NOVEMBER 16, 2015 - 7PM
Call To Order:
The RCI - Kairos Advisory Council met in regular session on Monday, November 16, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.at 314 N. Fayette Street, Washington CH, Ohio. Present for the meeting: Bruce Gabriel, Jim Hayes, Tom Knauff, Terry Jackson, Roger Grimsley, Bob Williams, and Secretary Rod Bryant.
Prayer – Tom Knauff. Devotion – Tom spoke on Exodus 25 and the correlation between the Old Testament tabernacle and the New Testament tabernacle – Jesus. Jesus is the fulfillment of the “shadowed” things illustrated in the OT.
Approval of Minutes:
Jim moved and Terry seconded a motion to approve the minutes of September 21, 2015, which were unanimously approved.
- RCI #32 – Clay Bennington
Clay gave an emailed report that the team formation is going well and the first team meeting was well attended. He has 46 volunteers with 8 new and 2 new clergy.
- State Chapter Rep. Report – Terry Jackson
Terry mailed in the “excellence” report for RCI#31 to the State. Terry attended the October 17th State meeting. The State is stressing the need for receipts for all purchases. AC needs to have TexShadley signed up for AKT by December 23, 2015. The State is emphasizing the required “time-off” from multiple Kairos weekends for upcoming weekend leaders. The State has a new website.
- Institution Liason Report – Jim Hayes
Jim stated that the P&S issues with some of the volunteers not getting in, has been resolved. Jim approached Ms. Williams about the talking-Bibles that Mick Whistler had offered and RCI doesn’t want to entertain that right now; Jim suggested showing the talking-Bible to Ms. Williams during TexShadley’s institutional meeting.
- Treasurer – Jim Hayes
Jim distributed a deposit report and showed that Walk #31 raised $8,610. Tom Fletcher will be the new Treasurer beginning in 2016.
- Financial Secretary Report – Roger Grimsley
Roger discussed the AC monthly financial report and stated that the 15% Affiliation fees are up due to our donation amounts. Roger covered the Profit/Loss statement and reiterated the need for receipts. Roger submitted the 2016 budget to the State. Bob Williams is to be the new Financial Secretary beginning in 2016.
Jim moved and Tom seconded a motion to approve the report which was unanimously approved.
- Outreach Coordinator – Mike Shumate
No report.
- Agape Coordinator – Bruce Gabriel
Bruce has 15 posters already for the upcoming weekend.
- Fundraising Coordinator – John Welling
No report.
- Food Coordinator Report – Lori Welling
No report.
- Spiritual Advisor – Tom Knauff
Nothing new to report.
New Business:
1. AC Election Nominations
Jac Dill has a desire to be the RCI Agape Coordinator beginning 2016.
After some discussion, Terry moved and Tom seconded a motion to approve Jac Dill as RCI Agape Coordinator beginning 2016, which was unanimously approved.
Tom Fletcher has a desire to be the RCI Treasurer beginning 2016.
After some discussion, Jim moved and Terry seconded a motion to approve Tom Fletcher as RCI Treasurer beginning 2016, which was unanimously approved.
2. AC Meeting Location
Rod stated that Mick Whistler had offered their church (Grace United Methodist Church at 301 E. Market Street, Washington CH, Ohio) for an RCI Advisory Council meeting-place beginning 2016.
Next meeting – January 18, 2016 @ GUMC.
APPROVED this ______day of ______, 2016.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rod J. Bryant, Recording Secretary Tim Lester, Chairman