coach or a Church Development staff person will lead a pre-consultation. The coach’s presence is required.
  3. The Consultation involves the coach serving on the consultation weekend (Friday and Saturday).
  4. If the MAP is adopted, Phase 2 involves a coaching period of a minimum of 12 months to fulfill the MAP (not to be confused with 1 year). This is a minimum and may take longer. 18 months is a realistic amount of time to complete the MAP. This phase of the coaching relationship is to lead to the fulfillment of the MAP.
  5. A secondary purpose of coaching is the growth of the pastor/staff/laity in their leadership of the congregation with a focus on fruitfulness in alignment with the mission and vision of the church.
  6. For Phase 2 coaching consists of on-site visits with the pastor or other church leadership; facilitation of workshops or training; phone conversations; and/or lengthy follow-up or clarification via email. Each church is different in its needs and abilities therefore, the amount of on-site visits a coach may need to make is difficult to determine. However, a coach will keep the church’s budget in consideration in the planning and scheduling process.
  7. In the first session of Phase 2 the coach will cover the following:

●The MAP and the requirements for each area addressed as a concern (workshops, task forces, etc.)

●Review the timeline and dates outlined in the MAP

●Schedule coaching and training dates for the upcoming months

  1. The onsite sessions will include one-on-one coaching with the pastor as well as work with lay leaders either in council meetings, team meetings or workshops, as needed.
  2. The pastor understands Peer Mentoring, as required in Phase 2 of the Adapt process, is a resource to assist in the fulfillment of the MAP, as well as for personal growth as a leader.

The pastor’s Peer Mentoring leader is:______

and regularly meets: (time and place______

  1. The pastor agrees that the church leadership team (church council, administrative board) will be kept apprised of all Adapt activity especially when deadline dates have been changed.

Coaching Fee

  1. This Covenant is for a minimum of 12 months for Phase 2.

●The minimum fee for coaching in Phase 2 is $3000.00. A monthly coaching fee of $250.00 plus mileage and expenses will be made upon invoicing from the INUMC Conference office.

  1. If it becomes necessary to continue the coaching beyond 12 months, the coaching covenant will continue month-to-month, up to a maximum of 24 months, or earlier if the church and the coach agree that coaching is no longer necessary
  2. The church agrees to reimburse mileage expense to the coach at the IRS rate. Mileage is typically computed from the coach’s home to the church. If in the rare case that housing is necessary, the church agrees to reimburse the coach.
  3. Your church will not be billed a coaching fee for any month that coaching did not occur.
  4. A monthly invoice will be generated by Church Development (not the coach) to trigger the monthly payment to the coach.
  5. If the coach is a Church Development staff person the payment will be sent to Church Development.
  6. The church will receive an IRS W-9 form completed by the coach. The church should issue a year-end IRS 1099 to the coach (unless the coach is a Church Development team member).
  7. Upon signing the covenant the church understands the covenant is for 12 months. The church will receive an IRS W-9 from the coach and issue a year-end IRS 1099 to the coach. (Note: Recommended a W-9 be presented in this meeting.)

The first month begins on the date of this contract: ______


Please make every attempt to call at least 24 hours ahead of an appointment or scheduled training to make a change.

By Signing this Covenant the parties agree to the above:

Rev. Date:


Ad Council Chair of Lay Leader: Date:


Name of church treasurer:

Treasurer’s Email and phone number:

Coach Name:Date:

Coach Signature:

Coach’s email:

Coach’s phone number:

Copies: the pastor, the coach, and one to the Director of Church Development