Interviewing Children –Activity Sheet 2.6

Activity 2.6 Interviewing Quiz

Student name: ………………………………………… Date: ………………………………

Directions: Answer the followingverbally or in writing:
1. What document should always be completed before you go into aninterview with a child?
2. At the beginning of the interview, for what two activities do you need the child’s consent?
3. Name three things to include as part of the Introduction & Rapport stage?
4. What is a good Rapport Building prompt question?
5. What are the three focussed question starters when finding out more details about an Event?
6. What are the three elements of the Rules of Conversation?
7. Why don’t we ask “why” questions?
8. What are the TED words we can use to encourage the child’s free narrative?
9. Give an example of a good Door Opener question:
10. Name three things that are part of the Closure stage:
11. What are the three questions that we ask a child after a disclosure?
12. What three things do we need to remember to do with all information gatheringtools that we have used in an interview?


1. What document should always be completed before you go into an interview with a child?
Interview Preparation Checklist
2. At the beginning of the interview, for what two activities do you need the child’s consent?
To talk with the child & to record the interview.
3. Name three things to include as part of the Introduction & Rapport stage?
Introducing Self, Roles, Support Person, Recording, Consent, Name,
Family, Truth and Lies, Rules of Conversation, Rapport.
4. What is a good Rapport Building prompt question?
“Tell me something fun you like to do?”
5. What are the three focussed question starters when finding out more details about an Event?
What, Where, When
6. What are the three elements of the Rules of Conversation?
Don’t Know, Don’t Understand, and Don’t Want to Tell.
Also: If you say you don’t want to tell, I may have to come back and
ask you some more questions about that.
7. Why don’t we ask “why” questions?
Implies blame
8. What are the TED words we can use to encourage the child’s free narrative?
“Tell me more”
“Describe what happened next”
“Explain what happens when...”
9. Give an example of a good Door Opener question:
“I wasn’t there on …when …did …to you. Tell me everything that
happened from the start to the end.”
10. Name three things that are part of the Closure stage:
What’s going to happen now, Questions, Supports, Phone Number, Thank child, Neutral topic
11. What are the three questions that we ask a child after a disclosure?
1) Has this ever happened before with the POI
2) Has something like this ever happened before with anyone else?
3) Who else knows about this/what was said?
12. What three things do we need to remember to do with all information gathering tools that we have used in an interview?
Label, sign [Caseworker and child] and date

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