Acton Ladies Hockey League (ALHL)

Constitution & By-laws – May 2015 – includes amendments passed May 5, 2015


This organization shall be known as “Acton Ladies Hockey League” and is here in after referred to as ALHL.



The aim of the ALHL is to foster and encourage a need for fitness, a desire for increased recreational activity, and the building of a strong and lasting fellowship among coaches, trainers, players and teams. All participants will be committed to good sportsmanship, fair play, equity , friendship and pursuit of fun.


To organize, promote and develop hockey skills for women through an organized system of house league team play under ethics and a code of conduct in-line with the betterment of the entire league.

To sponsor and promote activities which contribute to the financial position of the association. These activities must be approved by the Executive Committee and deemed to not financially benefit any single member of the league.


Membership in ALHL consists of:

a)All players registered in house league who are female by scientific definition.

b)All coaches, assistant coaches, trainers, managers, convenors, executive members and executive approved committee members at large and/or as registered with any ALHL team.

c)Members in good standing are registered players, coaches, trainers or executive not under suspension whose fees are paid and are thus accepted under these by-laws.


The Executive Committee shall consist of:


Vice President


Immediate Past President

Roles and Responsibilities of Executive Committee:

The President shall:

a)Preside over and chair all regular Executive Committee meetings and the Annual General Meeting.

b)Have signing authority with the Secretary/Treasurer for financial/legal requirements.

c)Negotiate ice time and scheduling with the Town of Halton Hills and/or appropriate arena(s).

d)Arrange for insurance for all players prior to their first game.

e)Prepare the yearly registration forms and method of registration.

f)Prepare notices for the newspaper and public notification about registration dates and deadlines.

g)Have an ex-officio status on all ALHL sanctioned committees.

The Vice President shall:

a)Perform duties as the President in the event that the President is unable to fulfill their responsibilities.

b)Approve vendors who will provide ALHL with goods and services i.e. team equipment, sponsorship or other support mechanisms.

c)Maintain a waiting list for prospective players to the ALHL.

d)Maintain the league standing and statistics during both the regular and playoff seasons.

e)Recruit and manage coaches.

f)Recruit and supervise timekeepers.

g)Oversee the bookings and negotiation of referees.

The Secretary/Treasurer shall:

a)Collect, record and maintain all financial records belonging to ALHL.

b)Pay all accounts by cheque requiring two signatures. Signing authority includes President and Secretary/Treasurer.

c)Verify monthly ice bills prior to payment.

d)Prepare and present financial statements at the annual general meeting for the league.

e)Prepare a budget for the following season for the Executive Committee to review to set registration fees.

f)Record and circulate all minutes of the Executive Committee.

g)Maintain association archives and history records.

h)Coordinate agendas and room bookings for meetings as required in conjunction with the President.

i)Maintain the official copy of the league constitution and by-law amendments including presentation of such at the Annual General meeting.


1)The President is responsible for calling Executive Committee meetings as necessary at mutually agreeable times and locations.

2)All active members must be present to conduct a meeting.

3)Guests can be invited to attend Executive Committee meetings as needed.

4)The Immediate Past President will not have voting rights at Executive Committee meetings.

5)Decisions can be made by unanimous consensus unless a vote is called. In that case, the vote must be recorded in the minutes.

6)The Executive Committee can ask for volunteers to sit on sub-committees to address specific issues. Recommendations are to be made back to the Executive Committee for final approval.

7)The Executive Committee has absolute authority to act on matters outlined in this constitution and any subsequent by-laws in addition to matters not covered by this document as the need arises. All actions must comply with the ethics and codes of conduct as well as not contravene league objectives.

8)Where an Executive Committee member leaves their position during their term, the Executive can appoint a replacement until the next AGM.

9)The Executive Committee shall have the full authority to dismiss an executive member by majority vote in the event that the executive member is not fulfilling the duties outlined in Article 4.


1)The Annual General Meeting for ALHL shall be held once per year on a date set by the Executive and adequately advertised with the ALHL membership.

2)The order of business of the AGM may include but is not limited to;

  1. Reading and acceptance if previous minutes
  2. Presentation of written annual reports from executive members
  3. Presentation of amendments to Constitution
  4. Voting on Constitution and Executive nominations

3)Notices of motion, correspondence, constitution and by-law amendments and nominations for executive shall be submitted in writing to the Vice President no earlier than 30 days and no later than 2 weeks prior to the AGM.

4)Any article or by-law of this constitution can be altered or rescinded at the AGM given the proper two weeks’ notice and approval. A special meeting may be called for the membership to address constitution or by-law changes. A minimum of two weeks’ notice must be given to the membership for such a meeting.

5)Eligible voters are defined as members in good standing, not under suspension or investigation for full integrity, who have paid the association fees with ALHL. No proxy votes will be permitted.

6)A simple majority vote will carry all issues based on attendance of such vote.

7)Election of the new Executive takes place at the AGM. Any eligible voter may nominate an ALHL member for a position on the Executive. Such nomination must be made in writing no sooner than 30 days, no later than two weeks of the AGM and accepted via initialed by nominee and be recorded with the Vice President. The Vice President upon receipt will initial and write on the document, the date and time received.

8)There will be a maximum of 3 nominations accepted for each position available on the Executive. The first 3 received will be the first 3 accepted.

9)A member may nominate no more than two other members for the Executive. A member may not run for more than two positions on the Executive.

10)Voting will be conducted starting from the President position followed by the Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer. Secret ballots or a show of hands, as determined by the President, will constitute an appropriate method of AGM voting and shall be deemed as complete.

11)Executive positions are elected or acclaimed at the AGM for a period of three years. Board members may be re-elected to no more than one consecutive additional term unless an inadequate number of candidates are available. The only extension of this time may be precedent interim tenure.

12)Positions that become vacant after the AGM, may be filled by a nomination of the Executive Committee and confirmed consent of a majority of the Executive Committee pursuant to Article 5 section 8.

13)If a member terminates from the Executive Committee part way through the term they will not be entitled to serve on the committee on any subsequent election. Leave of absence does not constitute termination yet tenure duration of Article 6 section 11 does apply.

14)A member may not hold title of 2 executive positions but may have to fulfill the duties of vacant executive positions.


1)The ALHL is financed through registration fees and fund raising efforts.

2)The President may appoint an auditor to review the financial statements on an annual basis prior to the AGM.

3)There can be no more than $3000 surplus at the end of any given year. Any additional funding must be used by way of equal refund or spent to benefit the league as a whole.


1)Amendments to the Constitution and By-laws must be passed by majority vote at a specified AGM and submitted in writing to the Vice President no sooner than 30 days and no later than two weeks prior to that AGM.


1)If the ALHL disbands or ceases to exist, the assets and finds of the organization shall be transferred to and held in trust by the President pending resolution and distribution or such assets and funds.