Adams County Master Gardeners

Fruit and Plant Order Form

Make checks payable to: Adams County Master Gardeners

Please return completed order form and payment to:

Fruit Order

300 South Pierce Street

Adams,WI. 53910

(Deadline for orders: January 10, 2018)

Name:______E-Mail: ______


City: ______State:______Zip: ______Phone: ______

Cell: ______

You should plan to have two varieties for best pollination of apples and blueberries.

Some varieties of these fruits may be self-pollinating.

No refunds or replacements will be made once you take the plants.

Plant pickup will be

Saturday April 14, 2018from 9am-12 Noon

At the

Adams County Fairgrounds, Hwy J, Friendship

Asparagus / $9.00 / Mary Washington - Winter hardy variety is also heat tolerant and shows resistance to rust. This is an heirloom variety!
10 plants per unit.
Mid-season Strawberry / $15.00 / Honeoye- Early-mid season. A top variety for over 20 years. Winter hardy, high productivity, good appearance and color, together with an excellent, firm, large-sized berry. Easy to pick, and high yields over a long season, a most consistent berry producer.
25 plants per unit.
Blueberry / $15.00 / Nelson- This early bush will grow to an average of 6 ft. A verygood yielder, Nelson produces medium-blue, large sized, firm berries.
1 plant per unit.
Blueberry / $15.00 / Northland- Mid season plant. Winter hardiness as low as -30F. These medium-size berries are very flavorful – similar to wild blueberries. The plant grows to about 4 feet.
1 plant per unit.
Sub Totals p. 1
Apples / $23.00 / Freedom – Dwarfing tree with a mid-season red apple. Flesh is crisp, juicy and slightly tart. Very vigorous and productive fruit stores well into January, Excellent disease resistance, immune to apple scab.
1 plant per unit.
Apples / $25.00 / Honeycrisp – current favorite must have apple. Crisp, juicy, #1 in taste tests. Resistant to apple scab and fire blight. A two-week harvest window in September, stores well.
1 plant per unit.
Peach / $23.00 / Reliance – considered one of the hardiest freestone peach available. Is medium in size and somewhat round. Has good flavor, is soft and juicy and ripening
1 plant per unit.
Santa Rosa Plum / $25.00 / Large red/purple plum and yellow flesh, fruit of excellent quality. Considered self-fertile and good pollinator. Frequently planted Japanese Plum.
1 plant per unit.
Flavor King Plum / $25.00 / Reddish purple fruit, sweet/spicy red flesh. Smaller tree, late season plum that pollinates well from Santa Rosa Plum. One plant per unit.
Pink Champagne Currant / $12.50 / Zone 3-7. Upright vigorous bush, translucent pink fruit. High quality and very good flavor.
Darrow Blackberry / $23.00 / This berry has proven to be the most reliable producer of large crops of top quality fruit grown successfully north and in to Canada. Are attractive, firms, Juicy and have honey sweet, true blackberry flavor. Excellent for all purposes. Plants are hardy, rust resistant and produce well at an early age.
3 plants per unit.
Ginko Biloba / $25.00 / Zone 4-8, Landscape tree grows up to 50’. Fan shaped leaves 3”-5”. Adaptable to soil, moisture and pH. 1 plant per unit.
Black Cherry / $23.00 / Zone 3-9. This showy tree grows to 50 to 80 feet. Noted for profuse spring blooms, attractive foliage and fall color. Bitter fruit is best used in jellies and other cooked preparations. 1 plant per unit.
Order #: ______Picked By: ______Checked by:______
Customer Signature: ______