Draft Agenda

Kent Surrey Sussex Non-Invasive Ventilation Network Meeting

Thursday 26th May / 10.00 – 16:30 / Crowne Plaza Hotel, Langley Dr, Crawley, RH11 7SX
09.30 – 10.00
/ Registrations
Tea, coffeeserved
10.00 – 10.10
/ Welcome & Introductions, plan for the meeting
Dr Lisa Vincent-Smith, Chair, NIV Clinical Lead, Respiratory Programme, KSS AHSN and Consultant Respiratory Physician, Medway Foundation Trust
10.10 – 12:15
/ How to deliver a small group teaching session
Pat Dollard,Kernow Training
Learning objectives
  • Refreshing and improving your teaching skills
  • Making learning engaging in small groups
  • Small group techniques for practical skills
This session includes a 15 minutes tea break.
/ Dr Kate Steele, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Western Sussex Hospitals NHS FT
Trouble-shooting acute non-invasive ventilation–
Incidence of Patient Ventilator Asynchrony (PVA)
  • How to define patient ventilator asynchrony and why its identification is important
  • The prevalence of patient ventilator asynchrony
  • An understanding of respiratory failure and the pathophysiology of different diseases that contribute to patient ventilator asynchrony
  • Types of patient ventilator asynchronies- why they occur and how we may correct them.
  • An approach to setting up different patient groups on non-invasive ventilation
  • How to best monitor patients established on non-invasive ventilation for asynchrony

12:45 – 13:45
Hot lunch served – buffet style in the bar lounge
/ Equipment workshops to showcase latest NIV machines and accessories for acute settings, delivered by the Industry Partners and sponsors of the event:
ResMed, Philipsand B&D Electromedical
The workshops will be held simultaneously. Delegates will be divided into groups (according to the make of the equipment they use in their acute setting) and these groups will be rotated around, between the workshops.
13.50-14.20 ‘Train the trainer’– workshop for NIV Champions
Representatives of the manufacturing companies will hold a workshop for those clinicians who already use and are familiar with their products.
Learning objective: how to pass on key components of equipment-related practical knowledge to fellow clinicians.
14.25-14.50Promotional ‘taster’ workshop to introduce those products that clinicians have not used before.
Learning objective: how to approach a machine you have never seen before, to build confidence.
14.55-15.15Same as above: rotate groups around, so each clinicians will get to see all three industry partner’s workshop and equipment
(Time left in between workshops to allow for groups to move around)
/ Philips workshop with Gareth Vilday
Equipment featured:
  • Trilogy 202
  • V60
  • Performax full face mask.
  • Performatrak nasal/oral mask

/ ResMed workshop with Steve Birchall
Equipment featured:
  • Astral 150 ventilator

/ B&D Electromedical Workshop with Phil
Equipment featured:
  • Nippy 3+
  • Avivo 50

15.15 -15.30
/ Tea/coffee break
15.30– 16.00
/ Experience of NIV and Palliative Care in the Acute Hospital:
Case-Based Reflection
Dr Nick Dando, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care
Learning objectives
  • Reflect on the clinical situations in which NIV may be used in a patient whose management is palliative
  • Identify the challenges in clinical decision making and communication
  • Describe different approaches to symptom management in the context of NIV withdrawal and end of life care

16.00 -16.30
Launching the Acute NIV e-learning sessions
Andi Blackmore, Project Manager, e-learning for Healthcare (eLfH)
/ Wrap up & close
Dr Lisa Vincent-Smith