Activity One: Literature that Resonates (Resonate: to evoke a feeling of shared emotion or belief)
In The Fault in Our Stars, Hazel and Augustus each have a book that resonates: Hazel, An Imperial Afflictionby Peter Van Houten; Augustus, The Price of Dawn, a novelisation of his favorite video game.
- Below, brainstorm as many ideas of which you can think as to why these books are so important to Hazel and Augustus. Consider how Hazel and Augustus might relate (or would like to relate) to a given character; what meaning (s) Hazel and Augustus might gain from their favorite books; how each book can help Hazel and Augustus deal with their own conflicts and so on.
- In a journal entry, write about a novel, piece of art, videogame etc. with which you relate. Give a detailed explanation as to why this is your choice.
Activity Two: Blind Boy’s Aim
When Augustus learns that Monica, Isaac’s ex, has not even called to ask Isaac how he is, Augustus sets a plan in action that will allow Isaac to express his resentment. Hazel, Isaac, and Augustus purchase eggs, and then drive to Monica’s house where Isaac, directed by Augustus, decides to egg Monica’s pride and joy-her Pontiac firebird.
- Work in partners for this activity. You have a six bean bags which must be tossed into the target basket. First, try the task without a blindfold. How many did you score-multiply that score by 2.
- Next, put on the blindfold and have your partner give directions. How many hit the target? Multiply this by 2 as well.
- Now, switch partners and follow steps 1-3 again.
Score # 1 (able to see) ______
Score # 2 (not able to see) ______
Personal reflection: Respond to this activity by telling of your experience as both “Isaac” and as “Augustus”. How did it feel to throw the beanbags when blind? What were the frustrations with giving directions? Give any insights you have from the activity and connect it to the novel.
Activity Three: Representing
Represent the following in a visual of your own creation (illustration, cartoon, collage, post card, book cover etc.):
- The world is not a wish-making factory.
- Hazel walks lightly on the Earth: she knows the truth: we’re as likely to hurt the universe as we are to help it, and we aren’t likely to do either.
- Men at some time are masters of their fates /The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars/ But in ourselves, that we are underlings. (William Shakespeare; Julius Caesar).
- The Fault in Our Stars
- “So dawn goes down to day/Nothing gold can stay” poem by Robert Frost
- Some infinities are bigger than other infinities
- “Last time I imagined myself as the kid; this time, the skeleton
- “I’m on a roller coaster that only goes up”
- “Perks of cancer; side effects of dying”
- Other choice that fits the bill
Planning Space
Activity Four: Conflict
For each of the six types of conflict, try your hardest to find examples from the novel that match that type.
Person Vs. Person- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
Person vsNature
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
Person vsThe Supernatural
- ______
- ______
- ______
Activity Five: Breakout Room
NOTE: Your group of 5-6 must sign up for a class to complete this activity. Given the time frame, you may be working with classmates you have not worked with before.
You find yourself in Hazel Grace Lancasters room. She has left for the moment and you really need to find her to let her know what you’ve discovered about Peter Van Houten. She has left some clues for you to follow, each clue leading you closer and closer out of the room. Will you find Hazel? Or will you be stuck in her room, hoping she returns?
INSTRUCTIONS: Each clue will lead you around the room. Some clues you will find early, yet you won’t need them until later. Others you will use immediately. Take note of types of locks – that will help you as you decipher the clues (eg, is it a number lock, a letter lock, a key lock). All around the room there are clues to help you – make sure you pay attention.
- Once you leave the room, you are out of the activity.
- You have half an hour to complete these tasks.
- You can receive up to two clues from the teacher. Simply poke your head out of the door and call for me.
- If you break it, you bought it and need to replace it.
- You have half an hour. Can you beat that time?
Time it took to complete your breakout:
Final Destination: ______