Science 8 NGSS Syllabus

Mrs. Turski, Broncos Team

What is Science 8 NGSS?

California is in the process of transitioning to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). [These standards are posted on the government website [] under the Discipline Specific Model for Grade 8. This is a very exciting change to our traditional science program. The primary shift is the increase in student exploration and discovery and the decrease in teacher-driven instruction. The innovative NGSS lessons tie together science content, engineering practices, and the cross-cutting concepts in order to help students discover how real scientists do science.

This year we will examine how energy moves through our physical world. The six units of study are: Energy of motion; Gravity and Energy related to position; Electric and Magnetic energy and interactions; Waves transmitting Energy and Information; Thermal Energy and Heat Flow; and Chemical Energy and Reactions.

What is special about science?

Due to the nature of lab activities, it is necessary to be aware of the dangers that lurk in the science lab room, so any student who does not follow the safety rules and endangers the safety of others will be denied lab privileges and will get no credit for the missed lab experiences. Safety protocols and procedures will be taught and assessed prior to the first laboratory activity.

Behavioral Expectations

We will develop a Social Contract that guides how we treat each other and these will act as our rules for behavior. Additionally, all school-wide rules will be enforced including dress code policies (Refer to the Binder Reminder for details). My classroom procedures must be followed in order for all students to learn in a healthy and safe manner. Affirmations and positive rewards are given for compliance and participation during class. However, when consequences are needed, logical consequences will be assigned as appropriate. Possible consequences include “time out”, teacher-lunch detention, parent phone call, team conference, AP referral, or class suspension.

Required materials:

Binder Reminder ($5 replacement fee)

SSR reading book daily

Recommended student supplies

composition book [one per semester]
Personal earbuds / colored pencils/markers
calculator (cell phone okay)
Glue sticks or tape / several blue/black pens
pencils / zippered pouch or other to store supplies
Personal pencil sharpener / pocket folder

What types of assignments can I expect?

Generally there are several class activities each week. This is a very collaborative class and students will work daily with partners or small groups. Other assignments are reading and writing activities, practice problems, lesson presentations, group work, student presentations, and independent work. Expect vocabulary quizzes regularly and a test at the end of the units. We will be using individual Chromebooks during class and I recommend each student have their own set of earbuds to use. Loaner earbuds will be available.


tear-off to be returned by student

What about homework?

Homework is assigned as appropriate (up to 3 nights per week) to help students receive more practice with the current skill(s) or content we are working on in class, or additional time to complete in-class assignments, like lab write-ups. I try to keep the assignments to 30 min. or less. The assignment is due the following day to be checked and stamped. Students are responsible for keeping track of all their work.

What if I miss class?

Students are responsible for the make-up work. Check out the student resource table where I keep a master Binder Reminder and a master notebook (NB), which is available for you to catch up. Ask for copies of handouts and make-up times for missed quizzes, tests, or lab activities. Make-up labs/activities are offered during lunch within 2 days of the absence.

How is my grade determined?

The course grade is a composite of in-class notebook assignments, homework, labs, class assignments, essays, writing assignments, quizzes, unit tests, Engineering Challenge projects, internet assignments, etc. The grade breakdown is approximately as follows:

·  30% assignments (notebook, homework, computer assignments, SSR points, etc.)

·  30% labs

·  40% assessments (quizzes, tests, performance tasks)

Any complete late work will receive a 10% deduction if completed within 1 week prior to the unit assessment.

What if I need help?

I offer lunch-time assistance most days and by appointment. Students are welcome to come in for help or to have a quiet place to work. Our team offers afterschool Study Club Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday until 4:00. The school library is also open most days at lunch for computer time. My website [] contains the daily agenda, homework assignments, NB pages, and links to uploaded documents and videos links.

How can I be contacted?

I can be reached at school about 15 min. before school starts and usually after school until 4:00. Students can also find me in my room during brunch. Our team holds parent conferences on an as-needed basis. Contact the counselor, ______, or the team leader, Mr. Schulman, to schedule an appointment.

I encourage contact through e-mail () and my voicemail is (661) 250-0022 x7213. Consult Infinite Campus regularly for information and grade updates.

Please keep this syllabus for your records, but return the tear-off below.

Thank you.

Mrs. Turski


Student name: ______

____ We have read your class syllabus and are aware of your expectations.

Parent signature: ______

Name of primary parent contact: ______

Preferred parent contact method: ____ phone number: ______

_____ email: ______

What do you want me to know about your student?

Mrs. Turski Science 8