Basketball Risk Assessment

SITE / LOCATION: Stratford Leisure CentreDATE OF ASSESSMENT: September 2017




e.g office staff, students, operators, cleaners, contractors. No need to list names / EXISTING CONTROLS what precautions are already in place. e.g. information, training, procedures, operating manuals / ACTION REQUIRED What else can be done. e.g. remove risk, less risky alternative, prevent access, personal protective equipment, signage, instruction and training. / RESIDUAL RISK RATING
Fire / Participants – pupils and accompanying staff / Fire exits clearly marked and free from obstruction.
Fire Alarm system to detect fire & raise alarm
Practiced evacuation plan in place. / Stratford Leisure Centre to inform organisers of procedures to be followed in the event of a fire.
Schools advised of exits and assembly points prior to start. / Low
First Aid / Injury / Participants – pupils / First Aid Room & supplies on site. First Aider can be summoned when required.
Schools should bring own first aid kit. / Team Manager should have emergency contact details well as any relevant participant medical conditions of pupils.
Area checked by staff prior to use
Activity managed in accordance with ability of pupils and national guidelines
Ensure warm up / cool down to reduce risk of sprains / strains.
Pupils adhere to rules of competition
Participants advised regarding appropriate footwear
No eating in arena. Water only allowed in sports bottles and in designated areas away from courts
Experienced and qualified officials employed / Low
Equipment use and handling / Participants – pupils / Basketball goals are industry standard and adhere to goal post safety regulations.
Relevant sports facilities staff are trained how to handle: basketball backboards, seating and event equipment, / Equipment checked prior to use
Experienced and qualified officials employed
Pupils adhere to rules of competition / Low

This is a generic Sport Risk Assessment which identifies the common hazards and control measures associated with this type of event.

Before the event commences the Sports Lead will complete an on the day venue Risk Assessment and respond accordingly.

Review Date: Annually