Commercial Township Fire Commissioners
District #1
Minutes of January 17, 2012 Meeting
Commissioners Present:
Chairman B. Rhubart
Vice Chairman C. Rhubart
Treasurer M.Rodgers
Secretary G. Hollinger
Commissioner B.Hyson
Fire Company Members Present:
Chief John Hoffman
Safety Officer Dean Berry
Old Business:
On line quickbooks service has been purchased. Still need to schedule a time with express computers to set up the software
On line fireprograms software was purchased to keep track of losap, personel/ training records, vehiclemaintence along with fire hall inventory
A wireless router and 2 laptops have been purchased and set up from xpress electronics
No progress made on installing security cameras
Top 5 List:
#4 No progress on kitchen work.
#5 lighting for new pick up an encumbrance has been placed on these monies so that the purchase may be completed in 2012
The radio equipment that we ordered has been delivered
The overhead door sensors have not been installed as of yet
New Business:
The 2012 budget was approved by the state. All commissioners reviewed and adopted the budget as read. A reminder was given that petitions for commissioner must be turned in by Feb 6th and the annual election will be 2/18 from 2p-9p
Bill reported on the following quotes for work to be done on the pickup:
Tow package $375
Paint from Gentilini $3,200
Paint from Penn Jersey $3,300
Rhino Liner $1,000
All present voted in favor of upgrading the tow package and to wait until after the election for the rest
Chief Hoffman requested that fixing the apron on the new tender bay be a priority project for the upcoming year.
All commissioners present voted in favor of upgrading the PNFC Officers phones to Iphone 4s. Gary will contact Verizon to make the change over
Treasurer Report:
Treasurer M.Rodgers and Vice-Chairman [Compliance Commissioner] C.Rhubart reviewed all bills, purchase orders and checks for the month and submitted a bill list which was read aloud for all present.
After the bill list was read all Commissioners present voted in favor
of paying the bill list submitted.
Treasurers Report / Bill List
See Attached
No further business meeting was adjourned at 2116
Commercial Township Fire Commissioners
District #1
Minutes of February 21, 2012 Meeting
Commissioners Present:
Chairman B. Rhubart
Treasurer M.Rodgers
Secretary G. Hollinger
Commissioner B.Hyson
Fire Company Members Present:
Safety Officer Dean Berry
Old Business:
On line QuickBooks is in service after express transferred the files from the old computer to the new service.
On line fire programs software is in service, Tom and Christy have met with a rep from DCA and learned how to transfers the NFRIS reports up to the state so that we are compliant.
No progress made on installing security cameras
Top 5 List:
#4 No progress on kitchen work.
#5 lighting for new pick up an encumbrance has been placed on these monies so that the purchase may be completed in 2012
The radio equipment that we ordered has been delivered
The overhead door sensors have been installed
Gentlini was notified to install the tow package on the new pick up once it comes in
New Business:
The 2012 budget was approved by a 15 yes to 1 no vote. All paperwork has been submitted to the state to finalize the budget
Mike Rodgers and Christy Rhubart have been re-elected to a 3 year term on the BOFC
Gary questioned when we will have all the necessary paperwork done for the audit, Mike reported prob not until he got back from vacation
Bill made a motion that BOFC accept a submitted quote from eastern fire for $455.00 to fix the hood system before the upcoming oyster and ham dinner. The motion was carried in a 4-0 vote
All commissioners present reviewed a list of LOSAP points submitted by Captain Tom Rhubart for approval. All commissioners present voted in favor of accepting the points list submitted pending review of the membership.
Safety Officer Dean Berry reported that he noticed a water pipe had ruptured during a recent call. All commissioners present voted in favor of having Walt kunkle make the necessary repairs provided the cost remains below the quote threshold
Bob Hyson stated that he would like to start planning now for repairs to the fire hall floor where the new tender will be housed.
All commissioners present voted in favor of purchasing a total of 800’ of fire hose from public safety outfitters with the cost not to exceed the quote threshold
A few of the PNFC and BOFC members traveled to Delaware to inspect the paint of the new pickup. After approving the paint provided the rep advised us that we should have the truck sometime in March.
Bill questioned when will we be able to have the truck painted and rhino lined. After a discussion with Treasurer Rodgers all commissioners present voted in favor of sending the unit out right away to have the above work done.
Treasurer Report:
Treasurer M.Rodgers and Vice-Chairman [Compliance Commissioner] C.Rhubart reviewed all bills, purchase orders and checks for the month and submitted a bill list which was read aloud for all present.
After the bill list was read all Commissioners present voted in favor
of paying the bill list submitted.
Treasurers Report / Bill List
See Attached
No further business meeting was adjourned at 2025
Commercial Township Fire Commissioners
District #1
Minutes of March 20, 2012 Meeting
Commissioners Present:
Chairman B. Rhubart
Vice Chairman C Rhubart
Treasurer M.Rodgers
Secretary G. Hollinger
Commissioner B.Hyson
Fire Company Members Present:
Chief John Hoffman
Safety Officer Dean Berry
Captain Josh Hoffman
Old Business:
No progress made on installing security cameras
No progress on kitchen work
Bill gave a price of $3,875 to get the hood of the new pickup painted and Chevron’s on the back of the unit. All commissioners voted in favor of getting two more quotes and accepting the price from Penn Jersey to complete the work if they are the lowest price.
It was also decided that Gary will measure and take pictures of the rear of the pickup and the inside of the boxes and get the above info to Fred Hundt to get a price to Rhino Line the bed and the boxes of the truck.
Eastern fire protection was here and fixed the hood system prior to the oyster dinner
The fire hose from public safety has been delivered and placed into service
New Business:
All the necessary paperwork for the audit has been submitted
A listed of needed equipment for Tender 1111 was submitted for review. After review it was decided to order some items from MES and the remainder of the items from Public Safety Outfitters
A discussion was held on pricing out a wireless headset system for T1111 and also on mobile and portable radios for both the new tender and the new pick up. Gary will contact WPSC for state contract prices.
Gary made a motion to take both boats to SJ Boat works to have the serviced for the upcoming season. All commissioners present voted in favor of the motion.
Treasurer Rodgers reported that we have not rec’ our 1st quarter money from the township as of yet and was told that we may not get any money until after the twp adopts their budget in April. Chief Hoffman stated that he will contact the Mayor to settle the issue
Treasurer Report:
Treasurer M.Rodgers and Vice-Chairman [Compliance Commissioner] C.Rhubart reviewed all bills, purchase orders and checks for the month and submitted a bill list which was read aloud for all present.
After the bill list was read all Commissioners present voted in favor
of paying the bill list submitted.
Treasurers Report / Bill List
See Attached
No further business meeting was adjourned at 2025
Commercial Township Fire Commissioners
District #1
Minutes of April 17, 2012 Meeting
Commissioners Present:
Vice Chairman C Rhubart
Treasurer M.Rodgers
Secretary G. Hollinger
Fire Company Members Present:
Chief John Hoffman
Safety Officer Dean Berry
Captain Josh Hoffman
Old Business:
No progress made on installing security cameras
No progress on kitchen work
Bill reported that the pick-up will go to penn jersey soon to be painted
Gary reported that he sent pictures and demintions to fredhundt to get a price for
the rhino lineing
John reported that the 1st quarter money was rec from the township and has been deposited
U1107 has been registered with DMV
All the equipment for the tender has been ordered waiting on delivery
Gary reported the cost of a wireless headset system was $6,000. Gary ordered the mobile and portable radios from WPCS on state contract. Still waiting on a date on when the equipment will be installed
Gary reported that the boats are not ready to be picked up yet
New Business:
John reported that Tender 11 will be taken to a Mack dealership in DE on 4/18 to have the coolant leak fixed
Tender 11 is now registered with NJ DMV
All commissioners present voted in favor of transferring Josh Hoffman personnel cell phone to the fire company account, purchase a hose rack to store spare hose at a cost of $2,200 and to fix the 5” hose that was damaged
Dean suggested that once the new trucks are in service he would like to see building work that has been discussed in the past get done
A discussion was also held in ref to having the E1103 serviced once the other units are in service.
Treasurer Report:
Treasurer M.Rodgers and Vice-Chairman [Compliance Commissioner] C.Rhubart reviewed all bills, purchase orders and checks for the month and submitted a bill list which was read aloud for all present.
After the bill list was read all Commissioners present voted in favor
of paying the bill list submitted.
Treasurers Report / Bill List
See Attached
No further business meeting was adjourned at 2010
Commercial Township Fire Commissioners
District #1
Minutes of May 15, 2012 Meeting
Commissioners Present:
Vice Chairman C Rhubart
Treasurer M.Rodgers
Secretary G. Hollinger
Commissioner B.Hyson
Fire Company Members Present:
Chief John Hoffman
Safety Officer Dean Berry
Old Business:
No progress made on installing security cameras
No progress on kitchen work
Bill reported that the pick-up has been painted by penn jersey
Gary gave a quote from 1st priority of $3,815 to rhino line the utility truck
All the equipment for the tender has received
Gary reported that the boats have been picked up and M11 is in the water
Josh cell phone has been transferred to the PNFC account
Hose rack has been received and Tom Rhubart has put it together
John reported that tender 1111 has been taken to the mack dealership in Harrisburg to have the antifreeze leak fixed before being taken to the Harrisburg fire expo. After the fire expo the tender will be taken to EPI to have tools and equipment mounted on it
Gary reported the fittings to fix the 5” have not been received as of yet.
New Business:
Gary read a quote from woodruff for $970 to fix the AC unit. After a brief discussion on fixing or replacing the AC all commissioners present voted in favor of fixing our current unit at the above price.
A discussion was held in ref to switching the electric and gas service to the company that made the presentation at the PNFC meeting. After the discussion all commissioners present voted in favor of having Chief Hoffman contact the company and get us started.
Gary read aloud resolution 2012-8 a resolution to cause an annual audit of its accounts, it also certifites that each member of the board has reviewed the audit specifically the section titled General Comments and Recommendations.
Gary reported there were two findings in the audit. #1 failure to obtain 3 quotes #2. Failure to issue 1099’s
After which he read a corrective action plan that will be implemented to correct the findings in 2012
Treasurer Report:
Treasurer M.Rodgers and Vice-Chairman [Compliance Commissioner] C.Rhubart reviewed all bills, purchase orders and checks for the month and submitted a bill list which was read aloud for all present.
After the bill list was read all Commissioners present voted in favor
of paying the bill list submitted.
Treasurers Report / Bill List
See Attached
No further business meeting was adjourned at 2030
Commercial Township Fire Commissioners
District #1
Minutes of June 19, 2012 Meeting
Commissioners Present:
Vice Chairman C Rhubart
Secretary G. Hollinger
Commissioner B.Hyson
Fire Company Members Present:
Chief John Hoffman
Safety Officer Dean Berry
Old Business:
No progress made on installing security cameras
No progress on kitchen work
Tender 1111 coolant leaks have been fixed, and all equipment has been mounted by EPI
Gary reported the fittings to fix the 5” have been received.
Woodruff is working on fixing the AC
No new info on switching to Veridian Electric
All paperwork has been submitted to complete the 2011 audit
New Business:
John reported that the new tender now has water leaking from the tank and will be taken back to
KME to have the leak fixed
Gary is getting two more quotes from line x dealers in Delaware for the utility truck
A discussion was held in ref to getting prices to letter and purchase emergency lighting for
the utility truck. All commissioners voted in favor of having the lettering and lighting completed as soon as possible.
A discussion was held in ref to purchasing cribbing, seat belt cutters and additional tarps to put on the
utility truck for responding to MVC. The purchases were tabled to a later date after the above items were complete
John questioned if we wanted to start meeting with companies in ref to refurbishing Tower 11. We decided to try and meet with companies to get prices and options
A discussion was held in ref to pump, hose and ladder testing, all present voted in favor of waiting to the end of the summer to have this completed.
Gary reported that he has contacted MES to complete flow testing, as of yet no date has been scheduled
Treasurer Report:
Treasurer M.Rodgers and Vice-Chairman [Compliance Commissioner] C.Rhubart reviewed all bills, purchase orders and checks for the month and submitted a bill list which was read aloud for all present.
After the bill list was read all Commissioners present voted in favor
of paying the bill list submitted.
Treasurers Report / Bill List
See Attached
No further business meeting was adjourned at 2015
Commercial Township Fire Commissioners
District #1
Minutes of September 18, 2012 Meeting
Commissioners Present:
Vice Chairman C Rhubart
Treasurer M Rodgers
Secretary G. Hollinger
Commissioner B.Hyson
Fire Company Members Present:
Safety Officer Dean Berry
Old Business:
No progress made on installing security cameras
No progress on kitchen work
All 5” hose have been fixed and placed in the pole barn
Woodruff completed repairs to the AC unit
Water leak on the Tender has been fixed and the tender is in service
Utility truck has been line x’ed by 1st priority
Flow testing was completed by MES, a couple of packs failed and are currently being repaired
Pump, hose and ladder testing scheduled through fire one in October
No new info on Verdian electric
New Business:
G. Hollinger reported that WPCS will be at the fire hall on 9/26/12 to install the radio’s that were purchased and program radios to be narrow band compliant. It was also reported that he is going to have TekkComm come to a meeting to program pagers for narrow band. It was also mentioned that we will need to get a price to replace the Insta-alert system that activates the siren.